Please start downloading Hellbound client, to connect to new server.
What's New?
-> The maximum level has been increased from 78 to 85.
-> A weapon augmentation system has been added to enable players to add new bonuses to their weapons with the help of a Blacksmith.
-> The maximum clan level has been increased from level 5 to level 8 (up to 140 members).
-> When the clan level is 5 and above, additional members may be added by creating an Academy, Royal Guard, and Order of Knights.
-> New skills that can be acquired at level 81 have been added.
-> New buff system. New skills bar.
-> Teleport locations and their associated costs have changed.
-> New hunting grounds and dungeons have been added to Rune Territory, the Orc areas, and Schuttgart Territory. These will also connect the Dwarf areas to the mainland.
-> Raid monsters have been added to the newly added territories. The abilities of a raid boss monster have increased overall, and the rewards have also increased.
-> The instant effect items are as follows:
--> Herb of Life: recovers HP.
--> Herb of Mana: recovers MP.
--> Herb of Strength: temporarily increases P. Atk.
--> Herb of Magic: temporarily increases M. Atk.
-> Additional effects will be bestowed when complete armor sets are enchanted to +6 and above.
-> An Adventurer’s Guide Book has been added for quest information, hunting grounds, raid boss monsters, areas, etc.
-> D Grade through A Grade new weapons has been added.
-> Recipes for the A Grade items are now dropping from monsters.
-> Quests related to clans and other various topics have been added.
-> Item purchase and trade functions have been improved.
-> When confirming an exchange, the trade window is deactivated to clearly display when the exchange is ready.
-> The color of the letters and the amount of the “Manufacturing Cost” is displayed differently in the Dwarf Manufacture window to clearly show the trading amount.
-> A “Find Private Store” button has been added to the Action Window.
-> Snow or rain may appear in the Rune or Schuttgart territories. Weather Effects can be turned off in the Video Options.
-> In the Game Option menu, GPU Animation and Overall Sound Mute functions have been added.
-> Various text corrections have been made.
-> Skill Name Changes.
-> Now you can enlarge the map to the size of the whole screen.
-> The Primeval Isle, an island full of unknown creatures, has been added to the south of Rune Township. It can be reached by ferry from Rune Harbor, or by swimming.
-> Shadow Weapons - temporary weapons with short lifespans have been added to increase access to varied weapons.
-> New top-level S-80 grade weapons and armor have been added.
-> Soul crystals up to 15 levels.
-> Various new items drop from some Raid Bosses. You can exchange them for weapons or armor by Adventurer Guides in some cities.
-> New hair accessories have been added: the Eye Patch, Angel Circlet, Demon Circlet, Pirate Hat, Scar, and Butterfly Hairpin.
-> Fortresses have been added. These fortresses will play a part in later updates.
-> A dungeon map containing five dungeons in the beginner’s areas has been added.
-> Fighting rules for The Seven Signs has been changed. Only castle owners can fight for Dawn side (with castle owner’s permission).
-> A new race, Kamael, has been added (please select this race only for testing purposes). Full updates to this feature coming soon.
-> Many new features, from Kamael, Hellbound and Gracia added (at the moment staff is working on these updates).