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Posts posted by L2Osiris

  1. To give starting adena you must either;

    Make an extender which supports adding multiples of items.

    Make a new item which when clicked on gives you x adena, similar to the Compressed Packages of soulshot/spiritshot.

    Or Simply, edit the lin_CreateChar procedure in database. The easier way for me ^^


    Have Fun!

  2. adimage-0794278001473796375.gif


    L2Osiris Gold Like Server


    Official Opening Date: 30 September 2016 20:00 GMT+2


    General Information:

    We have setup our server based on real L2-Gold Files.
    The server running under L2OFF Server.
    Actually it is a C4 Server on Interlude client. We hope to enjoy your stay with old l2gold features.



    Experience (XP): x45
    Skill Points (SP): x50
    Drop (Adena): x50


    Enchant System:

    Enchant rate is retail.
    Safe Enchant Armor amount: +3
    Safe Enchant Weapon amount: +3
    Safe Enchant Jewels amount: +3
    Safe Enchant Full Armor(body) amount: +4
    Enchant rate for fighter weapons from +4 to +15 = 70% Chance from +15 = 35% Chance.
    Enchant rate for mage weapons from +4 to 15 = 40% Chance from +15 = 20% Chance.


    Custom Items:

    Apella Armors - can be upgraded from S grade armors by using Refining System.
    L2Weapons Weapons - can be dropped from the raid bosses.
    L2Weapons Shields - can be dropped from the raid bosses.
    L2Weapons Jewels - can be dropped from the raid bosses.


    Custom Areas:

    Aden Castle Town - Main Server Town
    Giants Cave - Solo & Party Farm
    Heine - Olympiad Zone
    Giran Harbour - Shop Zone
    Bandits Stronghold - Clan hall/castle owners can buy there cool stuff.


    Boosted Classes:

    Sword Singer: have 2nd Songs with boosted stats, Fatal Strike, Rush of Doom, boosted Aggro.
    Spectral Dancer: have 2nd Dances with boosted stats, Triple Slash, boosted Aggro.
    Hierophant: Pof buff can heal, 2nd buffs with boosted stats.
    Eva Saint: Party recall to towns/hunting zones/siege area.
    Shillien Saint: Powind buff can heal, CP Battle Heal, Clan CP Heal, Group CP Heal, 2nd buffs with boosted stats.
    Summoner's: have boosted buffs for pets.
    Tyrant: Fist Fury & Totems working with all weapons.
    Destroyer: Frenzy working with all weapons.
    Dreadnought: Thrill Fight working with all weapons.


    NPC Buffer & Buffs:

    NPC Buffs: 1 Hour
    Pet Buffs: 2 Minutes
    3rd Class Buffs: 5 Minutes
    Ressist Buffs: 20 Minutes




    Class Change:

    As soon as your character is lvl20/lvl40/lvl76 or above, you are able to do the 1st/2nd and 3rd occupation change. This can be done at the NPC job changer “Carola” who stands next to the church entrance in Aden & Giran Castle Towns.


    Craftable S Grade SA:

    Special Abilities on S grade weapons can be obtained through craft. The recipes you need are dropped from mobs in Giants Cave. You will need a Warsmith/Maestro lvl 78 with create lvl 8 in order to use the recipes.


    Custom Nobless System:

    - Death Lord Hallate blckcrown.jpg

    - Kernongoldcrown.jpg

    - Longhorn Golkonda redcrown.jpg

    - Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio silvercrown.jpg

    Once you’ve collected all the items and your character is lvl78, you can go to the Noblesse NPC “Eddy Wally” who's located on the stairs in Aden Town, and become a Noblesse.



    Olympiad time: 19:00-20:00 GMT+2
    Olympiad period: 7 days (Weekly)
    Olympiad is non class based.
    A Grade Items
    No limit enchant
    Boosted Hero Weapons


    Custom NPC's:

    - Weapon Shop
    - Armor Shop
    - Misc. Shop
    - Event Shop
    - Class Changer
    - Mantra Manager
    - Rebirth Manager
    - AIO Buffer
    - Custom Gatekeeper (Belladona)
    - Nobless Manager



    All raid bosses are with custom drops: L2Osiris Weapons-Shields-Jewels, S grade weapons, S grade weapons w/SA, materials, Blessed enchant scrolls, Books of Giants, Event Medals Epic Raid Bosses are in Chaotic zones with more boosted drops & Chance. Raid bosses cannot be moved from spawn more then 9k range.


