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Wars last won the day on May 3 2016

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  1. Grand Opening: 14 January at 16:00 (GMT-3). 3.000+ Players expected on the Opening! Website: http://www.l2wars.com/ Community: http://forum.l2wars.com/ Chronicles: Interlude. Grand Opening: 14 January at 18:00 (GMT-3). Server Beta Test: 06.01 - 08.01 at 20:00 (GMT-3). Gaming Patch: Untill 05 January at 18:00, 2016. Server Time: GMT-3. The Server conception and settings could be changed during the discussions and testing (including Open Beta Test). Rates: Exp: x75. SP: x75. Adena: x50. Drop: x10. Spoil: x10. Spoil (basic materials): x10. SealStones: x5. Raid Boss (chance): x3. Epic RB (chance): x1. Quest: x1. Quests with increased rates: Gather the Flames - rate x3, amount of Torch. Relics of the Old Empire - rate x3, amount of Broken Relic Part. Delicious Top Choice Meat - rate x3, amount of quest items. Alliance with Varka Silenos - rate x3, amount of quest items. Alliance with Ketra Orcs - rate x3, amount of quest items. War with Ketra - rate x3, amount of Molar of Ketra Orc. War with Varka - rate x3, amount of Varka's Mane. Heart in Search of Power - rate x3, amount of Gem of Submission (Gem of Saints). The Zero Hour - rate x3, amount of Stakato Fang. Informations: Auto learning skills. Auto loot. Official Files (L2OFF Files). 100% Working all Interlude Features. Full Buffers at NPC. 1 Hour Buffer Time, Summons Retail. The rent of Clan Halls was increased. No Donat things affect the game balance. The catacombs are open 24/7. Commands .expoff & .expon. Buffs Slots 21 + 4 (Divine Inspiration Free). Weight limit is increased twice. Epic Jewels Control on website. Gameplay: All races start at Elven Village. Starter package: TOP-NG equipment and NG soulshots/spiritshots. Greater Healing Potion, Mana Potion - at Shops of server for Adena. Block Buff: Available for every character. It blocks the adding of the buff effects from any other characters. Teleportation free for all Towns. Mana potion restore 1.500 MP with 6 sec cool-down. Does not work at the Olympiads. Cancel Advanced, buffs return after 15 seconds. Anti-bot (Smart-Guard). Disabled alliance between clans. Skill Restore Life was disabled from server. Seven Sings: Duration period - 7 days (4 days - period of struggle, 3 days - period of seals). Start of the first period - 16 January. Period of Struggle - from Monday 18:00 - till Friday 06:00. Period of Seals - from Friday 6:15 - till Monday 17:45. Traders: C-Grade and B-Grade by Adenas. A-Grade and S-Grade by Craft. Special Set S-Grade adquired by upgrade from S-Grade Retail + Boss Token (after 1 month). Recipes of A-Grade equipment (weapons, armor, jewelry) are sold in NPC for adena and ancient adena. Recipes of S-Grade, mined by quests. Enchants: Safe +3. Max Weapon: +16 Max Armor/Jewels: +12. Enchant Rate Retail. Learning professions: First occupation - 100.000 adena. Second occupation - 3.000.000 adena. Third occupation: - 15.000.000 adena. Getting a Sub Class: You can get sub class from NPC: Attention, the quest is not required! Attention! You are not required to hit raid bosses, talk to the chest that appears after death the raid is enough. To get you need tall of 4 Scepters and 100.000.000 adena; 75+ lvl. Scepter mined by killing raid bosses (to hit is not necessarily) and search the chest that appears (necessarily). Only characters level 75 + can find a scepter in the chest. Scepter is not passed / not for sale, you can only delete the. After the talk with a chest, the scepter appears in quest inventory. After that you'll get Cabrio Infernium Scepters and 250.000.000 adena, you should return to the NPC and with one click you will get a subclass. Getting a Noblesse: Nobless status can be obtained from NPC: Attention, the quest is not required! To get you need to have Nobless pass and 250.000.000 adena. Nobless pass mined by killing a raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel. Group whose hit kill raid gets Nobless pass. Nobless Pass is charged only to those participants "seek" a group who are on the subclass and have a 75 + level (subclass). Characters having the status of Noblesse can't get Nobless pass again. Uruka Boss Infos: Drop: Golds (Donate Coin) 1~15 100%. Drop: Surprise Box 1~5 100%. Enchants, Lifestones and Blesseds 1~3 100%. Located within the Gludio Castle. The area of the castle is Chaotic Zone. Respawn every 12 hours without random. Raid Bosses: 85 Level - Valakas: 