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vangu last won the day on March 22 2017

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About vangu

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  1. hey guys, iam looking to sell my last account on skelth. 71 necro +6 kamian set +5 deadman staff mix of b/a grade jewelery +6 avadon robe around 4kk adena and lots of xp scrolls in wh 50 pw full plate set crystal dagger c grade jewels around 1kk adena and some xp scrolls in wh ill consider tradeing this account for classic.club accounts/items/adena 175$ through Paypal Friends and Family option only
  2. Hey guys, time has come to sell my last account on Skelth. 71 Necro +5 top c staff lvl 7 cast speed rune +6 karmian set +6 avadon robe(rest of set +0-+3) +0 demon set +0-+3 mix of top b and top a jewelery lots of random items/mats/recs in WH, including 28 100% xp scrolls 70+ 30/45% xp scrolls about 7kk adena 51 PW full plate set Crystal dagger top c jewlery about 3kk on char aswell as a bunch of xp scrolls. Both chars are on the same account. 275€ or Trade for Classic.club account/items/adena
  3. Trusted user. smooth deal easy to work with would recommend to anyone !
  4. Sold ty.
  5. you clearly dont know how it works, ive sold adena to "russians" for 15% cut so if they want 115 i would get 97$ so its not really a good deal to sell it to you for 80 and loose 17$ on it :P but hey gl with it maybe someone prefere to sell to you then to the "russians" iam not trying to "bash" you, just statng a fact that your math is wrong and if someone else might not have sold adena to the adena sellers they mght know know that they can make more money selling to the adena sellers.
  6. Hey, iam looking for a few classic.club accounts. mostly looking for the following: 70+ bd/sws/tank/summoner 66+ se/ee/bp//wc/pp/ol i dont mind if the account is naked or if it comes with gear both are fine, if you have any of the following send me a pm with char details and price for it. keep in mind if you send me a msg from a brand new account here on mxc and expect me to go first your just wasting your time, iam willing to use a middleman service from this site.
  7. not looking for adena.
  8. Updated with a price as ppl keep asking me for a price.
  9. Hey guys, Looking to sell my Core ring on skelth Classic server. LvL 2 Core Ring SOLD Price is not set in stone and iam allways open for offers. Accepting Payal (f&f) or Skrill or WU, iam open to use a middelman if you prefere that.
  10. you can think what you want, the fact is the guy whos been playing it for a few weeks now wasent the owner untill recently, he wasent sure he wanted it but he made up his mind and now its his.
  11. SpellHowler have been Sold.
  12. Hey guys, as topic says looking to sell my Account on Skelth. 73 SpellHowler, Naked (40+ xp scrolls) SOLD 40 Sorc, naked LvL 2 Core Ring on Skelth! Id trade it for a high lvl PP, or sell it for $$ or adena i havent set a fixed price so send me an offer and we can take it from there, i wont answere to lowball offers so dont waste your and mine time makeing one. Accepting Paypal (f&f) or Adena on Skelth.
  13. Hey guys, iam looking for a 55+ summoner on skelth, prefere it to be a Phantom summoner but others will do aswell, if you got one that are close to 55 i might be interrested aswell. send me msg with what you have and your asking price.
  14. any chance u can do powerlevel from 33?
  15. hey, looking for a 52+ se, naked
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