    Epic Raid Bosses
    Valakas Respawn: 168hour Random: 1hour
    Antharas Respawn: 72hour Random: 1 hour
    Baium Respawn: 72hour Random: 1hour
    Zaken Respawn: 42hour Random: 1hour
    Queen Respawn: 72hour Random: 1hour
    Core Respawn: 42hour Random: 1hour
    Orfen Respawn: 42hour Random: 1hour

    Highrate Raid Bosses
    Anakim Respawn: 20min
    Lilith Respawn: 20min

    Noblesse Raid Bosses
    Domb Death Cabrio Respawn: 3hour Random: 1hour
    Golkonda Longhorn Respawn: 3hour Random: 1hour
    Hallate The Death Lord Respawn: 3hour Random: 1hour
    Kernon Respawn: 3hour Random: 1hour

    Raid Bosses
    Antaras Cloe Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Beastlord Behemoth Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Bloody Empress Decarbia Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Bloody Tree Vermilion Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Cherub Garacsia Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Demonic Agent Falston Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Gargoyle Lord Tiphon Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Geyser Guardian Hestia Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Hope Immortality Mardil Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Ipos The Death Lord Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Ketra Chief Brakki Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Ketra Commander Tayr Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Ketra Hero Hekaton Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Last Lesser Glaki Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Last Lesser Olkuth Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Palibati Queen Themis Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Raid Boss Von Helman Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Shuriel Fire Of Wrath Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Storm Winged Naga Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Vanor Chief Kandra Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Varka Chief Horuth Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Varka Commnder Mos Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour
    Varka Hero Shadith Respawn: 6hour Random: 1hour


    Custom Events:

    High Rate Events

    Raidboss Events

    Team Vs Team Events

    DeathMatch Events



    Server Website: http://www.l2osiris.com

    Server Forums: http://www.l2osiris.com/forum

    Skype: l2osiriscom



    Join us Now!



  3. Stfu man i gave you tona of details i told you, talk with fr3dbr to see if i am not real or not. I wont continue this anymore. Stupid person if fellwind as you say was polish you have any screen which i am talking on polish? Also you remember any forum post by exposer or you remember any character exposer IG?


    The server was hosted on ngz-server.de. no ddos protection for that days. Did you remember how much ddos shutdowns i had? I told you exactly what kind of extenders i used. Nothing more to discuss.... i won't continue this. Write anything you want.

  4. What the fuck? If he was my friend he can contact with me in my skype.


    ALSO! You can contact with Fr3DBr to check if i am the real l2osiris administrator.


    That's all... rly

  5. Let me enlight you with some answers, ofcourse not all of them because after that you will tell me "yea sure I know that but I didn't told you".


    First of all your =HGM= which was not named like that was Fellwind and not DarkAngel. Fellwind was Polish and he was your friend I double answered you. 

    Anubis, Majka were also your moderators but ofcourse you won't remember them because you're not the real administrator you are just a wannabe administrator. Both of them had access in game not just on forum, Majka had builder 2.

    - The english you're writing currently does not match with the old english I remember.

    - Ofcourse you do not remember me, you don't remember such a thing because you are not the real administrator, I assume you don't remember what forum/ingame name you had in 2007. 

    Just to mention a second thing, "your" server was online in 2008-2009 and 2010 than "you" closed due lack of community. (ironic thing, you didn't own such a project hilarious no?)


    Have a good day sir just stop fooling around, create your own server, based on L2Osiris if you want.

    I have some feelings that you're the guy that created L2Vendetta couple weeks ago don't you? 


    Learn to create your own project, stop claiming or pretending it belongs to you.


    Best regards.


    What the fuck are you talking about??? My server was closed on November 2007. After that some people took an another domain and recreated it. I told you, if you knew me my msn/skype now is the same send me pm. Check it out by yourself. That's all i can say. I should remeber the moderators which i had? I stopped to have contacts with them after the server end. Actually the Fellwind was MY nickname and i wasn't polish.


    As i told you my msn is still the same. Send me pm to talk there.


    Btw, no relation with L2Vendetta.


    PS: My best friend was Phantom2005 which owned l2max.com that days..... you can contact with him too.

  6. Btw  i don't believe that flag counter(in all i servers i don't),but even if i do believe these visitors,19k first flagfor 2 days of advertise  are way too much don't you think?


