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Posts posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. Server is frozen and NOT lucera ru files. Augmentation 10% with mid and 20% with top is the biggest lie there.I used 435(!) farmed all with my 9 adrenaline chars and not even a skill.Same pack that every pvp server uses from 2010 to today and so on.Bad balance,daggers with +5 make 8-10k dmg backstabs.Also i think it's the biggest bot server now live,all farmable players are with adrenaline or tower bots with 5-8 chars per player.Giran full afkers waiting for santa to reward 'em.Admin never response on balance issues,he keeps ignoring every single player.Overall it's another same crap with every other pvp server opening since 2010.Clearly a bad server.Regards,

  2. Enchanting Exploit

    This is what you do.... 


    1st) Buy any cheap Dgrade Armor or Jewelry (not a weapon). 

    2nd) Buy 6 Enchant Armor D's 

    3rd) Get one Enchant Weapon B(grade that you are wanting to enchant, for this we will say Dual SLS). 

    4th) Go ahead and plus up your D armor or Jewelry to +3 and your Dual SLS to +3 as well. 

    5th) Put your 3 left over EADs and your 1 EWB on your hotbar 

    IE: F1/EAD F2/EAD F3/EAD F4/EWB 

    6th) This is were you have to be quick about it. Enchant your Darmor or Jewelry +1. See if it breaks. AS SOON AS IT BREAKS ENCHANT YOUR WEAPON. 

    IE: you hit F1 and you blow that +3 Darmor going to +4 then you will press F4 and enchant those Dual SLS to +4. 


    How does this work and why is only 80% successful. Well this is lineage 2 the odds are against you and nothing with enchanting is 100%. All your doing is taking that chance of breaking your weapon right off the bat out of the question when doing this which leave you open for success. Side note: Only try this once a day. You do it multiple times a day you greatly reduce your success rate. 


    I have personally used this. I have made many +8-10 Weapons. I sell most of them after +8. Today alone I made a +5 Dual SLS and +4 Dual Raids (different accounts).


    Note:For other grades just use same steps but with the grades you want. I used d-grade as an example for this topic.


    Off-topic: I can offer or sell even greater exploits or bots send me your skypes inbox or contact me.

    Off-topic(2): Reputation or feedbacks are acceptable :D . 


    Thank you,regards.

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  3. be careful if you/partner are using it, make sure you're in an unpopulated area.

    You must be grouped for this to work:


    1. Find an area in which you'd like to level.


    2. Healer should create a private store, any item works....just make it like 1,000,000 adena sono one actually buys it.

    Here's the cool part, if the healer targets his group member via the group list on the left hand side of the screen, you can cast heal while still in store mode. After the heal has been cast you immediately go back to a sitting position. The healer will even run up into the range of the person you are healing, giving you very fast MP/HP regen rates.

    Again, this is risky if a GM catches you, so use at your own risk. But nevertheless a very cool exploit!


    Works in almost any java server and in some off servers too.


    For more tricks/bugs send me your skype inbox,i can offer or sell some cooler ones.




  4. Hello all i would like to share this vidoe created by me months ago,this hack works perfectly, just subscribe in my youtube channel :D. I have more tricks and bots for selling too,send me inbox your skypes to add you if you need something.GG

    This is a video created by me before months.Enjoy.




    Reputations or feedbacks are acceptable :D.


    Thank you,regards.

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