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Posts posted by osvaldotl2015

  1. 1 hour ago, Tryskell said:


    Bueno, tu opinión se basa en la idea de que puedes hacer todo solo, pero un proyecto de tal escala no se puede hacer solo. Necesito testers, necesito gente dedicada a trabajar. ¿Cómo consigues a tus desarrolladores primero, si tu proyecto es completamente privado y no tiene fondos? ¿Cómo se prueban los problemas? ¿Por qué simplemente me molestaría en hacer acciones públicas, si mi objetivo es ponerlo en privado?


    No puedes entender eso ya que nunca abriste / dirigiste un proyecto. También es probable que nunca haya reelaborado ninguna función importante, si cree que alguna edición de gran núcleo viene sin ningún error. Hablas de cosas que nunca has experimentado, como hablaría una virgen sobre el sexo.


    Las personas que pagaron por aCis conocen perfectamente el proyecto :

    - En el conjunto de cambios 40 eliminé TODAS las habilidades. No funcionaba ninguna habilidad.

    - En el conjunto de cambios 273 eliminé TODOS los scripts (se eliminó Jython). Ninguna misión estaba funcionando.


    Tal movimiento nunca me molestó. Hay un camino y tiene un final. El tiempo que sea necesario.


    Lo dijiste tú mismo; si no estás satisfecho con algo, codifícalo. ¿Los barcos están aterrizando en tierra? Luego elige tus manitas, arréglalas, compártelas con la comunidad. Serás recompensado con acceso o dinero.


    Las personas que codifican en aCis simplemente comparten lo que quieren compartir. No puedo obligar a los ayudantes a trabajar en algo que no quieren. Yo mismo codifico lo que quiero codificar.


    Debería estar enojado contra usted mismo, que no hace nada, no contra mí, que en realidad actúa.


    PS :


    Después de una pequeña búsqueda con su nombre, no menciono osvaldotl2015 en mis foros. Así que informaste 0 problema, solucionaste 0 cosas, no contribuiste nada. No hay mención en mi archivo de Excel de clientes antiguos, por lo que probablemente nunca contribuiste económicamente.


    Mención sobre L2JBrazil:  https://www.l2jbrasil.com/topic/122190-~~woh-v3~~-by-dagger-based-in-acis-366-revision~~/

    Un pack, basado en aCis filtrado, lleno de costumbres. Y por eso obtuviste 15 felicitaciones.


    Curiosamente, fue exactamente lo que dije antes. Desafortunadamente, no cambiará mi opinión sobre las BR, en general ...


    It is not that he is angry, it is that I think he is exaggerating that his project is suitable, however it is not like that. When you have it optimal to be able to launch it live, there you can say that if it is worth paying 100, 200,300, 500 euros in the meantime, what does someone who pays 100 euros for a project that you well know is not suitable for a live server ? I contributed to l2jbrasil and thanks to that many people started using l2jacis as I mentioned above. I am not a programmer, I have just a basic java course but I know when something works, I am self-taught or whatever it is called and I feel good like that. If you search your excel osvaldotl well, it doesn't take much science to figure out who I am. Today and for a long time l2jacis serves only for a custom server and in that case I can not complain since I have taken the acis project to the limit at least until 382 and I liked it but I have to be honest as well as acis now I do not I recommend for a server unless it's custom

  2. Hace 4 horas, Tryskell dijo:


    El emulador de Warhammer Online ni siquiera tiene IA (los monstruos no usan ningún tipo de habilidad), su rumbo ni siquiera está fijo (no rotan) cuando compran un jugador.


    Tal emulador no estaba completamente arreglado. Si no puede entender eso, no use un emulador.


    No es realmente difícil de entender que el trabajo es gigantesco, y si te esparces haciendo paquetes de mierda tratando de demostrar que eres un héroe y solucióno 10 problemas mientras yo solucioné más de 800 problemas REPORTADOS (sin contar mi propio trabajo), entonces, sí el desarrollo será lento. Afortunadamente me ayuda buena gente.


    Acerca de "barcos en tierra", genio, estoy refactorizando el movimiento, tratando de mejorar la jugabilidad. Ese no será su comportamiento de revisión de L2JFrozen. Estrictamente ninguno de los equipos, excepto L2JUnity, L2JFree y cualquier bifurcación RU principal que se use, lo hizo. Son 3 tenedores y el mío.


