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Posts posted by chris08

  1. Hi guys,I'm thinking to create a serious server with donate.But I mean really serious.I don't know if there are many people who play L2 now,but to be honest I like this game although is quite old.


    So back to bussiness,I'm looking for good dedicated servers.

    If anyone knows how can I create a donation system so the people who donated can get automatically staff they ordered.


    I really liked L2 Elite in the past,but I'm planning to create it in l2j,since I don't know nothing about l2 off.

    How can I create a beautiful webpage?(I only know about ucoz :(.This will ruin the server,I know.


    I want seriously to blow away the competition in Hopzone.I'm thinking about a mid rate server maybe xp100,but really close to the official.And maybe another fun server x5000.


    *I don't want to create the servers in order to play for my self,to have heroes players and fun with my friends.I see it strictly as bussiness.Even if I can earn in the beggining about 40 euros or 30 I would be extremely happy.


    I really appreciate your help and I'm looking forward to your opinions.Pls be serious to your replies.Thanks for all.

  2. I log in from the Internet cafe again.I will try with cookies and I will tell you.Too bad I'm little noob.


    --->Problem solved.But wtf happened with Feelmyspells,maybe I could claim his account...


    Anyway I'm happy again.

  3. Look guys my brother is Feelmyspells has an account of 700 posts.Some smart guy banned him for reason bb.Now he left and studies in university and left his pc to me.


    When I try to login I can't even with my account.So I need to go  the internet cafe to see the webpage.


    pls do something so I can join from my computer.I can't even create a new account from my pc.

  4. Agree with the author easily.Does anyone play here in official to see how the things are?

    Kamaels are not strong,(you won't see many  Kamaels in towns:))dwarfs are just only for crafting and sieges,totally crap and unpowerful the worst race.Now 20% of the players in officials servers are innactive.I had a lot of friends who just left and we don't see new players.To reach the 80th level is so godamned hard and boring...

  5. Hi guys i have mordaneus pack and i want to make a server in dedicated.Mordaneus is already preconfigured but i added some things on my own.is this preconfigured possible to stand up in dedicated i mean to create it with mysql?Pls how i do that,i am noob.tell me pls.


    I have made changes to this preconfigured and when i put it to another pc i want to keep 'em.what can i do?

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