Hi Goys
I created this tupic so u can tell your best servers and others can try tham!!!
My favorites are
1 st L2Pride
2 nd L2Underworld
3 rd L2Pwnage
I will be pleasured if u write yours !!!
I Created this topic couse i need an oppinion for servers
I change servers every 1 month
I played Pwnage , L2Underworld , L2Pride , and others that wasnt good
I would be pleasured if u write your prefered servers so all can try tham !!!!
For me
1 rst PlaceL2Pride
2 nd Place L2Underworld
3 rd Place pwnage
Yes they fixed problems but its not the same thing with c4 c5 and int
This are the best for me
Kamael is the worthest
The bad thing is that updating the game apdates the servers too
and who wants to play dont have mutch options to cose
The moneys are mine and im inaf big and indipendent to chose how i want to spend tham
I work my self so dont have why to tell tham
I just dont want to tell couse my pc i broke and i play to my mothers laptop
And she dont want me to play l2 here
This is why i dont want tell tham
I have 16 years old so i cant open ann bank account
And for parents , i dont want tham to know it for donations .
It will be a Wonderfull thing if can donate by post .
Thank you !! :D
I want to donate and i have moneys but i dont have a bank account
Is it another way to donate ?
Dont know .. Mayby by posts (Westerunion)ect
I live in Italy