    Me gustaría que abrieras una base L2JIL, trabajaras en la base vainilla L2JIL y veas en cuántas veces destruyes tus fuentes. Conseguí las bolas para romper mi proyecto por un tiempo, para mejorarlo. Lo hice por guiones, por habilidades. Lo hago por movimiento.


    Además, puedes reelaborar el movimiento del barco y compartirlo con la comunidad. @ osvaldotl2015. Estoy recompensando a las personas que necesitan, y esa es una buena meta de contribución.


    Eso se debe a que las personas piensan como usted que los proyectos, en general, se mueven más lento de lo que podrían y que el sistema de código abierto no funciona. Burlarse de idiotas, mientras que su única contribución a un proyecto es, en el mejor de los casos, entregar 10 €, no contribuir y filtrarlo en foros de mierda O usar esas fuentes filtradas. ¡Eso debería ser casi un logro de Steam!



    Claro, pero es problemático de lo que esa gente lo cree. De todos modos, como dices, no se trata de usuarios aleatorios que son el problema (excepto el comportamiento tóxico, que es molesto), sino que los desarrolladores dividen fuerzas sobre paquetes (casi) no utilizados, tratando de obtener algo de fama / honor / felicitaciones mientras simplemente podría. Tengo la misma fama participando en lo que considero uno de los principales proyectos de IL.


    Si la gente fuera menos egocéntrica, IL ya estaría terminada y ya hubiéramos saltado a otra crónica.


    Cuento que quedan 2-3 años de desarrollo activo.

    Tryskell Acis sincerely today in your hands is A LOOP. If there are 3 years of development left for at least 80% of things to work better tell your ENOUGH community what your project is really about. If your project were only for developers, better create an intimate circle of developers. Finish the project and then launch it on the market. Don't waste time and money on people who "pay because they don't know how to program" and end up disappointed by 800+ errors than you. you have generated yourself. I really don't know if you are an ambitious person or a vile scammer sooner or later whatever it is will come to light. I leave the topic here greetings good luck with your project

  3. I reserve the right to answer only with this "I admire you that I think you have been the only one who has managed to circulate a ship on land" otherwise it is a loop of ambition, a 10-year project that you do not recommend for a server live.

    12 hours ago, Tryskell said:


    No puedo esperar a ver su bifurcación L2J IL codificada en solitario, basada en la última rama de L2J IL (no basada en ninguna bifurcación decepcionante), revisada por nadie excepto usted, codificada en menos de 10 años.


    Si me proporciona evidencias de que puede obtener el mismo resultado (paquete de datos, fórmula, IA, scripts, ...), sin ningún tipo de copiar y pegar de otras fuentes, estoy dispuesto a entregarle mi cuenta de Paypal.

  4. I will give my humble opinion about it.
    If someone sells you the story that yes (LIES).
    I have been testing and disapproving datapacks for years and it is always the same of the same of the same a loop where the one that offers wraps you with promises that are never fulfilled and so how long? 10 years? and nothing at all.
    My old advice is.
    If you want something "STUDY" do it yourself otherwise you will be wasting your time you will be scammed a thousand times and you will never learn anything.


