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Everything posted by kali

  1. Wash Somewhere I saw this work, if not change of course memory.
  2. Double Bassalt interesting work, thanks. I think if you reduce a little bit of it will be all class.
  3. good job, I think still need Antharas armor and be all in chocolate.
  4. Thank you for the adaptation, I think it will not last.
  5. - Implementation packages to 99%( Implementation packages for the client Interlude. The basis was taken Korean customer, as well as in English clients include many not implemented than in the Koreans. ) - Implemented entrance to the world( Ability to enter from our server using a client Interlude English or Korean ) - Implemented PC Bang Points( PC Bang Points points which can be used as an additional currency when buying in shops, English is the official server is not used ) See here can - Implemented Rabbit Guard( A unique system of protection against any illegal actions on the server, more focused on a batch level, it can allows player to run some of the packets to the server, but within the "safety" if he will try to cheaters that it - he will not succeed, all these actions are recorded. THERE ARE 3 difficulty levels of attacks in the first 2x only blocked the package without any news that he cheat like all Java projects, ie the server does not respond, the player will think that it is something that is not so cheaters at 3m level - cheat kick) - Implemented tree skill players, clan, fishing and globalization( System put to the files on a specific class player ) - Implemented Drop( Asubmitted in separate files on the NPC and convenient syntax. Very configurable. The system is borrowed from the PTS server. The idea is that, in L2j servers implemented only drop on the drop rate of items. In our system, implemented by the chance to drop cells in the loss of any items. ) - Implemented GM Access( The most convenient at this point recognition system and access settings for GM ) - Implemented Network IP BAN( Ability to give ban players on the server by IP and IP mask ) - Implemented ChatFilter( Ability to filter any words on the server, including the Russian letters ) - Implemented ChatBan( Ability to hang on the players chat ban, a modified ) - Implemented embedded NPC Buffer( Easy to use and very configurable baffer for playersn ) - Realized armor( Implementing the server side for C0 = 100%, C1 = 100%, C2 = 100%, C3 = 100%, C4 = 100%, C5 = 100%, T0 = 100% of information was taken from the Korean client ) - Realized veapons( Implementing the server side for C0 = 100%, C1 = 100%, C2 = 100%, C3 = 100%, C4 = 100%, C5 = 100%, T0 = 100% of information was taken from the Korean client ) - Realized items( Implementing the server side for C0 = 100%, C1 = 100%, C2 = 100%, C3 = 100%, C4 = 100%, C5 = 100%, T0 = 100% of information was taken from the Korean client ) - Realized Stores( Ability to enter from our server using a client Interlude English or Korean ) - Implemented entrance to the world( Implementing the server side for C0 = 100%, C1 = 100%, C2 = 100%, C3 = 100%, C4 = 100%, C5 = 100%, T0 = 100% of information was taken from the Korean client ) - Realized dailogi on English language( In a separate folder ) - Implemented Сonfig to turn on and off RaidPoint points( It is written in Russian and English language ) - Decreased in numbers inversion packages for different actions of players( decreased in numbers lag the client and traffic ) - The users can configure each unique item( column in the table items.extra_db options drop, sell, destroy, trade, cry meaning the use of 1,0 ) - Implemented a pattern for individual accounts( Under description ) - Implemented integration limit accounts on 1 IP( аbility to customize input with 1 IP ) - Changed engine for Event( More sophisticated operation of the engine for Event ) - Implemented Crime Engine with the support of Rabbit Guard( implementation of the prison, completely rewritten to 0, the system, easy management, monitoring both for players and for GameMasters. For the players appeared team '. Jailinfo', it displays information about current "term" in the GM menu has filters by nick GMA or player, look at him the current "date", avtoanons ) - Implemented engine for sharpening skill( fully protected ) - PPG is sewn to the players in the teleport, + GM command / / rsf set ppg20( where 20 - seconds ) - Realized Arena Manager Engine v0.8( Under description ) - Realized Arena Ranking Engine( at death or killing in PvP at Giran arena points a player will be recorded will be top players top is also possible to make awards to the winners for example every day and every week. ) - Rewrote the new system of zones for fishing( Under description ) - Implemented in the presence of AI stupidities( decided to add one blunder, the possibility of mob ala "champion" - only the status of "under the influence of grass" - ala mob killer ) - Implemented entrance to the world( Ability to enter from our server using a client Interlude English or Korean ) - Modernized core( work with the new yavoy and using 4x nuclei ) - Implemented "ride" engine( updated commands to / / ride. added to the admin panel ) - Introduces a new system of recognition of NPC( Changed the table and formulas ) - Implemented Auto-Restart( Ability to login server Auto-Restart ) - Sign implemented multiple servers( Ability to authorize multiple servers with different keys in the protocol server login ) - Modified engine login server( A clear separation of PI on the inside / outside of the mask in the config ) - Introduces a new method for connect( Modified method of connection between the game to the login servers, the new protocol KEY ) - Implemented (modified) engine skill( works almost 7 times faster than the standard ) - Made all grade for veapons, armars( Under description ) - Implemented config features( Ability to customize the characters to die will not lose buffs, run configure NPS server, NPS setting that did not die from the damage taken, more detailed configuration PC Bang Points, setting endless tone, setting how much time has passed since the last restart, when the player's