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About l2oasif

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  1. Server Now is better Other New stuff and game some little harder!
  2. Server Wiped Join us!!! Good Clan Incentives!
  3. Added new zone,new items,new stuff now we are the way! try it!
  4. i know man invite players ;)
  5. Hi all I am pleased to announce the arrival of a new server interlude totally customized. We are working hard to complete this projet and we hope that players can enjoy a lot. SERVER WEBSITE: www.l2oasif.com SERVER FORUM: www.l2oasif.com/forum SERVER FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/L2Oasif SERVER WIPED And added new stuff!! JOIN US TODAY! Some Features: Server Version: Interlude -> Exp – 5000x -> Sp - 5000x -> Adena – 2500x -> Safe enchant: +4 (Armors/Weapons/Jewels) -> Max. Enchant: +20 for Weapons / Armors / Jewels -> Normal Scroll and Blessed scroll change is customizated ♦ Main Town Giran Castle Town ♦ Buffer / Scheme buffer ♦ Buff Time: 1 hours ♦ Buff Slots: 30 ♦ Wedding Manager ♦ Class changer ♦ Auto Pickup ♦ Auto Learn skills ♦ Farming Zones ♦ Newbies zones (level on CB) ♦ Low Level Protectors ♦ SERVER UP TO DINASTY ♦ Clan Farming ♦ Party Farming ♦ CB Shop and GK ♦ Custom Oly ♦ PVP COIN ♦ TVT/CTF Events with Event Medals and .jointvt .leavetvt and .joinctf .leavectf command ♦ .online command ♦ Offline Shop ♦ Custom Weapon armor and Jowels ♦ Password change ♦ Hero Every Week AND A LOT OF MORE IN THE GAME try it yourself!! Server has Anti-DDOS PROTECTION WITH ANTI BOT AND ANTI PHX -> Anti farm PVP by IP,Clan,Party,Friends -> WE DON'T HAVE FAKE COUNTER OR FAKE PLAYERS. Server Now is better Other New stuffs and game some little harder! TRY NOWW! Thx all we hope you enjoy our server,L2Oasif Staff.
  6. Server is Opened ^^ don't warry for 4 minutes :P
  7. GRAND OPENING: 2015/09/14 13:00 +1 GMT Hi all I am pleased to announce the arrival of a new server interlude totally customized. We are working hard to complete this projet and we hope that players can enjoy a lot. Server currently is in "Open Beta" mode. SERVER WEBSITE: www.l2oasif.com SERVER FORUM: www.l2oasif.com/forum SERVER FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/L2Oasif Some Features: Server Version: Interlude -> Exp – 5000x -> Sp - 5000x -> Adena – 2500x -> Safe enchant: +4 (Armors/Weapons/Jewels) -> Max. Enchant: +20 for Weapons / Armors / Jewels -> Normal Scroll and Blessed scroll change is customizated ♦ Main Town Giran Castle Town ♦ Buffer / Scheme buffer ♦ Buff Time: 1 hours ♦ Buff Slots: 30 ♦ Wedding Manager ♦ Class changer ♦ Auto Pickup ♦ Auto Learn skills ♦ Farming Zones ♦ Newbies zones (level on CB) ♦ Low Level Protectors ♦ SERVER UP TO DINASTY ♦ Clan Farming ♦ Party Farming ♦ CB Shop and GK ♦ Custom Oly ♦ PVP COIN ♦ TVT/CTF Events with Event Medals and .jointvt .leavetvt and .joinctf .leavectf command ♦ .online command ♦ Offline Shop ♦ Custom Weapon armor and Jowels ♦ Password change ♦ Hero Every Week AND A LOT OF MORE IN THE GAME try it yourself!! Server has Anti-DDOS PROTECTION WITH ANTI BOT AND ANTI PHX -> Anti farm PVP by IP,Clan,Party,Friends -> WE DON'T HAVE FAKE COUNTER OR FAKE PLAYERS. Thx all we hope you enjoy our server,L2Oasif Staff.
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