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Posts posted by #Hellson

  1. Addapting frintezza script to aCis and have one problem, in transformation casting skill id 5017 (see in attached code) scarlet feets goes underground. Trying delete line with cast of this skill, but after this this have visual (cinematic) bugs: after first transformation Scarlet wings disappear, and in Scarlet2 problems with final cinematic part. Have idea with correcting chrords after transformation ending, but don't know how right do it. If someone have any idea pls help.

            else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("morph_04"))
                FRINTEZZA_LAIR.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(weakScarlet,4));
                L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5017, 1);
                if (skill != null)
                    skill.getEffects(weakScarlet, weakScarlet);
                startQuestTimer("morph_end", 3000, weakScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("start_pc", 3000, weakScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("start_npc", 3000, weakScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("songs_play", 10000 + Rnd.get(10000), frintezza, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("skill02", 10000 + Rnd.get(10000), weakScarlet, null,false);
            else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("morph_15"))
                FRINTEZZA_LAIR.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(strongScarlet,2));
                L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5017, 1);
                if (skill != null)
                    skill.getEffects(strongScarlet, strongScarlet);
                startQuestTimer("morph_end", 9000, strongScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("start_pc", 6000, strongScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("start_npc", 6000, strongScarlet, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("songs_play", 10000 + Rnd.get(10000), frintezza, null,false);
                startQuestTimer("skill03", 10000 + Rnd.get(10000), strongScarlet, null,false);
  2. Hi, i try addapt Frintezza for aCis and have error when trying enter. Only pick quest item, if try again enter give message : "Someone else is already inside the Magic Force Field. Try again later."


    its screen of error in GS:



    its part of code (onTalk string):

    	public String onTalk (L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
    		if (npc.getNpcId() == CUBE)
    			int x = 150037 + Rnd.get(500);
    			int y = -57720 + Rnd.get(500);
    			player.teleToLocation(x, y, -2976,0);
    			return null;
    		String htmltext = "";
    		if (GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(FRINTEZZA) == DEAD)
    			htmltext = "<html><body>There is nothing beyond the Magic Force Field. Come back later.<br>(You may not enter because Frintezza is not inside the Imperial Tomb.)</body></html>";
    		else if (GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(FRINTEZZA) == DORMANT)
    			if ((!player.isInParty() || !player.getParty().isLeader(player))
    				|| (player.getParty().getCommandChannel() == null)
    				|| (player.getParty().getCommandChannel().getChannelLeader() != player))
    				htmltext = "<html><body>No reaction. Contact must be initiated by the Command Channel Leader.</body></html>";
    			else if (player.getParty().getCommandChannel().getPartys().size() < Config.FRINTEZZA_MIN_PARTIES || player.getParty().getCommandChannel().getPartys().size() > Config.FRINTEZZA_MAX_PARTIES)
    				htmltext = "<html><body>Your command channel needs to have at least "+Config.FRINTEZZA_MIN_PARTIES+" parties and a maximum of "+Config.FRINTEZZA_MAX_PARTIES+".</body></html>";
    			else if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(8073) == null)
    				htmltext = "<html><body>You dont have required item.</body></html>";
    				player.destroyItemByItemId("Quest", 8073, 1, player, true);
    				L2CommandChannel CC = player.getParty().getCommandChannel();
    				GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(FRINTEZZA, WAITING);
    				startQuestTimer("close", 0, npc, null,false);
    				startQuestTimer("room1_spawn", 5000, npc, null,false);
    				startQuestTimer("room_final", 2100000, npc, null,false);
    				startQuestTimer("frintezza_despawn", 60000, npc, null, true);
    				_LastAction = System.currentTimeMillis();
    				for (L2Party party : CC.getPartys())
    					if (party == null)
    					for (L2PcInstance member : party.getPartyMembers())
    						if (member == null || member.getLevel() < 74)
    						if (!member.isInsideRadius(npc, 700, false, false))
    						if (_PlayersInside.size() > 45)
    							member.sendMessage("The number of challenges have been full, so can not enter.");
    						_frintezzaLair.allowPlayerEntry(member, 300);
    						member.teleToLocation(_invadeLoc[_LocCycle][0] + Rnd.get(50), _invadeLoc[_LocCycle][1] + Rnd.get(50), _invadeLoc[_LocCycle][2],0);
    					if (_PlayersInside.size() > 45)
    					if (_LocCycle >= 6)
    						_LocCycle = 1;
    			htmltext = "<html><body>Someone else is already inside the Magic Force Field. Try again later.</body></html>";
    		return htmltext;

    Pls help.

  3. I try different hitTime, but problem is still remains. With default hitTime 500 in this code cast of spells which hitTime approached to 500 to slow, with different hitTime value cast very fast. Skills its big part of Lineage2 gameplay, and if u can help fix it. Change hitTime value in skills data don't help. Any ideas? P.S. I'm use free 340 rev of aCis for test.

  4. Big thanks for answers dear Tryskell and SweeTs, lately I've been asking a lot of questions about L2jAcis because try create good (x1-10) server for me and my friends, but one one more problem i could not fix, its bad/not correct cast time of skills like Aura Flare;Aure Burn;Great Battle Heal etc. This skills cast equally with MAtkSpd 1000 and MAtkSpd 2005 (Mystic Muse with full buff and malaria). Maybe u can help me, or tell how fix it.

    P.S. i try change hitTime and reuseDelay but its not help.Or Maybe its problem in my game client? Say pls what files me need change, if this is problem.

  5. I check some l2j sources of old teams, and they have limit time for farm on baium antharas and valakas (in acis files don't find any time limits :D ) . I try create good server with like l2off grandbosses, etc. I understand, on real l2off Baium, Antharas, Valakas, Frintezza havnt time limit for farm, right SweeTs? Or I'm wrong? And if u can, say what real l2off respawn time of grandbosses? I find some infromation, but i not sure that it is correct. I would be very grateful. Sry for bad english)

  6. Hi to all, first of all i try use search in google and MxC forum  :D . I try find l2j free interlude project and chose l2jacis but have some problems what i cant fix because of n00bie. I check last sources 340 all good at first sight, but skills don't work like in other free projects or on curently working server. Mage cast speed good, but skills cast time slow. If somebody know how fix it, pls answer. 

    P.S. I try correct reuseDelay and other parametters in xml files, but don't help...

    P.S. If u know other projects what i can pick for base of my x10-50 server, pls answer. :lol:  Sry for bad english, i'm not a native speaker.

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