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About Atillan

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  1. add server Lineage2Classic.com x3 Talking Island
  2. Lineage2Classic.com WTS Adena Always good stock. Fust Delivery. I am always ready to offer the best prices and conditions. You can contact me: Skype: igor.vishnya web: http://Gselling.ru Acsept: webmoney,qiwi,paypal
  3. add server http://l2e-global.com/
  4. add server http://www.dragon-network.net/ 10Eur-400kk
  5. L2.BNB.GR [core] x10 wts adena Always good stock 1Eur-15kk Acsept: webmoney,qiwi,paypal I am always ready to offer the best prices and conditions. You will always be assured of a successful transaction. You can contact me: here or visit our web http://Gselling.ru Also I can offer Adena on server l2Cartel.com // l2eu.com // dragon-network.net
  6. l2Cartel.com x20 WTS Adena In stock 25kkk+ Acsept: webmoney,qiwi,paypal,Viza I am always ready to offer the best prices and conditions. You will always be assured of a successful transaction. You can contact me here or http://gselling.ru Also I can offer Adena on server l2.bnb.gr
  7. Server Classic Interlude x7 open 22.05.2015. The server works on Moscow time (GMT+3). We've been looking for and decided that if you want to do well – do it yourself. Here you will find high-quality C4 server unchanged – ie as it was on official server. What makes us different from analogues which exist at the moment? 1.We do not pour into the game what should not be there, we have no cartoon things, premium accounts and all that appeared in the New Chronicle and is present at the moment, on most servers. 2.We do not sell things and any values of game, we have a «Donate Shop» a balanced 'shop in the game' that makes no imbalance and does not prejudice other players. 3.We have a responsive and adequate administration in all matters, we always try to give the most accurate, and an adequate response. Platform – PTS Rates: - Exp – x7 - SP – x7 - Drop – x7 - Chance Spoil – x7 - Amount Spoil – x1 - RB Exp/Sp – x7 - RB Drop – x1 - Epic – x1 - Quest – х1 Server Features: - 1 and 2 professions can be bought for Adena (first profession 300K, second profession 3kk) - In the control panel, you can change name/name color/title color/gender/login/E-mail - Quality geodata - Full scripted Olympiad - Closed bugs to go through the door on the strider - Closed bugs with epic farm - Stable server - Offline trade - The number of windows is not limited Additional information: - 7 Signs - the standard period of 2 weeks - Siege - Standard period of 2 weeks (during the validity period of the victory of 7 Signs) Gludio Castle - Sunday 16:00 Dion Castle - Saturday 20:00 Giran Castle - Sunday 16:00 Oren Castle - Saturday 20:00 Aden Castle - Saturday 20:00 Innadril Castle - Saturday 20:00 Goddard Castle - Sunday 16:00 Rune Castle - Sunday 16:00 Schuttgart Castle - Saturday 20:00 - Olympiad - 1 month period hero, the time 20:00 - 00:00 (GMT +3) http://en.lineageclassic.ru/
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