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Everything posted by idontknow

  1. everytime i use Hlapex it freezes my game now i know i'm doing something wrong cuz i know it works. please take 2 seconds out of ur day and try to show me how please!
  2. thx blane. but i still dunno what i'm supposed to do with that :S
  3. i got a server that it works on. if anyone can show me how to use this phx thing i'll give u the server info... ^^
  4. your a post whore :P why dont u help me?
  5. k first off WIT is for casting speed not melle attacks so thats useless... 2nd of all if your not in officals SEX is useless cuz most PVT server oly's you can see the other person before starting... third of all DEX is good but it takes off CON witch you really rather have instead of speed.. so it's useless.
  6. dont use any... thats my 2 cents. lol.
  7. from using l2phx..? ahhaha... bummer... next server? lol:P
  8. none. one ups ur stat another decreases... so its pretty much useless.
  9. can anyone post the link to the english version please...! thanks soo much <3
  10. i downloaded the program l2phx and i got nothing on the program but questionmarks *????????* anyone know why or how i can change that?
  11. posted in wrong thread* sry you can delete*
  12. the server i'm running is C5 interlude... were not in Kameal yet... so... any pointers? or should i still DL l2phx?
  13. i wont... altho i havnt read them yet... :S
  14. oh i'm not from greece but my father was. i'm half greek ^^ i see theres alot of you guys up in here ^^
  15. i have acouple ppl who are wondering about this can anyone please help me out?
  16. awe bummer... i hope someone who does wouldnt mind helping a fellow gamer ^^
  17. i have hlapex downloaded onto my computer and put in my system folder n all that i load the client and start my game but when i try to lets say make a wyvren my game keeps freezing like i cant move exit out or do anything like that. so i'm wondering maybe theres another version thats updated out there that i dont know or something or maybe it's the fact that i dunno how to use it cuz i would like to know how to make weapons witch i dont know how. and i am in a server that can use hlapex so if someone teaches me how i'll give them an IP/webaddy on how to use ur 1337 hax on it :> you can email me or post on here about it... petros(under score)massaoutis(at)hotmail(dot)com thx ttyl
  18. hello i'm idontknow i dont know where i'm from somewhere if the world but i put canada. i think i'm from ethiopia. anyway i'm here looking how to work hLaPEx because i have a server that it works on. if anyone would like to find out what server i'm in i'll make u a deal. tell me how to work this thing and figure out the coding or w.e i need cuz i only have 3 options 1: to lvl 2: strider 3: Wyvren and i want to know how to make weapons n armor n such... so if you tell me how to use it i can give u a link to use ur 1337's on the server i play on :P
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