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About Nikoalvares

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I hope next week
  2. Dear lineage2 players grand open December 23th 18:00 gmt+2 Server Website: http://l2earthwars.net/ Server Forum: http://l2earthwars.net/forum/ * Rates * Xp 1200x | Sp 1200x | Adena 500x | Drop 1x | RaidDrop 1x. * Enchant Rates * ~Safe enchant +4. ~Blessed and simple scrolls max enchant (+12). ~Crystal scrolls max enchant (+16). ~Simple enchant scrolls chance - 80%. ~Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 100%. ~Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 90%. * Features * ~Main towns - Giran. ~StartUp System. ~Server have AntiBot system kill 300 mob and you must write code. ~Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants. ~More then 10 active raid bosses. ~Unique aden system. ~Unique farming areas. ~A grade items for free. ~Shops till top S grade. ~Unique tattoos. ~Max count of buffs - 76. ~Max subclasses - 3. ~Free and no quest class change. ~Free and no quest sub class. ~Free nobless status. ~No weight limit. ~No grade limit. ~Quake pvp system. ~Unique monsters. ~Offline trade system. ~Interlude retail skills. ~Server up-time [24/7] [99]%. ~No custom items ! * Server Farm Zone's * ~Gludin Vilage Peace Farm zone:Mob Drop Blessed Scroll Bews|Beas|Beaa 10% and aden 100%. ~Varka Silenos Vilage Farm PvP/PK zone:Mob Drop Blessed Scroll Bews|Beas|Beaa 20% and aden 100%. ~Hot Springs Farm PvP/PK zone:Mob Drop Blessed Scroll Bews|Beas|Beaa 30% and aden 100%. ~Imperial Tomb Farm zone PvP/PK:Mob Drop HIGH LifeZone/Book of Giant 5% and aden 100%. * Server NPC's * ~Change Password Manager. ~Gatekeeper. ~Event Npc. ~Subclass Manager. ~PvP Rankings. ~Wedding Manager. ~Siege Manager. ~Skill Enchanter. ~Augmenter. ~Warehouse. ~Donation Manager. ~Vote Manager. ~Symbol Maker. ~Raid Bosses Gatekeeper. ~Gm Shop. ~Boss Manager. ~Bug Report Manager. ~Clan Manager. ~Casino Event [24/7]. ~Grand Olympiad Manager. * Raid/Grand Boss Info * ~Valakas Respawn 6Hour +30 min random. ~Antharas Respawn 5Hour +30 min random. ~Baium Respawn 4Hour +30 min random. ~Zaken Respawn 3Hour +30 min random. ~Queen Ant Respawn 2Hour +30 min random. ~GRANDBOSS HAVE CUSTOM ZONES OF AUTO FLAG PVP. ~Killing Barakiel give nobless stats Respawn 1Hour +30 min random. ~Uruka Respawn 1Hour. ~Skylancer Respawn 1Hour 30min. ~Plague Respawn 40min. ~FlameStone Respawn 1Hour 10min. ~Party RB need 5-9 players Respawn 5Hour. * Castle Sieges * ~Working all castle sieges. ~Period 4day. * Auto Eevent * ~Every 1hour TVT|CTF|DM * Augmentation * ~Augmentation system (preconfigured). ~HIGH skill chance 10%. ~TOP skill chance 20%. * Commands * ~.tvtjoin .tvtleave .tvtinfo - Join or leave tvt event and info. ~.ctfjoin .ctfleave .ctfinfo - Join or leave ctf event and info. ~.dmjoin .dmleave .dminfo - Join of leave dm event and info. ~.online - current online players count. ~.repair - repairs stuck character in world. ~.menu - Show server info. ~.raidinfo - Show raid/brand boss status. ~.joinoly - Register in oly. ~.leaveoly - Leave oly. * Olympiad * ~Retail olympiad game ~You need 30 pvps so you can play olympiad matches. ~Olympiad List updated after every match. ~Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match. ~Olympiad Period 1 week. ~Every Sunday. ~Starts 18:00. ~Ends 00:00. ~Olympiad work 100% without feed. * Vote Reward * ~Server have individual and auto vote system in game. ~Vote for us TopZone,HopZone,L2NetWork and give vote reward.
