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About funfis5

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  1. Gold
  2. Jeikob106 he is scamer Dont trust him!!
  3. ok thx for info:)))))))))
  4. he to meeseg U ??
  5. Dont trust him jeikob106 I sell him gold is a scamer I givehim 2k gold for check adn he dont send me money wit this middleman
  6. Bro U dont wnat buy with my rulesth is is not a scam, I sold and I give items in game.
  7. Wts am +8 acumen 70€
  8. WTB AM +10 in L2warland Pm me on Skype: Matiqq90
  9. Hello I have items for sell on l2warland Adena 20kkk Gold 100k Tts +6 Dr robię set +6 Skype: Matiqq90
  10. Hey I have for sell 200 col Tts set +6 Dc set +6 Am acu +7 sold Pm me if U have question
  11. Wts items on la2dream - ic set +6 -dc set +6 -tt's set +6 -tts set -talum robe setm pmme low price
  12. WTB COL items on La2Dream pm me
  13. HELLOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have for sell items on l2 Dreamm x50 items... DC robe set + 7 x2 Dc robe set+6 x 2 Tts set +6 x3 Am witch augument emp Am + 8 WM ACTIVE COOL 300 and more pm me fo mor details
  14. Hey I have Items for sell in e-global x25 DC SETS X2 + 6 TTS SETS + 6 AM ACU +8 ADNEA 1KKK Write her or pm me for more info!!!!!!!!!
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