    🔰🔰-✅✅ - Lineage II - Infinitum 5x -✅✅-🔰🔰
    💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🔰 Rates 🔰💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
    Experience (EXP) - 5x
    Skill Points (SP) - 5x
    Adena - 5x
    Drop Items - 1x
    🔰 Quest 🔰
    Quest Experience (EXP) - 1x
    Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1x
    Quest Adena - 1x
    Quest Items Drop - 1x
    🔰 Others 🔰
    Spoil - 1x
    Weight Limit - 7x
    💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🔰 Enchants 🔰💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
    Safe Enchant - 4
    Max Enchant - 16
    Normal Scroll chance - 45%
    Blessed Scroll chance 55% and does not crystallize
    Crystal Scroll chance - 100%
    💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🔰 Additional Info 🔰💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
    Duration of Buffs, Dances and Songs - 30 Minutes
    Max Buffs Slots - 32
    Reward level System
    3 Diferents Anti-Bot System (Pivate Project)
    Geodata - Yes
    Sub-Class Quest - No
    Master Class - No
    Offline mode Shop / Craft - Yes
    Auto Learn Skills - No
    Auto Loot - Only Medals and specials Items (Potions, SS/BSBS)
    Auto Loot Raid & Grand Boss Loot - No
    Champions System - Yes
    Wedding System - Yes
    💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🔰 Modifications 🔰💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
    Farm: The player receives buff support from the server (up to lvl "8") then must speak to the Newbie Helper in her hometown
    The Npc Newbie Helper gives normal magic support up to lvl 25 then gives all depending on whether it is a wizard or warrior (up to lvl 40)
    After lvl 40 you should receive additional support from other professions.
    ATTENTION: The use of bot or any program external to the client, which offends other players
    and attempt against the stability of the server will be penalized with jail 10 min / kick / ban Mac-ip-client permanently.
  6. I made a post on http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/42-server-shares-files-l2j/ and now I find that they have deleted it


    I do not find my post please tell me if they have moved or deleted it -_-

    I think they are being selfish to erase a contribution without at least say why it has been moved or erased if it is out of envy I want you to know that YOU ARE LOST and if you are upset that people contribute better close the forum and dedicate to selling goodies

  7. This fix is to select an item for L2CasinoInstance comfortable in my case is the last rev l2jfrozen dp


    have 2 int 


    1=  int am-beep-t = 0;

    2= private int _am-beep-t;





    Rename ints


    1= int ambeept = 0

    2= private int  ambeept1;



    and change name to alls values



    Now other Fix


    Add the import in L2CasinoInstance


    + import com.l2jfrozen.Config;

       import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
       import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;


    if (this._player.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(11001, 0) >= this.ammount



    this._player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", 11001, this.ammount, this._player, true);

    this._player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", 11001, this.ammount, this._player, true);







    go to





    +      //=========================================================================================================      
    +         public static int CASINO_ITEM;
    +      //========================================================================================================= 
    +    //==================================================================================================================== 
    +    CASINO_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CasinoItem", "360"));  
    +     //====================================================================================================================     
    go to dp

    add this to end of the file l2jfrozen.properties


    #                                                                                                 CASINO                                                                                                                   #
    # Casino Item need for Partticipate In Casino Manager
    # default = 57
    CasinoItem = 57
    /no new line



    Regards   8)

  8. Poorly coded, to stay kind with you. Do you really think it's necessary to get a config for each rank ? IF AT LEAST the config was the number to reach, but not even... It's an idiot boolean, and you still have to compile to edit the most important values (200, 400, 800, 1000).

    if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN)
        final int pkKills = activeChar.getPkKills();
        if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_GOD_NUMBER) // 1000
        else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_KING_NUMBER) // 800
        else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_MASTER_NUMBER) // 400
        else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_BEST_NUMBER) // 200

    That's a very basic form, if you got more cases (more than 10) you can eventually make it evolutive, using a for loop or a XML table.



    Basic but it works right? thanks and if you want to improve the code you are in libertade to do


    DP: L2jfrozen

    Revision: 1118






    public static boolean ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS;

    + //Announces-PK-Dagger

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN;

    + //Announces-RANK-Dagger

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN;

    + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPKGOD_LOGIN;

    + //Announces-RANK-Dagger




    ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnounceCastleLords", "False"));

    + //Announces-RANK-Dagger

    + ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkBestLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpBestLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkMasterLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpMasterLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkKingLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpKingLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkGodLogin", "False"));

    + ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpGodLogin", "False"));

    + //Announces-RANK-Dagger











    + //Announces-PK-Dagger

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN && activeChar.getKarma()>0)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: El PK "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + }

    + //Announces-RANK-PK-PVP-Dagger

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>199)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<201)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 200 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Best PK-KILLS a los 400 PKs Evolucionas !!! A The Master PKs");

    + }


    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>199)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<201)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 200 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Best PVP-KILLS a los 400 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The Master PvPs");

    + }


    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>399)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<401)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Master 400 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Master PK-KILLS a los 800 PKs Evolucionas !!! A The King Off PKs");

