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About Kashej

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Any Global Mod? maxtor is ignoring i can't pm him 100 times :) waiting G Mods thnx
  2. Since Justice asked me name ID: Celestine / for Transfer
  3. puretos--->8ermometro
  4. oxi...gt dn 8a prolabeis 8a s gamisei auto 1o:D exeis trabiksei mlkia mesa sthn 8alassa?
  5. Server Closed-Stenaxwre8ika:S(palies kales epoxes)
  6. war-pvp in l2 memories :D(4 therullez)
  7. akuroi eiste reiiiii.....krima einai xDDDD...Alien tn kanate xD
  8. cu br0...8a milisoume tilefwnik0s...kala na pernac k mn ksexnas Profulaktik0:D
  9. re paidia ok exei ksana ginei ..alla ena thanx dn einai dusk0l0 na to peite ..irema dld..einai to prwto tou share....exei ksana ginei ok alla prospa8ise gia prwth fora na kanei k kt monos tou k mas t dinei
  10. Topic Locked By Owner request..An 8elete na to kanw unlock pm me
  11. einai eukolo pas staa configs k allazeis tis ip's apo gameserver/server tn internal k external episis prepei na exei anoiksei ta ports na kleiseis antivirus k na kleiseis fire wall ...reply edw an k eisai off topic koita k to sticky to pws na ftiakseis srvr
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