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    Grind-Team Lineage 2 Emulator

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  1. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/
  2. 1. All information with screenshots and videos available on our website http://grind-team.net 2. We do not disclose domain names of our customers (avoid repurchase). 3. Live-gameserver was provided for review (emerald-game.ru).
  3. Sell Buff Service (final ver.)
  4. Components: gameserver, protection against bots and cheaters, GEODATA, patch upgrade, 1 month. tech. support. The package price: 55,000 rubles. (for source) The package price: 20,000 rubles. (for compile) The cost of extending the tech. support: 10,000 rubles. (+1 month.).
  5. Levels of subscriptions, the cost, the period of: Level 1 - access to the SVN, handling your critical bug reports, a period of 1 month. Price: 8000 rub. Level 2 - Access to SVN, handling all your bug reports, a period of 1 month. Price: 16,000 rubles. Level 3 - Access to SVN, handling all your bug reports and requests for additional implementation. content, period of 1 month. Price: 24,000 rubles. in SVN: source code emulator and protect server/client side + geodata + client patch we have eng. support we accept paypal
  6. info: https://grind-team.net/index.php?/topic/6-lineage-2-classic-emulator-interlude-version/
  7. # Игроки смогут продавать бафы своего персонажа через голосовую команду .sellbuffs # Players can sell buffs his character through a voice command .sellbuffs SellBuffsEnable = False # Только премиум игроки могут воспользоваться данной функцией? # Only premium players can use this feature? SellBuffsPremium = False # Укажите ID предметов (валюту), за которую игроки смогут продавать свои бафы. # Enter item IDs (currencies), for which players will be able to sell their buffs. SellBuffsCurrency = 57;6673;4037
  8. players buff sale service
  9. Flying Besieged Castle
  10. underwater locations
  11. Lineage 2 Arch (ripening) Lineage 2 Arch (harvesting)
  12. # Enable automatic dispensing system presents? # Gift occurs once a day at the first entry of the character in the game. GiftEnable = True # Specify the ID of items that the character will receive as a gift. GiftItems = 4037; 57 # Specify the number of items that the character will receive as a gift. GiftCount = 10; 1000
  13. Special advantages: full implementation of the official content, stable operation at high loads (maximum of 4,000 players made online), server protection against cheaters (based caching and validation bypass) and bots (based on automated analysis of the behavior of the player and the checking suspicious players CAPTCHA), protection Spam via chat or game mail, including personal messages (PM) system phantom characters (characters controlled by the server) to create the visual effect of high online. Also: character customization system in the Community Board - new faces, hairstyles, hair color and the system suits (giving any kind of armor suit); New location of Atlantis and the respective quests, items, skills, monsters and NPC (included option). Some original options: Rankings of the characters and the issuance of the hero and the heroic aura of the best chat in the rating categories (best duelist, the richest and so forth.); Issuance of players subject to a premium account (automatic selection of the object at the end of the action Premium); extensive functionality and appearance of the original Community Board with all necessary services (statistics, sharpening, and attribute items, purchase clan level, the reset points Olympiad baffer schemes, teleport, services, changing the name of the character / clan support lifting / lowering, washed service points PK, and more).
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