    We will have great online players from that country =)

  7. - Trick question because i didn't said my real name ever....

    - Same here

    - =HGM=DarkAngel

    - Not, i met him on the web, and he was REALY good at his work that's why i made him HGM

    We had 5 GMs (Admin, HGM, and 3GMS, after first month i kicked one GM because he took stupid actions).

    I do not remember modarators names, but i remember that i had 2 forum moderators (without gm char).

    - At 2009 the server wasn't existed. I closed the osiris server at November 2007.

    - Sorry, but i do not remember you.


    Btw, this was my old site template: http://falconhq.eu/l2/27-html-template-9.html


    Have a nice day! ;)

  8. Actually is the same server with old days, i just moved the npcs to other place (giran harbor from giran town) and i made the nobless/subclass quest more easy). Also i put a new economy system (better than the old one), everything get updated why not my old features?




    We will be happy to see all old players again here!!

  9. The last osiris, I was playing there. When it was almost dead, or when it was dead. I heard that they sold the site and files (most likely) to some pl guys. :>


    For the record, nothing was sold. Some people just bought an another domain like l2osiris.net and started the same server again (without my features). Then after years my original domain was bought from an advertising company because i didn't renew it. But, before 2 months i decided to re-start the server with many new things inside. So i logged on some servers took some ideas and i started developing again.

  10. Clearly not.


    Clearly yes,

    on my old server, i had some things different as Giran Main Town, less custom npcs. Titanium Armor (Apella Style), Custom Weapons (Dusk shield and etc...). The custom armors was gained by materials from npcs. PvP spot was MoS. The old l2osiris started as C4 at 2007, got upgraded after 2 months to C5 (with a chinese extender) and then after 1 month got updated to interlude (dVampire extender). You want more proofs ^^.

  11. logo.png

    Website: http://www.l2osiris.com

    Forums: http://forum.l2osiris.com

    Control Panel: http://panel.l2osiris.com



    Server Opening Date: 26 / 02 / 2016 at 19:00 GMT!



    Ceriel (x35) Server Information:


    - EXP: x35
    - SP: x35
    - Adena: x35
    - Drops: x5
    - Spoil: x5

    Custom Control Panel

    - Server Ranks (Top PVP/PK, Castle Control, Seven Signs Info, Clan Halls)
    - Top Adena Ranking
    - Epic Jewel Owners
    - Auction House (Buy/Sell Items)
    - Nwatch System

    Based on Interlude Official Files

    - 100% L2OFF Intelude Server Platform.
    - 99% Interlude Drops/NPCs/Items/Quests/Areas.
    - 99% Interlude Geodata.
    - Lag Free!
    - Professional Anti-DDos Protection!

    Custom NPC's

    - NPC Buffers (up to 2nd class Buffs - Also we provide scheme system for faster game-play).
    - Misc GM Shop. (Dyes/Consumables/Tattoo's/Soul Crystals/Enchant Scrolls).
    - Armor GM Shop (Up to B-Grade with Adena- A/S Grade with "Ancient Scrolls").
    - Weapon GM Shop. (Up to B-Grade with Adena- A/S Grade with "Ancient Scrolls").
    - Blacksmith (Special abilities to A/S Weapons / Seal-Unseal A/S Armors / Augmenation System ).
    - Class Manager (1st/2nd For Free and 3rd Class with Ancient Scrolls).
    - Subclass Manager (By Killing 4 Raidbosses - "Cabrio" / "Kernon" / "Golgonda" / "Hallate").
    - Subclass Change Manager (You can change your subclasses from 1 NPC Only).
    - Nobless Manager (By 1 Raidboss - "Barakiel").
    - Ranking NPC (PVP/PK/Raidboss Status).

    Nobless, Heroes & Olympiad Customizations

    - Olympiad Cycle changed to 2 weeks.
    - Olympiad top equipment which can be used is B-Grades. (A/S-Grades Weapons/Armors/Jewels + Epic RB Jewels are forbidden + Max Enchant is +4 Weapons, +6 Armors).
    - Olympiad Games are available only on Saturday/Sunday 20:00 till 24:00 and only Based-Class Games are Allowed!

