HI Guys i want to tarde all my items on L2 Refsued for items on a other good server where play many people(maybe DN Dragon) or so.(max. echante weapon +30/Armor +25)
WTT: -DYN BOW +Focus +30
-DYN Bow Master Set(light) +16
-Crystal Swim Set +16
-Ant+16,Zaken,Core,and i get get baium when someone want
-Tateossian Necklace +16,Earing +16 +++
-2.5k Special Event Medals
-450 Gold Bars (1 GB = 500KK)
If someone want i can get the items what he want(trade or try to enchant)
So leave your offers here and say on wich server u want trade the items for it.
Dont forget to ride the items wich u want trade.
thx for read it