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About spudgy

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  1. Exactly :) .. Why did you move my post :( .. it was in the right place .. HELP is not what I need as I play the game normally anyway (Mainly because I'm sick of errors, crashes and lies about things in the game that are plainly BS) .. I just want those irrelevant out-of-date links to Rapidshare removed they are pointless. And I want those that DO work (if any) to be posted in 1 place so U can actually use them .. Or is this site not what this is all about ? Is that too hard to ask ?? :)
  2. Hi all.......... (I am a normal person, with a normal brain) ... One day you and I will come here and actually find a hack, hint or cheat program / Bot that ACTUALLY works here .. so far I have delved through the archives of new and old posts and found absolutely NOTHING that works. Enchantment help and hints (waste of time) mostly because I doubt that they ever worked as the were made up by individuals who like to raise your hopes up for the hell of it. Large Adena drops (waste of time) Unless you are admin or a GM (or on a server that has ridiculously large drops) -- FORGET IT. Help.HTM (never seen this working at all) Useless.. unless upgraded somehow so it does work . the files for the illusive Nwindow.DLL and Engine.DLL's (Hacked) are still beyond the reach of those that search senselessly through the archives. BUT .. If you DO find a working thread here (please let me know) without all that mucking about with HEX editors and script writing and other memory hacking programs (which you need to be a frigging scientist to know how to use). .. Let's keep it simple and easy.. If you have a Hack or Exploit that ACTUALLY works ... Post it in this thread and screw the rest of it. Oh and one last thing .. """WRITE IT IN ENGLISH FFS !!!!!!!!""" Luv you all ... :))
  3. LOL .. may as well close the thread !!! :)
  4. OOOooh I touched a nerve there for the Frenchies :) .. BTW .. Mr Francislaremote, the "OFFSET COLLECTION" by LordLiquid does NOT work. (Don't you think I already tried this ???). that is why I posted here !! and BTW it was in response to MAXTOR's previous post saying "try a memory search tool" which for me, wasn't very useful. So get off my back please !!!
  5. Any chance in the near future of updating that marvellous Help zip that you posted so that it works with updated servers ?? complete with working versions of Engine.dll .. Nwindow.dll ETC ETC .. would be nice .. otherwise .. may as well close the thread and put NOT WORKING !!! plastered all over it :)) .. Server in question (Too many) ..
  6. Well .. I would ,, but that tool wouldn't help me at all .. U see .. I'm not a programmer and I don't understand the workings of the game .. so it would be pretty useless anyway .. simplest would be to tell me please :))
  7. Anyone know the Offset for L2walker 10,6,1 ???? or do you need more info ?
  8. Any chance of not using Rapidshare ??? .. this doesn't do nothing .. I get nothing all I see is a screen advertising crap .. also when I did wait the 55 minutes .. NOTHING !!!! /// thanks
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