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Posts posted by Googinator

  1. More updates


    1. Drop rate slightly increased.

    2. Fixed bug with buying items with abyss points.

    3. Fixed bug with party exp not giving the full percent when players are out of range.

    4. Fixed bugs with 20-30 quests.

    5. Curse of roots temporarily disabled.

  2. Finally some more updates, enjoy


    1. Started work on campaign quests. Very incomplete but a few have been added.

    2. Fixed npc relations towards players. Just about every single npc and mob should now properly interact with players based on their retail interaction type and the player's race. To all players: If you find an npc that you know for sure from retail that should be intractable and is not, let us know ASAP.

    3. Fixed item restriction check for soul binding equipment.

    4. Small change to the login server response so that it gives a proper message if you enter the wrong account.

    5. Removed many duplicate spawns in the Abyss and cleaned out all fort and artifact npcs in preparation for them to be handled by the fort and artifact engines. If anyone finds any duplicated spawns in the Abyss, please report them (ie. spawns where two npcs are directly on top of each other). Also if anyone finds any left over fort/artifact npcs, please report them.

    6. Many quests in Heiron, Beluslan, Brusthonin, and Reshanta updated/added.

    7. Fixed AI glitch for mobs that are stationary.

    8. Finished pull downs of Theobomos mobs. If you find any floating mobs, please report them in the bug section along with duplicate spawns (there will be a few that I haven't cleaned out yet, mostly guard types).

    9. Skill engine redone to allow for more flexibility in how we do skills. Due to the large amount of changes done, some skills may have minor glitches such as missing power per level increases. These will be resolved as we find them once again. Do not use existing skill bug report threads to report these new bugs. Create new ones so that we can track what doesn't work properly now. Make sure to search first before reporting.

    10. Taunt/provoke type skills should now work.

    11. Chants and toggles should function closer to retail.

    12. Polymorph type skills will now function closer to retail.

    13. Almost all quests updated to support abyss points as rewards.

    14. Basic abyss points added to PvE (no points will be awarded in pvp yet until we work in all the abuse prevention mechanisms, otherwise we know you all will abuse the bejesus out of it). This is VERY basic. Do not report any bugs on this. Seriously, don't. This is mostly for our testing before we implement a full reward system.

    15. More retail-like sensory ranges for aggressive mobs.

    16. Updated all quest rewards to be in line with (I thought we did this?).

    17. Begun work on assassin rune system. All QQ threads will be deleted on sight.

    18. Water zones added (needs a little more testing).

    19. Small update for item support so that it doesn't consume the item if you can't use the skill.

    20. Added a count limit for debuffs as per retail.

    21. Begun initial work on ranger traps.

    22. Updated login server to hopefully prevent issues where players are unable to connect after running for extended periods of time.

    23. Completely redid how we store spawns in the server. Players shouldn't notice too many changes with this except for the fact that more npcs will be in their proper initial states and be closer to their proper spawn locations.

    24. Added permanent (but temporary) guard spawns to the teleporter areas in the abyss. No more losing them if the server gets restarted. They will be changed, removed, or whatever as we see fit since they are NOT a retail-like addition.

    25. Fixed dual wield for gladiators.

    26. Aspd formulas for dual wielding updated to be closer to retail.

    27. Dispel potions added and working.

  3. Some more updates...its a long read.


    1. Fixed ability to attack and use skills while polymorphed, again.

    2. Fixed issue where previously jailed players would show up in jail after a server restart.

    3. Fixed belt stats so that they apply properly.

    4. More quests done for Theobomos and the Abyss.

    5. Added support for item dyes.

    6. Fixed hide so that it breaks on damage again.

    7. Increased drop rate by 25% on the high rate server. May be tweaked further.

    8. Readded stigma shards to drop lists. Not sure why they disappeared.

    9. Removed all known treasure box spawns until support for them can be added.

    10. Fixed many npcs/mob spawns in many areas and added many more.

    11. Updated stats and levels for many npcs.

    12. Fixed shield equip bug allowing players to block while having it in their secondary status.

    13. Changed all min levels on rifts to 20 until I find one on retail that is higher than that.

    14. Removed the obelisk in the Storm Circle. After finally visiting that area on retail, I found that players should not be able to bind there.

