Hello, i have the following problem i want to play on the infinite aion server but this server only supports but my aion is and now my question is. can i downpatch the aion client? and if i can, how? or any other tipps how i can get on this client version? thanks ppl
EDIT: Problem solved
I was thinking how can i get it work to enchant different per scroll, so my only question is, is that right or what i do wrong pls tell me.
if (scroll.getItemId() == ENCHANT_SCROLLS);
item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 1);
if (scroll.getItemId() == CRYSTAL_SCROLLS);
item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 1000);
if (scroll.getItemId() == BLESSED_SCROLLS);
item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 100);
Noob why you want gracia? the interlude, kamael and hellbound featuares are also not already finished. so tell me why you want gracia, so that it will be more bugy than now?