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Posts posted by lilyzhao

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    Magician can transfer to the warlock or sorcerer. Warlock is an expert in the release element of magic in battle. Instead, the shaman is a versatile: he can make the enemy poisoned, weakened the insurgency even directly control them. Thieves can be upgraded to scout who bards and not currently produced infiltrators. Scout who has stealth technology and can be used to attack the enemy in the distance longbow. Bard can sing hymns to cause harm to the enemy. Monks can evolve as monks and priests, their skills, including treatment, protection magic, and can attack zombies. http://www.mmoxe.com/DAOC/'>DAOC Platis really good for fighting in the game.


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    A total of 19 kinds of weapons the soldiers portfolios and two sets of underwater weapon combinations. They can switch two sets of arms combination in the battle. Switch weapons with the cooling time, but the soldiers can be equipped with weapons master features to reduce the cooling time.

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  5. "Guild Wars 2" has differs from many other games, one of which is that we can rely on to run the map, scenic spots, explore point, music and dance to get experience and reward, which is an innovative style game upgrade, farewell a copy of the boring Daguai upgrade. Today to tell you about the current upgrade Raiders ran map method of Guild Wars 2. You still can buy GW2 gold for better play.


    "Guild Wars 2" has differs from many other games, one of which is that we can rely on to run the map, scenic spots, explore point, music and dance to get experience and reward, which is an innovative style game upgrade, farewell a copy of the boring Daguai upgrade. Today to tell you about the current upgrade Raiders ran map method of Guild Wars 2. The price of GW2 gold may decrease.



    Upgrade Instructions

    Skill points (blue miter)

    Explore point (a small orange square dots)

    Teleport (light blue large squares)

    Scenic spots (two red triangles stacked)

    When the players on the map to touch these points, the system will figure as a percentage of current experience to experience, including all love tasks Guild Wars 2 maps, etc. are so high-grade low-grade map back down temporarily downgraded property, so that in earnest to do the task is the last word, do not think jumping grade do the task. You still can buy GW2 gold for better play.


    Peace Map

    Create a character interface when you can see the various races, each race has Guild Wars 2 belong to their respective host city. The main city of the one called lion arches map links with, is called peace map, because it is not a monster, there is no love task, in addition to music and dance. The price of GW2 gold may decrease. All the main city transfer costs are free. Each host city is equipped with a furnace, the corresponding NPC merchant bank.

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