    15. Added costs for many obelisks from retail checks. Not totally perfect but should be within about +/-5% of retail.

    16. Fixed guards so that they show that they are aggressive on the radar to the proper factions.

    17. Updated quest data to match the changes/values.

    18. Updated skill data to match the changes/values.

    19. Added support for skills that have offensive qualities and activate on chance (such a Promise of Wind).

    20. Updated items to match client.

    21. Rewrote the NPC AI so that it will support future additions properly.

    22. For NPCs with weapons, their attack speed should now be based on the weapon's attack speed just like players.

    23. Updated levels and races for many abyss mobs.

    24. Updated the regen value for mobs while in and out of combat. Previously they were only regening 5 hp per tick while in combat. Obviously that was far too low.


    Emergency update 1 -

    1. Fixed aggro issue where they wouldn't reaggro after returning home.

  4. Hello everyone,

        We have a minor problem with our forums right now but we are working to fix them as soon as possible. The Servers are still up but as of now new accounts cannot be created until the forums are back up. Again sorry for the inconvenience.

  5. More updates Enjoy


    1. Fixed mailboxes so they show again.

    2. Fixed issue with autolearn on the high rate.

    3. Added many more npc spawns throughout multiple maps.

    4. Updates for npcs/mobs in and around the Storm Circle.

    5. Added many abyss quests.

    6. Added race checks for Abyss teleporters.

    7. Fixed issue with players being able to use skills and attack again while transformed.

    8. Fixed bug with AOE skills causing the player to be unable to attack.

  6. Some more updates and few fixes.


    1. Fixed mailboxes so they show again.

    2. Fixed issue with autolearn on the high rate.

    3. Added many more npc spawns throughout multiple maps.

    4. Updates for npcs/mobs in and around the Storm Circle.

    5. Added many abyss quests.

    6. Added race checks for Abyss teleporters.

    7. Fixed issue with players being able to use skills and attack again while transformed.

    8. Fixed bug with AOE skills causing the player to be unable to attack.

  7. hey googinator i downloaded the luncher and the no-ip but when start game is shows me GameGuard error :S


    Aion does not use GameGuard anymore so you must reinstall Aion and make sure you update to the latest retail client. Also dont forget to delete all folders after you uninstall as there might be some files left over that didnt get deleted.

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I would like to announce that we will be releasing a new server on December 15th 2009 at 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time. This server will be a modified High Rate server with the following rates:


    Level 1-10 is 2x

    Level 11-20 is 5x

    Level 21-30 is 10x

    Level 31-40 is 15x

    Level 41-50 is 20x


    Every feature added to Siel will also be added to this server when new features are ready to be released.


    Prices of items at every shop will also be decreased in price by half to ensure players are able to afford items while leveling at the increased experience rates.


    We are also preventing players from needing to purchase skill books as skills will be auto learned when you reach the correct level.


    We hope this addition to our server list appeals to those who do not want to endure the retail experience of leveling at the rate retail enforces but still want to enjoy the game.


    More Info Here


    Join Now

  9. 1. Added support for secondary weapon switching (via the profile window or hotbar command).

    2. Added z coord checking to aggro range.

    3. Added support for stigma skills.

    4. Added entrance and exit npcs to Alukina Palace. You MUST have the proper quest completed to enter if you are Asmodian.

    5. Fixed it so that magic skills apply the debuff effect AFTER damage so that the same skill won't break root or sleep or things like that.

    6. Fixed AI glitch where players could "moonwalk" away from a mob and never get attacked.

    6. Goog sucks.

    7. Finished updating the Asmo home base in the abyss with proper npcs.

    8. Increased accuracy for elite monsters by an additional +100 per rating.

    9. Added offhand stat support (may still need some additional testing and work).

    10. Removed reading additional crit rate from offhand weapon. Only manastones from the offhand should affect the base crit rate, and only the main hand weapon's crit rate matters.