264h Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Antharas: 192h Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Baium: 120 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Frintezza: 48 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Zaken: 48 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Queen Ant: 36 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Core: 48 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Orfen: 48 Hours (Random -1h +1h) Chaotic Zone. 80 Level - Ketra's Hero Hekaton 12 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Ketra's Commander Tayr 12 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Varka's Hero Shadith 12 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Varka's Commander Mos 12 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Varka's Chief Horus 12Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Flame Splendor of Barakiel: 8 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Cabrio: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Golkonda: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Hallate: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). 80 Level - Kernon: 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes). Others Bosses are Retail. Clan Halls: Minimal bet was increased by 10 times. The rent of clanhalls was increased by 25 times Only clans that reached level 7 can buy clan halls. For the seventh clan level necessary 20,000 Reputation Score, Minimum Number of Clan Members 80 or more. Max bet on Clan Halls: 999.999.999 Аdena. Olympiad: Start 01 February. Firs heroes 15 February. Cycle 14 days. Base Class registration only on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday: 02:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM (GMT-3). Monday to Friday: 04:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM (GMT-3). Saturday 04:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM (GMT-3). Sieges: Start 28 January. Schedule: 04:00 PM (GMT-3). Cycle 14 days, but each castle in a week, that is, we will have weekly. Available Castles: Aden and Giran. Payments in Dollars for each Siege.
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  2. We're with incentives for new clans! AIO Buffer free for 15 days for new clans that have at least 10 players online. Double XP / SP / Adena Active until 06/08. 50 % discount on items to A-S Grade Items until 06/08. 50 % discount in Nobless and Sub Class until 06/08. This is your chance to join in the greatest server in Latin America.
  3. Join this new community!
  4. The server is already a success, with more than 2000 Online Players! Join us. Let us together build the biggest and best L2 history server. Visit: www.L2Wars.com
  5. The big day is approaching! Make your registration and downloads on our website: www.L2Wars.com A new history will be rewritten.
  6. The creation of Chars is available! Come forward and will be one of the first to connect to the grand opening will be on Friday at 19:00 (GMT-3). Make your registration and downloads on our website: www.L2Wars.com A new history will be rewritten, you will also be part of it!
  7. The big day is approaching! Make your registration and downloads on our website: www.L2Wars.com A new history will be rewritten.
  8. Hello community! After the Beta test, we gather all the criticism and suggestions made by players. See our list of updates 1.0.
  9. Our beta is online, will be available until May 28, at 19:00 (GMT-3). Take, come test our files and configs. During beta you can farm the Green, Red and Blue letters in Hot Springs to trade them for Event - Medal. Characters with Event - Medal will receive 3 days of AIOx free at Live Server. To create your account and download our patch, visit our website: www.L2Wars.com Suggestions, discussion and reviews, please use our Forum: forum.L2Wars.com
  10. Downloads and Registrations are released. Visit our website for more informations! Our OBT will be on the 27th at 19:00 (GMT-3), Invite your friends, and participate.
  11. Our OBT was changed to the 27th of May. - Come test ours files and configs, soon more information. - We will have events in our OBT! Join. Come test ours files and configs and get AIOx Buffer for 3 days! The Open Beta Test will be on for 24 hours and begin at May 27 19:00 (GMT-3). The rates of OBT were set to 500x.
  12. Our official website is released! Soon the Register and Downloads will be available. We will have a small Beta on May 29, will do all the tests and help us create the biggest and best server!
