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Posts posted by chris08

  1. Yeap maybe this is my goal,about a serious webpage :).


    I have already set up my server,I mean in my computer and I will start doing tests about different things.


    But still in tops of Hopzone.net I see some servers like L2 Sexi(How can somebody play there?)I mean almost every server is just crap.I can't stand this anymore,ppl with +46 weapon,and many other crazy staffs.That's why I wanted to create a serious server with normal gameplay.

  2. I have already made my decision and I will raise money,work the project and probably I will set it up.I will work the server and my friend from Greece will set up the webpage who is a programmer.Now because I live in Sweden I have a bank account,not credit cards.Can Hetzner take money from there?


    my budget 1000.00 kr=111.38€ monthly

    this means 538.68 kr =60€ per month=server maintenance+webpage.

    first payment 2000.00 kr=222.77€


    So will Hetzner accept my kronor?


    If yes what do you suggest Linux(I don't know how to build on linux server)isn't the same as Windows?


    Win32 or Win64?


    But are you sure that in this one can I setup l2 server?

    Root Server EQ 4


  3. I 've searched a lot and Hetzer is far the best for WoW server and l2 and for others games also.


    I'm thinking about the first payment which is 200€.That's the only sad thing that troubles me.As for the server I had already prepared it about a year ago and it was Interlude.


    But L2 game is still active?I mean are there many players out there?,because I think in the past 2006 and 07 was one of the greatest MMO,but now I see that it's downfall began from 2008 and every year it's worse or it isn't?I really don't know about that fact.


    I've also found this one http://iweb.com/dedicated/smart-servers/ with 99 dollars per month.It's advertised here also.

  4. This means RAM: 2 x 1024MB = 2?


    Hetzner is great but the fact that the first 150€ + 50=200€.+ webpage is a lot of money,for me.


    What all this mean?This is when I try to order from hostyourdream.com


    If you want to install a free panel like Webmin select this (FREE)

    Direct Admin €10.00 EUR

    Cpanel €28.00 EUR

    OS - Windows 2003 €13.00 EUR

    Server Network Speed: Included 100 Mbit Port (FREE)

    Extra Network Speed 1.000Mbit Port €10.00 EUR.

  5. In this one can I set up my server and start from there?


    http://www.hostyourdream.net/ here in this site in the one with just 8.90 euros per month can I put a Lineage server there and run smoothly?(just for the start of it.)


    As for the server it would be Interlude,because I think is the best choice.


    I'm looking so low price at first because is a risk to buy a good dedicated from the very first day.Thank all for your replies,opinions and help ;).

  6. Cool,


    Can I choose this one,or is it only for websites?with 49 euros I mean.I don't undertand nothing about dedicated and although I know some Swedish I can't understand German:(.





    I have also found this dedicated pc from tophost.

    AMD 64 4600+

    2 x 1024MB this is 2g RAM?

    Operating System:Debian, openSuSE, Ubuntu, CentOS, FreeBSD

    Windows 2008 Web Edition +€20/month I don't know what is this.

    Windows 2008 STD edition +€30/month

    Traffic: 2 TB

    OnBoard LAN: 1 GBit (100 Mbps)

    FTP Backup: 100 GB

    Network availability: 99%

    Hardware Replacement: 10h x 5

    Data Center: Germany

  7. Yes I know they have already helped me a lot. :P.Now I'm just thinking the whole situation and  my financial status.(of course I could pay up to 80 euros per month and the host company).


    By 85% probably I will set up the server and run it normally.


    Now about what chronicle would be the most successful?


    Interlude I think is cool but is quite old.


    Maybe Freya would be better?,because it's new and have more features.



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