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Everything posted by Phantom2005

  1. We had a successful launch Friday 30th of April. Currently are working on spreading the word about our server. We have a UNIQUE reward system up and running. Clean and clear design. Future plans: - Improve ping globally - More unique rewards - And much more! Visit our website at https://www.l2max.com/ Join us today on Discord: https://discord.gg/hyC2tcWtYS
  2. OPENING 30rd of April @ 20:00 CEST Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/hyC2tcWtYS XP/SP/Adena: 15x Drop & Spoil: 5x Materials drop amount: 2x Materials spoil amount: 3x Quest XP & SP: 5x Quest adena: 10x Party XP: 1.5x Raid boss drops: 2x Epic raid boss drops: 1x Quests made easier Drop amount + chance 2x: - Legacy of TOI - Varka - Ketra - Exploration of Giant Caves - Reagent of Supplier - Relics of the Old Empire Information Spellbooks only required for 3rd class skills Dances/songs 5minutes, other buffs retail Newbie buffs up until level 40 Offline private store Start your private store and log off. Giran Castle Town - NPC L2Max Shyla: Buy 2nd quest class marks and decrease XP - NPC Blacksmith of Mammon - NPC Merchant of Mammon Exp on/off mode Turn on/off experience gaining when killing mobs, etc. (.expon/.expoff) General information - Experienced staff since 2005 - Bot protection - No pay 2 win - No wipes after launch - We are here to stay Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/hyC2tcWtYS Or visit our website at https://www.l2max.com
  3. No we won't wipe the server. but if your interested in a fresh new server you should wait a couple of days more since we're opening a new server!
  4. We currently have 1 active interlude server but the second one is coming up real soon! We provide a stable and fair server with a nice community! :) Rates: 30x 35x 20x 20x 20x. Retail Features: - 99% of all interlude skills! - Duel ( 1 vs 1 and party ) - Augmentation - Clan level up to 8! - Cursed Weapons - Lots of more new Interlude features! - Last but not least.. we're not running L2J :) Custom Features: - CP Boosters at every arena! - NPC's paralyze you when attacked! - Added gemstones up to B in all shops. - Added gemstone a to helvetia in Giran. - Added all arrows to shops up to A grade. - Added Mana drug and Metal Hardener to all grocery shops! - Increased drop chance of quest items of Exploration of Giant Caves! - Changed 60% recipes to 100% recipes at Exploration of GC and TOI quests! - To summon Archon of Halisha requires only 50 items.(3rd class quest) - Merchant of Mammon and Blacksmith of Mammon spawn in the Town of Giran! - 3rd class transfer quests are re-doable (for subclasses). - Added a strong guard at spawn points to prevent PKing. - Server helpers(Transfer from 1st => 2nd class, tattoo of resolve, cloaks, gamble, decrease xp, exchange crystal) - Buffs last 30min and dances/songs 15min. What is the website? Please click here to open the website of L2:Max How to become part of the L2:Max community? Please click here to open the page where it is described how to play on L2:Max
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