    + }

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>399)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<401)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 400 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Master PVP-Kills a los 800 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The King Off PvPs");

    + }


    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>799)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<801)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The King 800 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: A los 1000 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The God Off PvPs");

    + }

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>799)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<801)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The King 800 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: A los 1000 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The God Off PvPs");

    + }


    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>999)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<1001)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The God 1000 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Haz Alcanzado la cima del ranking sigue asi");

    + }

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>999)

    + if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<1001)

    + {

    + Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The God 1000 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

    + activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Haz Alcanzado la cima del ranking sigue asi");

    + }

    + //Announces-RANK-PK-PVP-Dagger


    if (Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(activeChar))







    # Announce castle lords on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceCastleLords = True


    +# Announce Pk login on enter game. default = false

    +AnnouncePkLogin = True


    +AnnouncePkBestLogin = True

    +AnnouncePvpBestLogin = True

    +AnnouncePkMasterLogin = True

    +AnnouncePvpMasterLogin = True

    +AnnouncePkKingLogin = True

    +AnnouncePvpKingLogin = True

    +AnnouncePkGodLogin = True

    +AnnouncePvpGodLogin = True








    //Go to


    if (activeChar.getActiveTradeList() != null)



    activeChar.sendMessage("Your trade canceled");






    // Add tis



    // Fix enchant by Dagger

    if (activeChar.isInBoat())


    activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION));





    if (activeChar.isInCombat())


    activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION));





    if (activeChar.isInParty())


    activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION));





    if (activeChar.isAway())


    activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION));








    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while Crafting");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while You Teleporting");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while You Are Dead");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while You Are In Sleep");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while You Are In Para");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while Casting");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while moving");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while trading");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while stunned");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while mounted");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while fake death");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while in jail");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while cursed weapon");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while flying");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while fishing");







    activeChar.sendMessage("Can't enchant while sitting");



    // Fix enchant by Dagger



    // Fix enchant transactions

    if (activeChar.isProcessingTransaction())




    //This code provides lvl 80 character




    Config.java    (revision 0)


    + public static boolean ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL;

    + public static int UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID;

    + public static int UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT;

                  public static String ALLOWED_SKILLS;

             public static String ALLOWED_SKILLS;

             public static FastList<Integer> ALLOWED_SKILLS_LIST = new FastList<>();






     +           ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("EnableUpSystem", "True"));

     +           UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("UpLevelItemID", "3481"));

     +           UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings

    ALT_SERVER_NAME_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("ServerNameEnabled", "false"));

    ANNOUNCE_TO_ALL_SPAWN_RB = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("AnnounceToAllSpawnRb", "false"));







                import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Voting;

                import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Wedding;

    +           import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.UpLevel;





    +        if (Config.ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL)

    + registerVoicedCommandHandler(new UpLevel());


    + {

    + registerVoicedCommandHandler(new BankingCmd());

    + }



    if (Config.CTF_COMMAND)


    registerVoicedCommandHandler(new CTFCmd());



    gameserver/handler/voicedcommandhandlers/UpLevel.java    (revision 0)


    package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;


    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;


    import com.l2jfrozen.Config;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.PcInventory;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PlayableInstance;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;

    import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;



     * Edited By Dagger


    public class UpLevel implements IVoicedCommandHandler


       private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = {"up"};


       public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)


       if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("up"))




        if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID) != null && activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(Config.HERO_ITEM_ID).getCount() >= Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT)


                activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("GoldDragon", Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID, Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());

                    activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16));


                    activeChar.sendMessage("Felicidades : "+activeChar.getName()+" Ha Ganado LvL 80 usando el comando .up ! .");





                    activeChar.sendMessage("No tienes el item necesario para usar este comando !!! ");

                    return true;




       return false;



       public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


       return VOICED_COMMANDS;



    //No dejar nueva linea




    # Npc Protector Message

    ProtectorMessage = Hey Tu ! aqui no se puede matar !!!


    +#Comando .up ( Enable = True | Disable = False )

    +#Subir de nivel 80 al personaje

    +EnableUpSystem = True

    +UpLevelItemID = 3481

    +UpLevelItemCount = 1

    //No dejar nueva linea


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