    11. Added and updated many Brusthonin npcs and mobs (hp, title, spawn updates).

    12. Added and updated many Beluslan npcs and mobs (hp, title, spawn updates).

    13. Added and updated many Morheim npcs and mobs (hp, title, spawn updates).

    14. Updated shield defense so that it scales vs skill damage properly (it was defending against normal attacks properly, just not skill attacks).

    15. Modified the GENERIC respawn timers for named mobs a bit. Meaning this will only affect named mobs that do not have a specific respawn timer set. As per before, respawn time is based on the rating of the mob (normal, elite, legendary, etc). I've also included a randomization so that it will make predicting respawn times much harder (for example, elite named mobs/bosses can respawn from 1 hour up to 2 hours and anywhere in between those values).

    16. Added increased resistance to abnormal effects for mobs based on their rating. So a normal mob will have a 15% resistance, elite 30%, etc, etc. This is temporary until proper resistance formulas can be put in. But it was ridiculous watching boss fights and seeing bosses being regularly knocked down and stunned for most of the fight. Players will still have a 10% resistance until formulas are complete.

    17. Proper system messages for death events.

    18. Many performance improvements done to the code to help reduce lag and prepare for handling more players per server more efficiently.

    19. Added queue bypass system for donations.

    20. Aggressive boss-type monsters will now actually be aggressive.

    21. Fixed a broken rift exit in Bakarma Baracks. Shouldn't kill asmos anymore when they teleport through.

    22. Added an additional check to party size limitations.

    23. Added proper level check for aggro as per retail.

    24. Added combat stances for npcs. They should now have increased regen while out of combat.

    25. Removed duplicate abyss gate from Altgard.

    26. Updated many npcs/mobs with proper attack ranges and attack speeds (requires further testing).

    27. Updated armor/weapon/etc drops for non-named mobs.

    28. Fixed bug where you get stuck after extracting.

    29. Abyss is now open for all players level 25 and above. THERE IS NO PROPER ABYSS POINT SYSTEM YET. Do not post about any issues with gaining Abyss points. They will be deleted as it is a feature that isn't fully implemented yet.

    30. Implemented cap on run speed and flight speed to match retail's cap.

  10. I log in after 3 days and server is perfect.. yesterday this server collect 3.5k persons online... i think is the best server abot aion servers.. ^^ [but i have one quetion about PvP good vs evils? i only exp for the time but when and wgere are PvPs? ]:P


    You can pvp by finding Rifts to go to the other worlds to PVP they appear in the higher lvl maps every 30 minutes and only allow a certain amount of players to go to through at a time. In the future there will also be the abyss map which will have pvp all the time.

  11. More updates...


    1. New website template.

    2. Basic support for legion disband. DO NOT CLICK DISBAND UNLESS YOU WANT TO INSTANTLY DISBAND YOU LEGION. (Proper support will be added later)

    3. Various quest fixes.

    4. Basic recipe support, you can add them to your list. (Support for actual crafting will come later)

    5. Soulbind requirement added to certain equipment.

    6. Proper item Trade/Sell/etc restrictions.

  12. More updates...


    1. Made many server-side optimizations to hopefully reduce resource usage and improve server performance.

    2. Updated drops for all named mobs again. Had a glitch in how we standardized them and made them about 100x lower than what they should have been.

    3. Reverted changes to a number of mobs who had incorrect HP values.

    4. Prevented mantras from affecting dead players.

    5. Updated rift system with a non-retail-like change: Rifts will now respawn every 30 minutes. This should increase the frequency of chances to go to the opposite side allowing players to get more pvp action in as well as hunt raid bosses and mobs on the other side. In future updates multiple rifts will spawn at longer intervals.

