Hi. I want to sell Feoh Soultaker lvl 94 on Ramona official server from 4game.
Account has PA for one more month.
Character has:
Immortal set - which is better than Paulinas Twilight or Dynasty
7 XP Runes 1-85 LVL
10.000 Mentee's marks
1 Maphr Wind Scroll
Sapphire lvl2 which is giving 3.5% additional damage from blessed spiritshots
16 Daily Coins
107 Metallic Fiber lv3
7 Metallic Fiber lv4
Subclass Shilien Elder lv. 42
Account nor account is not banned!
Nickname of character is normal (no xXx, PL, RU, GR) and not offensive.
Skype: miszczdareq