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  1. Oh boy, you look like a really angry and aggressive person. I can stand such brutality. Someone should really call the Testoterone Ambulance.
  2. Check out our events Winners on 5v5 : Primezero Smarty Iza Shiny Ch Event 1v1 : 1st : Oriney 2nd : Drax 3rd : Psyko We are gonna organize more kind of events,alot of more! #Staytuned #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team Web Site http://www.l2crabbed.com/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCW_442dY1jkqoA9bpzkTA
  3. Check this out : Event 3vs3 Korean style Clan Event Siege Rune Castle #Staytuned #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team Web Site http://www.l2crabbed.com/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCW_442dY1jkqoA9bpzkTA
  4. Check this out : Event 3vs3 Korean style Clan Event Siege Rune Castle #Staytuned #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team Web Site http://www.l2crabbed.com/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCW_442dY1jkqoA9bpzkTA
  5. Greeting Crabbers!! Our morning restart will come with many new changes made for good. -Blazing Swamp (Solo Zone) heavily reworked. -Character stuck bug after logged out in an instance has been fixed -many item changes -check out change log for more information #Staytuned #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team Web Site http://www.l2crabbed.com/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCW_442dY1jkqoA9bpzkTA
  6. Check out review about our Grand opening! #Stay tuned #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team Web Site http://www.l2crabbed.com/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCW_442dY1jkqoA9bpzkTA
  7. We are gonna work the solo farm too,we are trying to balance every class.
  8. Drop a message on our skype crabbed.support or follow this guide out. 1. Delete System. 2. Run the updater. 3. Let the updater finish the first automatic files' check. 4. Press FULL CHECK. 5. Wait 3-5 minutes to full check, then press Start. If the above steps doesnt solve your problem, follow those steps. 1. Go to your default Lineage Directory. (EXAMPLE: C://Program Files/Lineage II/ 2. Delete ALL THE CONTENTS of Lineage II folder. 3. Install a clean client or download our full client_patch_updater from here. 4. Run the updater. 5. Full Check 6. Press Start. Failing to follow those steps 1 by 1 can lead to any client crashes.
  9. The weekend went really well,we got a good affluence. Thanks all to join L2crabbed. #Stay tuned #StayCrabbed http://www.l2crabbed.com/ https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/
  10. Hello everyone this is our first clan event. To celebrate our Grand Opening, we are going to host an aim for clans which will be rewarded to those who achieve it. The first 2 weeks of the normal operation of our server, there will not be any Sieges/Olympiad running. Our first siege is planned for 8-9 of October. If a clan manages to register for any Castle Siege and has more than 15 members online, petitions will be up and a GM will reward your clan either with a clan hall for 2 weeks, or with 3k Clan Reputation points. Clan members have to be controlled from different players, and not dual/triple/quadra boxing. Players trying to cheat will get their whole clan punished. So play fair. http://l2crabbed.com/forum/clans-board/clan-event/msg1721/#new
  11. Elven Elder & Shilien Saint Class Preview #L2crabbed
  12. Check out and share our first Promo! It's Official,L2Crabbed is going to open on 24th of September! Be ready for the Grand Opening! Time : 14 GMT+3 http://www.l2crabbed.com/ https://www.facebook.com/L2Crabbed/ Follow us, #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team
  13. It's Official,L2Crabbed is going to open on 24th of September! Be ready for the Grand Opening! Time : 14:OO GMT+3 #StayCrabbed #L2Crabbed Team
  14. Be there,be the first who will join our Server on our second Beta Stage. Our BETA testers will receive a nice reward when the server will go LIVE. Patch and Updater will be given to players 4 hours before the BETA stage. Don't miss it! #L2Crabbed Team
  15. First L2Crabbed's Beta Review. We would thanks everyone joined to our beta. #L2Crabbed Team
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