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Everything posted by Dartexx

  1. I am always buying and selling WoW EU & US gold at all realms - on demand. Offering best rates, online 16 hours each day, 2+ years in business and lots of vouches and reputation on many trading related websites. Also i sell all TCG mounts and pets, on all EU and US realms(contact me to check price/availability - i don't sell TCG stuff for gold, real money only). List of mounts: Amani Dragonhawk, Big Battle Bear, Blazing Hippogryph, Corrupted Hippogryph, Feldrake[/color], Ghastly Charger's Skull, Magic Rooster Egg, Mottled Drake, Reins of the Spectral Tiger, Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger, Riding Turtle, Savage Raptor, Swift Shorestrider, White Riding Camel, Wooly White Rhino, X-51 Nether-Rocket, X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME List of battle pets: Banana Charm, Dragon Kite, Eye of the Legion, Grell Moss, Gusting Grimoire, Hippogryph Hatchling, Landro's Lichling, Landro's Lil' XT, Nightsaber Cub, Purple Puffer, Rocket Chicken, Sand Scarab, Soul-Trader Beacon, Spectral Tiger Cub, Tuskarr Kite And I am now selling 3 session lifetime honorbuddy and demonbuddy keys at a very nice price - 20$ only, while original price is 80$. Reasons to buy from me or sell to me: 1)Plenty of feedback/vouches/reputation 2)Good price 3)Instant delivery/payments 4)Safe IP and trade methods Payment options: Moneybookers Webmoney Paypal Delivery methods: Face to face Guild bank Auction House Price: Varies, but it will always beat any legit competition. Contacts: Skype - dartex2008 (dartex2008 is my skype username) SCAMMER ALERT: Watch out for scammers - i only got one skype - dartex2008 - and i'm working alone, don't believe anyone claiming otherwise and linking this thread to you. Always request a private message or a forum post in your thread if you're in doubt. Be warned :)
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