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Everything posted by packer

  1. any idea how to make a script so that a warcryer can buff? ive tried this USESKILL(Chant of Eagle) and this USESKILL(Chant of Eagle, self) and this USESKILL(Chant of Eagle, party, member) and it wont do it any ideas?
  2. when loged in walker i constantly keep getting packet error y tried the wpf507f but its for an older walker version, so i tried it with the older version and it doesnt log in. im playing kamael in l2refused when i use bots to buff its fine but when im lvl ing them or making them follow they keep saying packet error btw im using the 10.9 with the xzcrk sometimes they combat for a little and then logout cuz of packet error any solutions to this?
  3. i wanna make a script with but for some reason the one i have doesnt work, heres the code LABEL(Start) useskill(dance of protection, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of vampire, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of earth guard, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of aqua guard, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of light, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of concentration, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of mystic, self) delay(1900) useskill(dance of inspiration, self) delay(1900) USESKILL(dance of fire,Self) delay(1900) USESKILL(dance of fury,Self) delay(1900) USESKILL(dance of warrior,Self) delay(1900) EXIT()
  4. so if im using a laptop, i cant use the home key, any key that activates the IG wlaker?
  5. im playing in a randome private interlude kamael server, (kamael client), so ur saying this cant be fixed?
  6. Anyone know why i cant move witht his 10.9.0 oog walker?, cant even combat, i heard something about anchor patch but couldnt find any that go with this crack
  7. its a interlude kamael server, do i still need that patch? anyway, i tried looking for that patcher, and i noticed it only exists for the old walker, i have 10.9.0 and using the xzcrk to load it, any ideas?
  8. my walker can connect and all, but for some reason i cant walk (ie clicking on the virtual map to walk, i also cant use the GK i click on it click teleport but the window willl close) the only way i can move is my clicking on npcs...anyone know why or how i can fix this? I cant even fight, when i start combat, it just stays there and some chinese characters come out, 超出时间,换目标. oh and the only way it fights is when a agro attacks me...
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