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Everything posted by mikegwgw22

  1. Yes i dont want pvp zone...i want only duel....Not pvp...Only the duel command...please someone help me
  2. Hey guys this time i really need one hand of help!If someone knows how can i transfer any of the peacful zones to zones with duel command please tell me..I really want duel in that zones! Thanks..
  3. Hey guys i am working to my custom community board and i cant find the way to add some links for transfer you to internet...This need core development or html leasons?Someone send me a code..Thanks for help!
  4. I want to edit my login screen(I want to change the logo)on my hi5 client but i dont know what programs i must to use..Guys if someone know please help me!
  5. I find this.I want to tell that upnp is too difficult to open auto ports.I opened the upnp but it was needed and other configuration from modem(each modem and onother configuration)(I never logged in my server).So use the classic method and open ports!Lock this topic please!
  6. Ok then i checked from another computer and not on mine(not and the vote system was worked perfectly like sugar!10000000 thanks to maxcheaters forum and it's members.Thanks all for this unique help!!!:) :)
  7. you mean my admin control panel???(my modem?)
  8. Hey there i search all over the internet but i didnt find something about uPnP.How to login in our server???I must open ports???(2106,7777,9014) or need to open uPnP only??Help me.Thanks
  9. You are right but i believe that he can make a beta or a test code for us to test it and coding something by myselfs!
  10. oo my god....this engine is also with payment...why?
  11. Anyone on maxcheaters have seen this code??Museum ranks every day,week,monthly and skills-class balance with configs in the server!!I believe with these features you can be unique!
  12. ok i will test it right now from another pc...If it works perfectly i will told us here...If not I will post image for solution..Anyway thanks all for your help!
  13. so nevermore,its l2jsunrise rev 254...It will work if i test it from another pc?(I mean .getreward with l2top.co trick).
  14. Also i mean the .getreward vote system with l2top.co cheat trick
  15. ok..then this .getreward voice command works perfect but i must open the server with my external ip?????how can i test it?I mean that i want to vote is someones site and see that is working perfectly...I dont want to open online the server with no vote system!I will really cry :(
  16. Please somebody help me here..Dont flame..
  17. come on i have already make this pack on my needs..I cant change that pack..The problem is because i open the server on localhost maybe??and the vote system reads the localhost's ip?
  18. Hi everyone i have the l2j sunrise project pack but the command for votes reward .getreward dont work on me(i press it but tell me every time that i have not give the vote).Can someone give me a advice or help?Thanks for all..
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