  13. Thank you all! A new history will be rewritten.
  14. Video Promo: Informations: Server Platform: L2OFF Client: Interlude Rates: Exp: x50 SP: x50 Adena: x25 - x1 chance SealStones: x10 Quest: x1 Drop: x4 chance - x1 amount Spoil: x8 chance - 1x amount Spoil Basic Materials: x8 chance - x2 amount Boss Drop: 3x chance - x1 amount Epic Boss: 1x chance - x1 amount Quests with increased rates: Gather the Flames - rate x3, amount of Torch. Relics of the Old Empire - rate x3, amount of Broken Relic Part. Delicious Top Choice Meat - rate x2, amount of quest items. Alliance with Varka Silenos - rate x3, amount of quest items. Alliance with Ketra Orcs - rate x3, amount of quest items. War with Ketra - rate x3, amount of Molar of Ketra Orc. War with Varka - rate x3, amount of Varka's Mane. Heart in Search of Power - rate x2, amount of Bead of Obedience The Zero Hour - rate x2, amount of Stakato Fang. Legacy Of Insolence - rate x3, amount of Ancient Papyrus. Exploration os Giants Cave Part 1 - rate x3 of Ancient Parchment Exploration os Giants Cave Part 2 - rate x3 of Ancient Titan Book Gameplay: Mana Potion restores 700 MP with 8 sec cool-down Advanced Cancel, the Buffs return after 8 seconds Craft System A-S: Retail Original Weight limit is increased twice Realised skill Block Buff Max Alliance for Clan: 1 AIO System: 1 hour NPC Buffer: 1 hour Auto learning skills Offline shop Auto loot Epic Boss Respawn: Queen Ant: 36h / -1h +1h Orfen: 48h / -1h +1h Core: 48h / -1h +1h Zaken: 48h / -1h +1h Frintezza: 48h / -1h +1h Baium: 120h / -1h +1h Antharas: 192h / -1h +1h Valakas: 264h / 0h All Epic Boss are Chaotic Zone and Level 80 Boss Sub / Nobless Respawn: Shilen's Messenger Cabrio: 5h / 0h Death Lord Hallate: 5h / 0h Kernon: 5h / 0h Longhorn Golkonda: 5h / 0h Flame Of Splendor Barakiel: 5h / 0h The other boss are having the time of respawn retail Sub / Nobless: Thinking of bringing a bit of Nostalgia Lineage 2, we present Forbidden Gateway, a unique and special area of the server! Check the Mobs with Drops: [Trives] Level 76 - farm sub - 15% chance - x1 amount [Falibati] Level 76 - farm sub - 25% chance - x1 amount [Doom Knight] Level 76 - farm nob - 45% chance - x1 amount Subclass: 900 Tickets Subclass Nobless: 800 Tickets Nobless Nobody is forced to give away or go to farm, the player can make the quest normally Retail. It is an alternative option (theoretically much easier to do the Quest and depend on Barakiel) .This is a secondary way to get Sub and Nobless quest, the retail is available also! Learning Professions: First occupation - 50.000 adena Second occupation - 500.000 adena Third occupation - 10.000.000 adena Other: Sieges 15-15 days, the winners won $ 100 for each castle Enchants (A and S), blessed enchants (A and S) and Lifestones level 76 can be adquired only by farm in Hot Spring Olympids with 30 days. Monday to Friday - 20:00 23:59 (GMT-3) Saturday and Sunday - 18:00 23:59 (GMT-3) Seven Sings Info: Event starts every Monday 18:00 (GMT-3) Seal starts every Friday at 18:00 (GMT-3) Server Timezone: Brasilia time GMT-3 Hot Springs with Double XP Enchant Max: +12 Enchant Safe: +3 Uruka Boss: Uruka is the server Special Boss, the one where can be purchased Enchants (A and S), Blessed Enchants (A and S) and Lifestones Level 76. Respawn time: 4h Location: Inside the Gludio Castle Drops: 1-9 Surprise Box (33%) 454-545 - Farm Sub (100%) 353-535 - Farm Nob (100%) 3-9 Golds (11%) We will not have any unique item for donations, everything can be achieved within the game, including the donation of money (Gold). The doors of the Castle will always be open and no NPCs, the area will be Chaotic Zone. For more information visit: Site - www.L2Wars.com Community - forum.L2Wars.com
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