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Posts posted by raiderek

  1. Some moar info coz server starts in less than 48h! And its rly interesting





    Server will be launched on Saturday, June 4, 18:00 GMT+2


    Website: http://www.vindication.gr

    Forum: http://www.thexgaming.com


    Rate x8


    Adena Amount: x8

    Exp Amount: x8

    SP Amount: x8

    SealStones amount: x8

    Adena Chance: 100%

    Sealstones Chance: 100%

    Drop Chance: x8

    Drop Amount: x1

    Spoil Chance: x5

    Spoil Amount: x1

    Quest Item Reward Amount: x1

    Quest Exp Reward: x5

    Quest SP Reward: x5

    Quest Adena Reward: x5

    RB Drop Chance: x5

    RB Drop Amount: x1

    RB Adena Amount: x8

    Epic Drop Chance: x1

    Epic Drop Amount: x1

    Epic Drop Adena Amount: x5


    All other is retail like!


    Hardware Specification:


    Machine #1  - LOGIN  / DATABASE SERVER:

    CPU: Intel Core i7 - 950 , 3.06 Ghz LGA 1366

    RAM: 12GB DDR3 / 1333 Mhz Dual Channel

    HDDs: 2 x WD SATA2 TOTAL 1.5TB (RAID 1)

              1 X INTEL SSD 120 GB


    Machine #2 - GAME SERVER :

    CPU: Intel Core i7 - 950 , 3.06 Ghz LGA 1366

    RAM: 24GB DDR3 / 1333 Mhz Triple Channel

    HDDs: 2 x WD SATA2 TOTAL 1.5TB (RAID 1)


    BANDWIDTH: 250 Gbps Link @ Central Europe



    This is probably the first non-Russian server running on the official files PTS GF (yes, his time as RPG-club) The server is implemented anti-bot.



    Join US!!!

  2. Hiho.

    I got some problems with walker, coz while im on the server list, im getting dc after choosing a server.

    I also have verification fail on login menu.


    I tryied 2.17 and 2.18d and im playing on l2j freya server.

    Im using windows 7 and i have host, l2 ini to 127.... and tcp tunnel with my server ip.


    What im doing wrong? and btw, the server is l2ex.eu

  3. Hiho.

    I got some problems with walker, coz while im on the server list, im getting dc after choosing a server.

    I also have verification fail on login menu.


    I tryied 2.17 and 2.18d and im playing on l2j freya server.

    Im using windows 7 and i have host, l2 ini to 127.... and tcp tunnel with my server ip.


    What im doing wrong? and btw, the server is l2ex.eu

  4. so your solution for working IG walker in win7 is to install xp? lol. btw theres an xp mode for win7 so u dont have to install vmware.. just search for torrent

    I didn't find any other solution, this one works so i think that i can share it coz many other ppl looking for it too.

  5. Hello.

    This sollution is maybe a little bit complicated but works fine!

    All we need is:


    VMware Workstation (With key gen)


    And a windows XP instalion disc (or image).


    VMware Workstation is program to....hard to explain coz my english sucks....to run another OS on PC at once.

    Installation is quite easy, if you have problem you can fast find guide by using google.

    After instalation workstation you have normal XP OS on windows 7.

    Then you just have to instal/copy L2 and l2w and start having fun!


    Some screens, coz as I said my english is bad and its hard to explain how its looks:


    width=1024 height=640http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v682/Lancelott/screen2.jpg[/img]








  6. Hi all.

    I have problem with using L2w (L2Net work quite good) on L2ex.pl server (

    Its L2j based server, gracia final.

    Im was trying 2.13 cracked and Oracle 2.16c with waby_10. (verify O.k)


    Auto fun works fine, but when i start auto fight game closing after few secs.

    When I trying to reconnect, my account is banned.


    Thanks for any help!



    I find a solution...but i still need help.

    This one works: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=82306.0

    Buut...when i trying to set up active follow, i have this same problem "Illegal action, GM infromed, account banned"


    Can some1 explain me, what options should i dont use? Becouse I dont want to be banned....

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