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Everything posted by TheDarknessFear

  1. Hello people. I'm currently looking for someone who can create/edit Interlude Interface possibly with Classic or Essence modifications. Some more functions will be added and more will be added in the future. Hit me up on discord: xthedarknessfear so we can discuss further details (pricing etc). Thank you very much indeed! Won't be answering to this topic, please stick to dms either here on discord.
  2. I don't really see the point of purchasing a ready-to-open l2j project just to open a server which someone will have no clue how reacts to various situations. The best thing to do is, go with a project that has support from their core developers (acis or lucera etc) and work from there to create your customs. I agree that working with developers (if you're not one yourself) can be tricky and risky. Therefore building your own project with a ready base is more fun and will help you understand your server better. Ready packs has huge risks (bugs, backdoors, wrong and edited files) etc. Also, using a pack that has support from it's core developers gives you the opportunity to have an open discussion on their forums, report bugs, making the project better for all of us, not just for yourself. Thoughts?
  3. Heya! I was looking for someone who can provide me with any solution for FPS increase on Interlude Client. I was interested in a working Clear Cache button and/or any patch that will increase the FPS of each player. Playing on Interlude for many years now, I can understand that a crowded place will drop your FPS by a lot which is making the game unplayable and unenjoyable. For example, Baium Epic Boss always had issues (not only) with FPS drops sometimes players are playing with pixels (images). If anyone has the expertise and knowledge about those things I would like him to contact me via Discord xthedarknessfear so we can discuss further because I obviously have some questions about Client Modification and how it's done. Will not answer anything here, hit me up on disc and let's discuss it! P.S: I'm also looking for a custom simple interface (small edits). If you can do both, you are my guy! Cheers!
  4. Made some contacts, for the time being everything is set. Kindly asking for moderators to lock this post.
  5. Hello, as the title says, contact me. aCis rev. 401. I won't be answering anything here. Discord: xthedarknessfear
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