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Everything posted by vladimirl2

  1. PLS! I cannot download this! This is my last hope! PLs maxtor, serj SOME1! Thankyou!
  2. Ok, I got it... Now. PLS Serj Post L2WalkerPatcher 10.6.4.!!! This is the only thing that stops me from my evil plan! :) THX! ! WE NEED IT ! :D
  3. OK, Im starting to get a bit upset about this walker..So, what the Hell am I supposed to do? What can be possibly be wrong? I would really need that final answer... :) So if the ip,port or protocol would be wrong, the login couldnt get until here,am I right? But if the token is wrong could it be the problem? Sorry Im Just soo noobish about this, never played on a L2J server before... I would really need your assistance pls (hey its a 2/2/2/2 server.. :shock: )
  4. Hmm, that tool works!! But I get the same ->Login GameServer Fail. and if i put the "login server use:" info manually it wont even get til there...Please help me...
  5. Hmm, you are right. Thx for the answer.
  6. Hi, I would be very proud if you could post the Ip,token, and everything to run a bot on L2 Mikro...It's a C4 L2J server btw.. I was trying to find them manually,but... couldnt... So I ask Your Help ... Please help me! :cry: If you check out the site you will no wonder why I need it so much... http://l2.mikrovisata.net/index.php?lang=EN And the files: http://rapidshare.de/files/14293255/L2_Mikro_Files.rar.html Thx for Helping Me!
  7. Hi, ive got the same problem, and we would be happy to solve this.. The only thing is what I could replace is the nwindow.dll, no crash but there are no help either... pls help us :|
  8. Hi, i got a problem, I play on Hobby,and I cant see the Help ingame.. I cant change the engine.dll or l2.exe (crash) ,but i have replaced the nwindow.dll for the original, so there now i have the correct lines in it and everything.. But still cant open the help... :? Oh,and srry for my english PLS help :cry:
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