login; setting RSF loot identical to the official server, config setting that enables the GM to wear an item, even if it did not rule on an item, setting the characteristics of the admin, setting animation speed modifier on attack, setting the protection of the two windows Rabbit Guard ) - Enchant weapon/armor system( sql table for enchanting every weapon/armor in the game. So you can choose what item enchant rates need to be changed and change them do not modify global constant. There(enchant_table) I have >2k items, this is all items C1-C6. Crystal enchant scrolls have a +10 bonus chance to rate for your default value. Blessed have the same enchant rate as default enchant scrolls. ) - Fully functional enchant skills server side engine( if you wanna see how it works, add a deadly blow skill(263) and try to enchant them) to finish all enchantable skills, need to add support for datapack side, with correct values). Also sql table are equal to c4 official values for 100% / new table for enchant class masters, official info / song and dance skill enchant now supported by core, not by datapack side. ) - NPC Trader system( Here I will explain the new trader system in l2jb. Now all tradelist can be founded in tradelist sql table where 'list_nid' - npcid, 'list_sid' - buylist id for this npc. Next are going 'itemprice' without any price modification, default item price. 'itemtax' is a mul for 'itemprice', if a tax have value > 1, price will be modified to 768*1.15=883, returns int value. 'itemenchant' now in test, becouse enchat rate can be seen in buylist but, request for buying item... has no enchant. 'itemMaxPurchase' this is a value for buying item with specified count, if u set value to 10, user cant buy this item over 10 count, controlled by client. tradelist_id table used to prevent some hacking from client. 'shop_id' - buylist id, 'shop_npcid' - npc id, 'shop_accesslvl' used for adminshop, if acclvl >0 then this shop is adminshop, also if acclvl < user.acclvl, gm cant cant use this buylist. 'shop_name' used for debug and log. ) - Multisell system( + multisell now almost the same as on official, all features added + feature to exchange PcCafe Poitns and Clan Reputation Points, -100, -200 itemids check npcbuffer ms to view how2 * enchant engine for ms, do not break item enchant with exchanging + new script system for data. + converter in both side, L2J-b to L2J, and L2J to L2J-b (based on l2j-sf xmls) ) - Items system( - all SA abilities and item bonuses from the xml files. Now they are used as skills. + unlimited funtion for soulshots/spiritshots, can be configured in options. + corrected fishing rewards as retail, c5 rewards ) features of the kernel RSF Scripts - Implemented buuffz.rsf( Setting the time buffs for groups) - Implemented category.rsf( Used kernel to detect classes of players ) - Implemented decaytask.rsf( Managing time after the death of mob as he More will be lying on the ground, for example animations death epic ) - Implemented gmshop.rsf( List item and shops for the administration ) - Implemented multishop.rsf( List item and shops for the players, ala gmshop ) - Implemented npcai.rsf( Under description ) - Implemented npcaiprice.rsf( Price an item, use the kernel ) - Implemented npcmodel.rsf( Setting the replacement of an ordinary display at the NPC player model ) - Implemented playerequip.rsf( Setting the "rules" for dressing an item. Detailed configuration ) - Implemented playerlvlup.rsf( Experience of setting up players on a certain level, the dynamic adjustment ) - Implemented zonerespawn.rsf( Setting spawn locations ) - Implemented gmaccess.rsf( Setting administrative rights on the server level, which gives more security to protect the rights of GM ) - Implemented network.rsf( Ability to ban players on the server by IP and IP mask ) - Implemented drop.rsf( Moved to separate files on the NPC and convenient syntax. Very configurable. Borrowing from PTS. Compared with the engine from the drop L2JServer we have more granular drop the engine in which there is in addition to all known parameters are such as cell drop rate item ) - Implemented packets.rsf( Setting the time of treatment packages with different parameters ) - Implemented playerinit.rsf( Setting class ) http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9725/rjsainter2.jpg[/img] http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/8466/rjsainter3.jpg[/img] Cost of pack 130 usd. The cost of the replacement of 70 usd per month. This project can be called eloquent, not for nubs ", I mean, if with knowledge of servers and their installation you have" not "- then there is a considerable number of projects with which to cope and the newcomer. Rabbit is based on "more" experienced. You can see description here http://www.rus-alliance.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=993&extra=page%3D1
  6. you do not speak maliciously, if such a clever put together.
  7. 1. Pak is not 100% fix is 2. You do not pack the oldest in the description that I gave. 3. You have no updates. 4. You have no source that I am At today's date.
  8. Nothing and never will, or do you think that's all dull and you intelligent.
  9. In general, the mask is beautiful, did not prevent the decrease in its size, and then as a frying pan on his face.
  10. Good adaptation, well currently selected texture. I think this is not the last your karma.
  11. Again, forgot to add the copyrights on the texture kamаel
  12. I understand you are not adapted them as pets. Ie can not sit down.
  13. Excellent idea and realization. I have an idea came to put on this valakas collars with a leash and make a pet.
  14. Sorry but that has changed from the standard bow??
  15. Spell nickname from whom you bought it will be clear that you sell.
  16. In the server and the source sewn kil Kay. If Unscrupulous buyers will try to deceive me, with help kil Kay I will reset their projects.
  17. ggg What are you, you just have chtonibud say. At La2base no source since they are sold.
  18. Ha ha ha You can not sell it for 50 euro, because you decompile which is in the Share.
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