Hello to everybody. I'am new in this forum. I'am posting here because i can't force L2Net to run on this server. I will try to explain my problem in small details.
What type of problem is this ?
[bOT Crash]
Title describing your problem.
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
L2NET Version
L2NET Data Pack Version
What operating system are you using?
Windows 7
Where did yiou experience your problem?
Private Server (L2J) www.beyond.lt
Server and Port information
What chronicle release is the server
Detailed Information
When i try to use OOG i get this:
Copy paste all text:
21:47:55 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Index was outside the bounds of the array.
21:47:55 :[Welcome to the game loop
21:47:55 :[bot -> gameserver : connected
21:47:55 :[bot -> gameserver : opening
21:47:55 :[Encoding and sending server select
21:47:29 :[login ok
21:47:29 :[login info - login info sent
21:47:29 :[login info - sending login info
21:47:29 :[login info - blowfish done
21:47:29 :[login info - checksum end
21:47:29 :[login info - gameguard end/checksum start
21:47:29 :[login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply
21:47:29 :[login info - gameguard start
21:47:29 :[login info - rsa end
21:47:29 :[login info - rsa start
21:47:29 :[login info - packing username/pw
21:47:29 :[lol gameguard
21:47:29 :[Got Blowfish key
21:47:29 :[Got RSA key
21:47:29 :[bot -> loginserver : connected
21:47:29 :[bot -> loginserver : opening
21:47:29 :[starting login Process
21:46:56 :[loaded saved enterworld packet
21:46:56 :[loaded saved blowfish list
21:46:56 :[ERROR: failed to load saved server list
21:46:56 :[Thank you for your help, and happy botting!
21:46:56 :[Motivation for development comes only through your donation! Click "Help" -> "Donate" to make your donation today!
21:46:56 :[use of this program is only allowed if the included EULA.txt is accepted.
21:46:56 :[Hello zgd!
21:46:56 :[This copy of L2.Net is out of date! Please update to version 389
What is the problem why i can't connect to this server ? Did i miss something ? I have read some post telling me that this server is protected with lameguard antibot protection, and it based on fire.dll (which i found in system directory). So it can be :(
Anybody who can understand how this works, please try it. I will provide and username and password for this server.
Server ip/port: game.beyond.lt:2110 or
Username: helomoto
Password: gavrilovas123
If i missed some important information about this server or you need server's system directory i can post it right away. Try it, and tell me if it is possible to bot in this server. If anybody can make bot work in this server ( doesn't matter IG or OOG) i'am wiling to make some donation $ to paypal account :)
Thank you guys. You are doing awesome work here.