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Everything posted by Adenix

  1. Next time use google... Source: http://l2control.stelife.com/index_eng.html
  2. You can use previous cracked version: to l2control, work for me. http://rapidshare.com/files/341932646/l2c_6.2_crack.rar
  3. Latest ACP version C4-Gracia 2: http://rapidshare.com/files/199542850/ACP_2.0.5.rar
  4. Here is tutorial source [in russian], can anyone translate it? http://rapidshare.com/files/227738489/l2ph_tutorial.rar
  5. I think now 3.5.x.x version of l2ph is beta version. New build: http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/l2phx.
  6. Lol karma for what? This program is available on official CoderX site... [Hidden Content]
  7. ACP 2.0.4 Gracia support: >> DL LINK << Description:
  8. Last version: 2.0.1 >>> Download Link <<< Description: Russian English [by google translate]
  9. There are 2 types of gold bars: Type: None (in normal inventory) http://lineage.pmfun.com/item/3470/gold-bar.html Type: Quest (in quest inventory) http://lineage.pmfun.com/item/2807/gold-bar.html I thing it's fixed on many servers.
  10. The program is available on sourceforge. Lates version: 1.6.8 (stable) C4 up to Gracia Other version: 1.6.9 (beta) C4 up to Gracia http://sourceforge.net/projects/lau/ @A-style did not know why you hidde first post, the program is open to public...
  11. GM cant detect u (it only changes are on the client side) ! ... np
  12. I thing its work on all chronicle. If you have problem kill game guard. BTW: Ty for great share ;D
  13. If you have well configured auto clicker (ex: ghost mouse), you can get ~100kk in 1 minute without farming ! This is better way to make money IMO.
  14. 610 upload this is joke or what ?
  15. UPDATED, commenting is allowed 8)
  16. I found small (or big) bugs/exploits on L2 WorldWide x1000 PvP server. So we'll start. You need Maestro (char with many CON, preferably 80 level), go to Custom Areas >> GM Shops. 1. Buy dye +5 CON -inert. 2. Buy Doom Heavy set (+3 CON). 3. If you have 2GB buy Tattoo - Weight Boost (S80) +40% weight limit. 4. Your inventory must be empty (only adena), and you need 350-400kk adena. 5. Go to Royal Shop (GM Shop) >> Usefull items, and buy 2,700,000 Cursed Bone (130a each). 6. Now again open Royal Shop and sell all Cursed Bone (150 each). 7. Enjoy you have more 54kk adena. Other exploit. You can enchant skills without book Giant's Codex. Regards ;D
  17. Doesn't work, server back to Interlude now.
  18. Only luck, no more imo ;/
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Reply to see, im gonna try it. Tnx for share ;]
  21. Read, read and it read one more time...
  22. Nice share, but more server is kick/jail when use send packets ;/
  23. Usefull program ;D Here is english version: Link--> http://rapidshare.com/files/91686984/MultiWin_eng.rar
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