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Everything posted by rambovii

  1. intersted in buying items ++ and custom armor if you have
  2. Give me the most competitive server out there which is middle rate or high rate and it is L2OFF. Thanks In Advance.
  3. bump,don't you know anyone?
  4. Hello guys,I'm looking for a server that: 1)has OFF files 2)is middle rate 3)retail like,maybe with A FEW custom,like GK's,buffer and 1 custom armor 4)it has MANY ppl online everyday..(above 500) 5)No donations for items etc... Thank you in advance.
  5. Hello guys,as i am not following what's going on in Lineage2 servers,i want you inform me about the most populated servers out there right now. Regards.
  6. Poios Middle rate server exei ta perissotera atoma auth thn periodo kai exei mellon..? ???
  7. καλησπερα το l2 το ξεκινησα απο τοτε που ο eglobal ήταν c3, προς το τελος του... αποτελεσμα, να καταφερω να φτασω μονο 25 lvl και μετα να αλλαξει chronicle ....ετσι παντα μου εμεινε η απορρια το πως ειναι ενας c3 σερβερ.. θα ηθελα, αν ξερει καποιος και μπορει να βοηθησει να μοιυ πει που μπορω να βρω client και τα αλλα τα αρχεια που χρειαζομαι για να ανοιξω εναν δικο μου c3 server ευχαριστω!
  8. the site was failed
  9. kalhspera tha i8ela na mu peite apo poion npc paw na parw ta skills otan exw kanei to sub...
  10. I don't care about the rates but i want to be L2OFF!
  11. you are saying that the server is L2J? if so exlpain why.
  12. if it is from the client i will re-install it but what happens if not?Could you give me a link to download it directly cause i googled many times and i couldn't find it PS: i can't play on the servers that require to change my hosts.I don't know why... :/
  13. Hello, i have a serious problem with my laptop which is that i can't play in a Lineage 2 Gracia Final(/Epilogue) server because it says that i don't have "system.dll" ... I use Windows7,if somebody knows where to download that and how to install it in my laptop so that it will be workable , then don't hesitate and answer me here.
  14. Geia xara... tis teleutaies meres prospa8w na pai3w enan gracia final server se windows 7 alla synexws mu vgazei otan to kanw run oti dn exw to "system.dll" sto system directory mu...Mhpws gnwrizei kaneis pou mporw na to katevasw kai pws dior8wsw to provlhmataki?
  15. WTS A DB FOCUS +10 on L2Forever. Pm me for more info. The trade will be via paypal.
  16. I am looking for a middle or high rate server with good population no custom weapons and armors and L2OFF!
  17. After the beta,the server will be wiped?
  18. when the server will be online?
  19. pws legetai to quest gia tin fritezza?
  20. Paidia boreite na mu peite poia epic raidbosses exoun Quest gia na beis kai apo pou to ksekinaw(town,npc) ?
  21. dn to epiasa pos akrivos 8a to kanis auto o.o
  22. does anyone know if there's a way to convert the music files at clients music folder so they can be heard?
  23. iparxei kapios tropos na ginun convert ta arxeia sto music file tu client oste na borei kapios na ta akusei?
  24. does anyone know a c5 server with extremely low rates (x1-x2-x3-x4-x5) or high (x100-x200)?
  25. hi does anyone know a c3 server? thanks
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