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About Cyberbata

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  1. nope it's not working for me either...after i press run button on walker 2 sec later waker crashes. i have win 7 x64 ultimate and play on DN server
  2. Zooom...everyone talks after ur guide abt. 2 pc or 1 pc and virtual machine otherwise wont work. so If i have wrong so sry man. my mistake.
  3. Zooom yes is ur guide but ur guide need 2 pc or 1 pc whith virtual machine but i use only 1 pc... :) or i have wrong??
  4. If u have problem whith GameGuard and u run Vista. Before u start Walker.exe... Make walker kompatible whith Windows XP and then start walker.
  5. i try it to run but i got a faild msg. The GameGuard file is damaged. Please reinstall GameGuard. what i have done wrong?? Help pls
  6. so if i have right now...u have 2 system folders in L2 dir? 1. Baka (system) 2. Walker (system clean folder) 2.
  7. thanx... Do i run BAKA-ICE Folder on virtual machine or my regular pc? and i instal proxier on my regular pc or virtual machine?
  8. Hello to all!! Listen ppl i'm new abt. walker...so i have download all this files + virtual machine. so my questen is..all those file L2arv, l2fork, proxier, host and walker where i install them? on my pc or virtual machine? and where i have bake ice folder on pc or virtual machine? and where i have walker folder on pc or machine? plz help ps. i play on DN
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