    Skills & Buffs Customizations

    - Buffs/Dances/Songs last 1 hour!
    - Auto-Learn Skills!
    - Custom Anti-Buff Skill!
    - Divinity Skill (Which gives you 1 buff slot per skill-level) is available with "Ancient Scrolls".
    - All Characters have +15% Bonus CP.
    - All Characters have +30% Bonus HP.
    - All Characters have +20% Bonus MP.
    - Frenzy skill does not increase P.Attack when using bow, also Frenzy is doing the half damage on Raidbosses!
    - All Hero skills have +50% more cool down time.
    - Sleep Casting Time has changed like C4 (Chronicle 4).
    - Wild Magic (Giving Magic Critical Rate) and Focus (Giving Fighter Critical Rate) have been reduced to half!
    - Cancellation Skill Time has reduced by half (as C4), but Cool down has been increased by 3 Times! - Bladedancer / Swordsinger Classes added Bow Mastery (Passive Skill) so their attack damage will be more like Archers! (It is useless at Olympiad!)

    Custom Items/Weapons/Tattoo's

    - Custom Tattoo system! (Giving Extra Stats for more PVP Strategy), here is the exact list:

    Tattoo of Power ( +5% P.Attack, -5% P.Def).
    Tattoo of Fire ( +5% Att.Speed, -5% P.Attack).
    Tattoo of Resolve ( +5% Speed, -5% Att.Speed, -5% Casting Speed).
    Tattoo of Flame ( +5% M.Attack, -5% Casting Speed).
    Tattoo of Bravery ( +10% Crit. Attack, -5% P.Def, -5% M.Def).
    Tattoo of Blood ( +7% HP, -7% MP).
    Tattoo of Absolute ( +7% MP, -7% HP).
    Tattoo of Soul ( +5% M.Crit. Attack, -5% M.Def).
    Tattoo of Avadon ( +5% Casting Speed, -5% M.Attack).
    Tattoo of Doom ( +5% P.Def, -5% Speed).
    Tattoo of Pledge ( +5% M.Def, -5% Speed).
    Tattoo of Divine ( +5% Resist Shock, -5% Speed).

    - Custom L2Osiris Armors / Weapons are made specially designed for a better game-play! (Will be added after 2 weeks of server start!).
    - Custom Mana Drugs (Which work as Healing Potions, they are just giving MP).
    - Custom Mana Potions (Which Work as Greater Healing Potions), they are just giving MP).

    Custom Economy

    - Giran Harbor has been choosed for MAIN Server Spot!
    - +200% Weight Limit to all Characters!
    - Custom Teleport Locations to every Town Gatekeeper!
    - Custom Offline system (3 shops are allowed per player)!

    Clan & Clan Halls Customizations

    - Clan Halls weekly price for renting is 1,000,000 Adena.
    - All Clan Penalties have been set to 1 day. (Clan Leave, Dismiss and etc..)
    - Max Clans per ally has been set to 12 (Like Chronicle 4).

    Raidboss Customizations

    - Raidboss over 60lvl dropping Raid Tokens which can be trade for clan skills and other goods.

    Custom Zones

    - Custom Area Drops at Monastery of Silence dropping custom item "Ancient Scrolls".
    - Custom Area Drops at Forge of Gods dropping custom item "Ancient Scrolls".
    - Custom Area Drops at Antharas Lair dropping Red/Green/Blue Mantras.

    Sieges Customizations

    - Castle Sieges will open on 2nd week of Server Starting. (18:00 And 20:00 Saturday/Sunday).

    Other Customizations

    - Spawn Protection System (You cannot hit/harm players after their teleports for about 20 seconds)!
    - Hatching and Strider quests have been disabled!
    - Custom Player Title Colours based on PvP amount of each player having!

    Automatic Events

    - Every 2 hours runs a Deathmatch Event at Coliseum which everyone on server can participate!
    (Mon-Tue-Thir-Wed-Fri at 18:00 / 20:00 / 22:00)
    - Every 2 hours runs a TeamVSTeam Event at Coliseum which everyone on server can participate!
    (Mon-Tue-Thir-Wed-Fri at 19:00 / 21:00 / 23:00)

    Community Boards

    - The official Community Board runs on Server (Forums/Clan Forums and other Functions).

    Proffesional Protection

    - Max Clients per user is setted to 2!
    - Anti-Bot System!
    - Anti-Hack System!
    - Professional Anti-DDOS Engine is working on our servers!


    - No Donations which will make Donators Overpowered!

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