  3. Hello who can say i want to change the auto-flag PvP zone loc where can I find Java? Now pvp zone antharas lair i want change to Primeval Isle Pack frozen
  4. Website: www.l2winner.eu We have great news for L2 Winner player will be rewarded.You need be online today 2015-08-23day 17:00-18:00 hour and get reward.10.000 winner coin,30voter coin and 50 event medal.Don't miss event!!! Chronicle: Interlude C6 Server Rates Experience : x2000 Skill Points: x2000 Adena: x1000 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 RaidBossDrop:x1 Startup system Starting level: 80 Starting adena: 100kk Basic Features No custom weapons / armors / shields. Custom Gatekeeper. Custom raid zones. Auto Learn Skills: Enabled. Weight Limit: Disabled. Grade penalty: Disabled. Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character. Subclass Without Quest: Enabled. Increased movement speed on all classes and pets! Augments in server Enchant Rates Safe Enchant: 5 Max Enchant: 20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 85% Blessed Scrolls Rate: 95% Crystal Scrolls 100% Buff & Mana Potion Buff Slot: 100+4. Debuff Slot: 6. Buff Time: about 2 hours Events Automatic events every 60 minutes. Death Match - The player to get most kills wins. Team vs Team - The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins. Capture the Flag - Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins. Additional Information Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 5 seconds. So you don't need rebuff. Stackable enchant scrools,(Enchant scrolls,take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). No Heal and Buffs at Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 20 seconds. /unstuck - 20 seconds. Offline shop [add your shop and exit]. Offline Trade: Max 10 days. Augmentation system (preconfigured). Max augument 1active+1passive. LifeStone:TopGrade 13% HightGrade 8% L2Off retail skill. Unique monsters. Unique farming areas. Unique flag pvp area. Pvp/pk show on title. Perfect class balance. More then 5 active raid bosses. A grade items for adena. Shops till top S grade for Winner Coin. Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Fully working Champion mobs system. Olympiad game: Retail olympiad game. Competition period [1] week. Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]. Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager. Anti Heavy system. Geodata. Offline Shop system. Noblesse System. Additional player commands .repair .buffshield .stat .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo .dmjoin - .dmleave - .dminfo .ctfjoin - .ctfleave - .ctfinfo NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! Custom NPCs. Donate Shop. Event NPC. Raid boss info. Skill Enchanter. Clan Manager. GM Shop. Custom Shop. Npc Buffer. GateKeeper. Augmenter. Augument Shop. Class Manager. Top Status. Weding Manager. Password Changer. Bug Report. Olympiad Manager. Casino [24/7]. Epic Bosses #Shacram = 15min. #Uruka = 15min. #Remmel = 30min. #Verfa = 20min. #Sailren = 60min. # CPU: Dual Xeon 5148 3.2 GHz (4 Cores). # RAM: 8 GB DDR3 RAM. # 3 x 100GB SSD. # 100mbps Connection. # Operating System: Linux. # Full DDOS Protection! SHARE US AND VOTE US EVERY 12H. ENJOY!