    6. Fixed many floating mobs.

    7. Fixed monster regen when returning to spawn. It will now gain 5% of it's max hp per tick while not in combat.

    8. More quests fixed in many areas.

  13. More updates...


    1. Fixed mantras. They're about 95% working minus a few visual oddities.

    2. Fixed fear type skills to have proper checks in place.

    3. Added about 100 named mob spawns that were missing while fixing many others that had duplicates as well as marking certain mobs as named.

    4. Fixed attack bug when players get polymorphed.

    5. Fixed interrupts for when players are stunned, slept, etc.

    6. Fixed stores in jails. No longer allowed.

    7. More quest fixes for multiple areas. Really this happens every update so you all can just assume that quests are being fixed, since they are.

    8. Updated many passive skills to actually have their proper effect.

    9. Fixed silence type skills.

    10. Updated root so that DoTs won't break it.

    11. Updated drops for all named mobs. A named mob typically being a boss type monster. For MOST items which do not have a defined percentage, a default of 0.001% was entered until they can be looked at and updated by hand. Named mobs with no drops defined will of course, have no drops in our database.

    12. Updated drops for hundreds of normal mobs on both Elyos and Asmo sides.

    13. Updated hp and xp values for many more mobs on both sides. We've tried to make sure that no incorrect hp values + xp assignments were entered but there may be a few we've missed. If you find a mob that is far too easy to kill for the xp it gives, report it IMMEDIATELY to ANY gm so that they can record the npc ids and delete the mobs until they are fixed. Getting caught abusing glitched mobs may result in punishment (which can range from simply being killed by the gm who catches you to being jailed or even deleveled).

    14. Retail-like rift system. Enjoy! One non-retail-like thing we've done is not include exit rifts. This should greatly reduce the rift camping (and if it does happen, don't bother to report it because the GMs have better things to do now). But now for Heiron, Beluslan, Eltnen, and Morheim only 1 rift at a time can be open on each map.

  14. OmG I just dl'ed Aion and THIS GAME FCKING AWESOME!!! :O

    Better than L2 IMO :P


    And About srv ... :P

    Best ever :O Quest working (atm only 1 cant take but whatever...:))

    Online 3509 PPL Exactly i remember from yesterday when GM announce :P


    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

    Join Now ;P

    IG: Brzozaa Gladiator - 12 lvl ;P Prooo!! ^^


    @edit: btw im in Altgard and i cant fly ... WHY??

    On the icon i see "You can fly in this area"

    On the chat: "You cannot fly in this area" :O

    Please help ?:P


    I am glad you like the server so far. There is a small bug with flying areas. you cannot log in , in a flying area or you must run out into the world and have to the flying area to fly again.


    As far as the abyss is concerned. We are working on it but there is no time frame as to when we will release it on our server.

  15. nice updates but i like mostly the legion support that means that the server have a BASIC support for legions?


    You can make a Legion and add people to it. you can also lvl up to two as it only costs Kinah but we dont have abyss points yet so you cant get lvl 3 yet.

  16. This thread has been pretty dead lately. Here are some updates.


    1. Fixed bug with range. (Skill range, chat range, everything range )

    2. Fixed a few bugs with private stores.

    3. Fixed error with Asmo rifts.

    4. Various quest fixes.

    5. Legion support. (Basic permission support, more will come later)

    6. Fix for root, it will now break when you do damage.

    7. Fixed bug with manastones not removing the effect when you remove the manastone.

    8. Fix for guards no longer being aggro after respawn.

  17. I give you guys all of my support, I'm on the server now and came from retail.


    I must say you are doing a great job. A few more tweaks here and there but it sure looks promessing.


    Thank you for the support. We always try and improve on the server everyday.

  18. Ehy Googi i think that ur server atm is the best and will be the best for long time..but does someone know something about that?

    ....will be this rly added on aion?(i think 2011xD)..and on private servers?..


    We must first complete all the features that AION has right now, but I do not see any reason why we would not add the new features after retail launches them in the future. I watched the video a couple of days ago and it does seem like a really awesome patch. :)

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