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Posts posted by pehz0r

  1. 2 hours ago, Celestine said:

    50$ none will give you any good files most likely shared ones.


    Yeah, that's why I wrote this:


    My budget depends on quality. If there is something that need to be fixed, my budget is 50$, if everything works perfect, there is minimal amount of bugs, then my budget increases.
  2. Hi.


    I would love to, at least, to get information on good L2 interlude server pack. I'm looking for something like it was the first L2-PVPX made by DHX, back in the days (year 2006-2007, I guess?)


    My budget depends on quality. If there is something that need to be fixed, my budget is 50$, if everything works perfect, there is minimal amount of bugs, then my budget increases.


    Some of the "includes" I would love to have in pack:


    - AIO char buffer

    - Donation status (something like /set_donator 1) 
    - Custom armors - just Titanium robe, light and heavy sets

    - 2-3 every, KOTH, CTF, LMS,.. ?


    Contact me with your offers please, you can send me PM here, or over mail: dzaus@protonmail.com



  3. Lineage2 Haze Network



    SP: 250x
    EXP: 250x
    Adena: 250x
    Spoil: 1x
    Drop: 1x
    Quest: 1

    Enchant Scrolls WEAPON/ARMOR:

    -Normal scroll: 60%
    -Blessed scroll: 80%
    -Crystal scroll:  92%

    Custom nobless item
    Custom Gatekeeper
    Retail Like Olympiad system
    Players can heal Raid Bosses
    Siege Lenght is set to 120 min
    Fortress siege is enabled
    Item craft system
    Offline shop system
    Maximum BUFF amount: 32
    Custom Grand Raid Bosses
    Auto Loot items, except for Raid Bosses

    -Automatic TvT event
    -Automatic CtF event
    -Automatic DM event
    -Daily GMs events

    Custom Items:
    - Special Titanium armors
    - Special Tattoos
    - Special Weapons
    - Custom SHOP
    - Custom ingame items payment

    Custom leveling zones:
    You can find leveling zones in our custom gatekeeper. 
    Teleports are set to zones, where experience and sp pays off the most, so you can easily level your character to max level.

    Custom Farm Zones:
    There are customized 4 farming zones.
    - Abandoned Coal Mines
    - Primeval Isle
    - Hot Springs
    - Frost Lake
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