  5. Website: http://www.l2winner.eu We have great for news L2 Winner player will be rewarded. All you need is to be online and wait 14:00-15:00 hour GMT +3 2015.08.20 day you give 10.000 winner coin 30 Weapons Blessed scroll 60 Armor Blessed scroll Grade A/S COME HERE AND TRY!!! Do you wanna start playing on our server with your friends and create your own clan? We will reward you! Just create a new clan and invite your friends! Your clan must have at least 8 members, and each of the member must have at least 4 hours activity and i give you clan 8lvl and 100.000clan rep.Admin skype: l2winner_admsupport Chronicle: Interlude C6 Server Rates Experience : x2000 Skill Points: x2000 Adena: x1000 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 RaidBossDrop:x1 Startup system Starting level: 80 Starting adena: 100kk Basic Features No custom weapons / armors / shields. Custom Gatekeeper. Custom raid zones. Auto Learn Skills: Enabled. Weight Limit: Disabled. Grade penalty: Disabled. Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character. Subclass Without Quest: Enabled. Increased movement speed on all classes and pets! Augments in server Enchant Rates Safe Enchant: 5 Max Enchant: 20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 85% Blessed Scrolls Rate: 95% Crystal Scrolls 100% Buff & Mana Potion Buff Slot: 100+4. Debuff Slot: 6. Buff Time: about 2 hours Events Automatic events every 60 minutes. Death Match - The player to get most kills wins. Team vs Team - The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins. Capture the Flag - Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins. Additional Information Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 5 seconds. So you don't need rebuff. Stackable enchant scrools,(Enchant scrolls,take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). No Heal and Buffs at Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 20 seconds. /unstuck - 20 seconds. Offline shop [add your shop and exit]. Offline Trade: Max 10 days. Augmentation system (preconfigured). Max augument 1active+1passive. LifeStone:TopGrade 13% HightGrade 8% L2Off retail skill. Unique monsters. Unique farming areas. Unique flag pvp area. Pvp/pk show on title. Perfect class balance. More then 5 active raid bosses. A grade items for adena. Shops till top S grade for Winner Coin. Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Fully working Champion mobs system. Olympiad game: Retail olympiad game. Competition period [1] week. Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]. Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager. Anti Heavy system. Geodata. Offline Shop system. Noblesse System. Additional player commands .repair .buffshield .stat .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo .dmjoin - .dmleave - .dminfo .ctfjoin - .ctfleave - .ctfinfo NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! Custom NPCs. Donate Shop. Event NPC. Raid boss info. Skill Enchanter. Clan Manager. GM Shop. Custom Shop. Npc Buffer. GateKeeper. Augmenter. Augument Shop. Class Manager. Top Status. Weding Manager. Password Changer. Bug Report. Olympiad Manager. Casino [24/7]. Epic Bosses #Shacram = 15min. #Uruka = 15min. #Remmel = 30min. #Verfa = 20min. #Sailren = 60min. # CPU: Dual Xeon 5148 3.2 GHz (4 Cores). # RAM: 8 GB DDR3 RAM. # 3 x 100GB SSD. # 100mbps Connection. # Operating System: Linux. # Full DDOS Protection! SHARE US AND VOTE US EVERY 12H. ENJOY!
  6. Website: www.l2winner.eu We have great news for new players! Every new L2winner player will be rewarded. All you need is to create a new character and wait 21:00-22:00 hour GMT +3 2015.08.18 day you give 10.000 winner coin 60 Weapons Blessed scroll 100 Armor Blessed scroll Grade A/S COME HERE AND TRY!!! Do you wanna start playing on our server with your friends and create your own clan? We will reward you! Just create a new clan and invite your friends! Your clan must have at least 8 members, and each of the member must have at least 4 hours activity and i give you clan 8lvl and 100.000clan rep.Admin skype: l2winner_admsupport Chronicle: Interlude C6 Server Rates Experience : x2000 Skill Points: x2000 Adena: x1000 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 RaidBossDrop:x1 Startup system Starting level: 80 Starting adena: 100kk Basic Features No custom weapons / armors / shields. Custom Gatekeeper. Custom raid zones. Auto Learn Skills: Enabled. Weight Limit: Disabled. Grade penalty: Disabled. Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character. Subclass Without Quest: Enabled. Increased movement speed on all classes and pets! Augments in server Enchant Rates Safe Enchant: 5 Max Enchant: 20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 85% Blessed Scrolls Rate: 95% Crystal Scrolls 100% Buff & Mana Potion Buff Slot: 100+4. Debuff Slot: 6. Buff Time: about 2 hours Events Automatic events every 60 minutes. Death Match - The player to get most kills wins. Team vs Team - The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins. Capture the Flag - Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins. Additional Information Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 5 seconds. So you don't need rebuff. Stackable enchant scrools,(Enchant scrolls,take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). No Heal and Buffs at Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 20 seconds. /unstuck - 20 seconds. Offline shop [add your shop and exit]. Offline Trade: Max 10 days. Augmentation system (preconfigured). Max augument 1active+1passive. LifeStone:TopGrade 13% HightGrade 8% L2Off retail skill. Unique monsters. Unique farming areas. Unique flag pvp area. Pvp/pk show on title. Perfect class balance. More then 5 active raid bosses. A grade items for adena. Shops till top S grade for Winner Coin. Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Fully working Champion mobs system. Olympiad game: Retail olympiad game. Competition period [1] week. Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]. Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager. Anti Heavy system. Geodata. Offline Shop system. Noblesse System. Additional player commands .repair .buffshield .stat .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo .dmjoin - .dmleave - .dminfo .ctfjoin - .ctfleave - .ctfinfo NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! Custom NPCs. Donate Shop. Event NPC. Raid boss info. Skill Enchanter. Clan Manager. GM Shop. Custom Shop. Npc Buffer. GateKeeper. Augmenter. Augument Shop. Class Manager. Top Status. Weding Manager. Password Changer. Bug Report. Olympiad Manager. Casino [24/7]. Epic Bosses #Shacram = 15min. #Uruka = 15min. #Remmel = 30min. #Verfa = 20min. #Sailren = 60min. # CPU: Dual Xeon 5148 3.2 GHz (4 Cores). # RAM: 8 GB DDR3 RAM. # 3 x 100GB SSD. # 100mbps Connection. # Operating System: Linux. # Full DDOS Protection! SHARE US AND VOTE US EVERY 12H. ENJOY!
