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  1. Happy for making business with you.
  2. WTS Characters : Prophet 56 Without equip, clean english nickname (no XxX and etc) Most skill learned and maxed (DW, Haste, Mystic Immunity) +12 WIT Subscribe 5days Elven Elder 59 Without equip, clean english nickname (no XxX and etc) Most skill learned and maxed Subscribe 22days Necromancer 60 Without equip, clean english nickname (no XxX and etc) Most skill learned and maxed Subscribe 7days Bladedancer 60 Without equip, clean english nickname (no XxX and etc) Most skill learned and maxed Subscribe 7days WTS Gear/Stuff : Avadon robe set x2 (B gr) Zubei heavy set (B gr) Katana*Katana +6 (C gr) Ghoul Stuff +7 (C gr) Valhalla Sword +3 (B gr) Adamantine (B gr) jewels Top C +4 jewels Adena We are open for offers/trade For price PM here or skype : Diaholls
  3. eminemce bow +4 skelth paypal or skrill pm forum
  4. wtb crafter 55+ skelth pm here
  5. wtb 30kk pm
  6. add 44 sws
  7. adena sold
  8. upd : 23 day subscription adena 1kk = 15$
  9. upd : composite heavy set (full) / theca leather set (full) char +equip / naked
  10. all sold
  11. +40 spelsinger naked sold!
  12. тут запрещенно апать вручную, в бан уйдешь, земеля. ап только кнопкой в левом, верхнем углу.
  13. all sold
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