The Story:
Prologue: The Coming Dark to the Kingdom of Aden.
One Day, darkness come to the Aden kingdom,To once again engulfed the whole world After a cruel battle the kingdom finally succumbed. Heroes fought for Aden, how could to defeat the army of darkness, but they fail. Army of Darkness swallowed the last remaining piece of the Kingdom. And our world is no more same.
There was a time of darkness and the hero's are disappeared. A few daredevils rose against Darkness,but they were defeated and executed. Almost a year has passed and the Kingdom had a baby. It was an exceptional child. The child have aden symbol on his right elbow. This child had the blood of his father,he fought to the death against the army of Darkness. He came with a race of people,the mightiest warrior in the kingdom. His mother was an elf, hidden rise of the elves.
Prophet, who was executed dark lord Zaramoth, this part of the story foretold. Without anything said to dark lord, took his secrets to the grave. The only person who know this is still alive. When she saw the emblem of Aden on her child, her eyes lit up.
Passed nearly 18 years and the child is transformed into a vigorous man, according to the prophet, he was to lead the other heroes against the dark lord Zaramoth.
"Flash" memory of mother to the Prophet conditions.
One day the darkness come into our world. Let your husband no matter how powerful, he can't stop the darkness with his friend's. He succumbs and will be killed. Occurs in the dark ages, before a child comes into the our world. With a emblem on his right hand. It will be a emblem of Aden Kingdom. On when he will be 18 years old, the sky turns into a bloody war paint. And he will be the one who will fight back for the Kingdom against the Darkness. From the sky falls down 16 stars of hope. And the world will no longer be what we know today. Each of these stars will bring a new element for the future world.
These stars and heroes pushed through the darkness of the future world. Be careful, goodbye ...
The mother realized the boy at birth, he will be the one who leads the kingdom army against the dark lord Zaramoth.
Ever since his 4 years he taught martial arts elves and humans,over 12-years of a young boy became an admirable fighter which dominated the martial arts people and elves.
Quote boy "retaliation could start" The thought of his father, his eyes lit up and he went out looking for more heroes.
Chronicle Interlude
Rates :
50x Experience
50x Skillpoints
50x Adena Rate
2x Party Exp
2x Party Sp
1x Drop
1x RB Drop
1x WRB Drop
Characters Stats :
160x bag Slots
Increased Weight Limit
Automatically Subclass
Enchant Stats :
70% Normal enchant
70% Blessed Enchant (When it fails, it gives your item to +4)
Save enchant:
Save +3
Save full +4
Max enchant:
Weapon +16
Armor +18
World Raid Boss :
Ant Queen 80LVL respawn every 19+4 random hours
Baium 80LVL respawn every 5days+4 random hours
Valakas 80LVL respawn every 8days+4 random hours
Antharas 80LVL respawn every 8days+4 random hours
Frintezza 80LVL respawn every 2days+4 random hours
Zaken 80LVL respawn every 19+4 random hours
Core 80LVL respawn every 27+4 random hours
Every RB can drop donate coins for donate items.
PvP title color system:
PvP reward system:
Reward for pvp points = Gold PvP Point
These items will be needed for shopping.
Don't cheat with PvP points!
Cheating = - 1 enchant/delete equip
Banking system:
.deposit = 1 goldbar
.withdraw = 500 million
Away system:
(only in Peace zone)
AntiBot System
There will be a table, you must choose right word.
L2W, L2net - off
No support on server
Trade: player x GM is off
IF player has item enchanted more than max enchant = auto destroy item + ip ban
Trying to bug = autojail
Transfer class quests done by 1 click (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Custom zones
Globak GK
Full buffer
14days ollympiad period
Event: TvT, CTF, DM
Champion mobs
Offline trade / craft system
Wedding system: ON
Every Hour saving database.
No rollbacks.
All players account,characters, clan is safety on our server.
custom zones, own globak GK, Buffer, Master Work shop, GmShop.
No dynasty or pure and other.
Server restart every 12 hours, for safe data and make-it faster.
Noblesse can be maked by quest.
All quest work without problem.
Gms are still working on some problems, but server runs lagg less and its fun..
Gm shop is to A grade, and S grade is obtainable custom way, of normal way.
Custom zone drops end mats like ( Mithril Alloy,..)
Main towns are occupied by a lot of enemy mobs and Rbs