  7. Website: www.l2winner.eu Chronicle: Interlude C6 Server Rates Experience : x2000 Skill Points: x2000 Adena: x1000 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 RaidBossDrop:x1 Startup system Starting level: 80 Starting adena: 100kk Basic Features No custom weapons / armors / shields. Custom Gatekeeper. Custom raid zones. Auto Learn Skills: Enabled. Weight Limit: Disabled. Grade penalty: Disabled. Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character. Subclass Without Quest: Enabled. Increased movement speed on all classes and pets! Augments in server Enchant Rates Safe Enchant: 5 Max Enchant: 20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 85% Blessed Scrolls Rate: 92% Crystal Scrolls 100% Buff & Mana Potion Buff Slot: 100+4. Debuff Slot: 6. Buff Time: about 2 hours Events Automatic events every 60 minutes. Death Match - The player to get most kills wins. Team vs Team - The good and oldschool TvT event where the team with most kills wins. Capture the Flag - Each team need to steal enemy's team flag and bring it back to the flag holder, team with most flags taken wins. Additional Information Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 5 seconds. So you don't need rebuff. Stackable enchant scrools,(Enchant scrolls,take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). No Heal and Buffs at Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 20 seconds. /unstuck - 20 seconds. Offline shop [add your shop and exit]. Offline Trade: Max 10 days. Augmentation system (preconfigured). Max augument 1active+1passive. LifeStone:TopGrade 13% HightGrade 8% L2Off retail skill. Unique monsters. Unique farming areas. Unique flag pvp area. Pvp/pk show on title. Perfect class balance. More then 5 active raid bosses. A grade items for adena. Shops till top S grade for Winner Coin. Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Fully working Champion mobs system. Olympiad game: Retail olympiad game. Competition period [1] week. Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]. Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager. Anti Heavy system. Geodata. Offline Shop system. Noblesse System. Additional player commands .repair .buffshield .online .tvtjoin - .tvtleave - .tvtinfo .dmjoin - .dmleave - .dminfo .ctfjoin - .ctfleave - .ctfinfo 1 NO CUSTOM ITEMS!! Custom NPCs. Donate Shop. Event NPC. Raid boss info. Skill Enchanter. Clan Manager. GM Shop. Custom Shop. Npc Buffer. GateKeeper. Augmenter. Augument Shop. Class Manager. Top Status. Weding Manager. Password Changer. Bug Report. Olympiad Manager. Casino [24/7]. Epic Bosses #Shacram = 15min. #Uruka = 15min. #Remmel = 30min. #Verfa = 20min. #Sailren = 60min. # CPU: Dual Xeon 5148 3.2 GHz (4 Cores). # RAM: 8 GB DDR3 RAM. # 3 x 100GB SSD. # 100mbps Connection. # Operating System: Linux. # Full DDOS Protection! SHARE US AND VOTE US EVERY 12H. ENJOY!
  8. How connect from your local computer to remote MySQL server?
  9. Nikoalvares


    How connect from your local computer to remote MySQL server?
  10. Hello need help with Linux,maybe can add me in skype: l2blackwell Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/GameServer : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:634) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142) at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:277) at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(URLClassLoader.java:73) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:212) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:334) Could not find the main class: com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GameServer. Program will exit.
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