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Help with siege guards
L2BattleField replied to L2BattleField's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
ty :) 8a to dokimasw /topic locked! -
pediai xreiazome help ;/.loipon epidh sta siege prokaloun lag oi guards.8elhsa na tous vgalw kai ekana ta e3hs: #============================================================= # WARNING WARNING #============================================================= # Those settings can modify the behavior of your server. # Your server will NOT be as retail servers. # # Those settings are useful if you own some special server # or really small server. #============================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------- # Server config #------------------------------------------------------------- # AutoLoot enable... true to enable, false to disable AutoLoot = true # If false herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled # If true herbs will drop into char's bag even if AutoLoot is disabled AutoLootHerbs = false # AutoLearnSkills... true to enable, false to disable AutoLearnSkills = true # Party range for l2attackable (default 1600) AltPartyRange = 1600 # Party range for l2party (default 1400) AltPartyRange2 = 1400 # If XP loss (and deleveling) is enabled, default is 'true' Delevel = true # If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'true' MagicFailures = true # Alternative cancel of attack (bow, cast, all) AltGameCancelByHit = cast # Alternative rules for shields - if they block, the damage is powerAtk-shieldDef, # otherwice it's powerAttak / (shieldDef + powerDef) AltShieldBlocks = false # Alternative AltGameMobAttackAI, like C1 AltGameMobAttackAI = false # Alternative mob behavior in peace zones # Default = true; Set to false to prevent mobs from auto-agro against players in peace zones AltMobAgroInPeaceZone = true # Alternative Freight mode. If true, freights can be withdrawed from any place. # Also, possibility to change Freight price (in adena) for each item slot in freight. # NOTE: AltGameFreightPrice WILL NOT change the value shown to the player, but the # player will actually get charged for the value set in here. AltGameFreights = true AltGameFreightPrice = 1000 # Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3." # diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 AltGameExponentXp = 0 AltGameExponentSp = 0 # Use tiredness (instead of combat points) AltGameTiredness = false Allows to spawn siege guard when castle siege start # Disable will reduce lag when castle siege SpawnSiegeGuard = false #------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternative settings against player with karma #------------------------------------------------------------- AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = false AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = false # Can the player use Scroll of Escape or Return skill? AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = true # Can the player use gatekeepers (GK)? AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = true AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = false AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = true # Allow free teleportation around the world. AltFreeTeleporting = false #Set true for disallow recommend character twice or more a day AltRecommend = false #------------------------------------------------------------- # Crafting config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Crafting enabled/disabled. On by default CraftingEnabled = true #Limits for recipes (defal: 50 - for dwarf , 50 - for common) DwarfRecipeLimit = 50 CommonRecipeLimit = 50 # Alternative crafting rules: # - crafting takes time # - players get EXP/SP for crafting AltGameCreation = false # time multiplier - bigger number ===> slower crafting but more XP/SP AltGameCreationSpeed = 1 # Additional XP/SP rate multiplier (for increased XP/SP) default = 1 AltGameCreationRateXp = 1 AltGameCreationRateSp = 1 # If set to false, blacksmiths don't take recipes from players inventory when crafting. # Default = true (on retail it's confirmed that blacksmith use recipes for each crafted item) AltBlacksmithUseRecipes = true #------------------------------------------------------------- # Skills config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow players to change occupation via Npc Class Master # If you need change occupation only use quest then set them to false # if you want players change only first occupation set AllowFirstClass = true # if you want players change only Second occupation set AllowSecondClass = true # if you want players change also third occupation set AllowThirdClass = true # Default = false AllowClassMasters = true AllowFirstClass = true AllowSecondClass = true AllowThirdClass = true # Spell Book needed to learn skills SpBookNeeded = false # Alternative skill learn rules: # - all classes can learn all skills # - skills of another class costs x2 SP # - skills of another race costs x2 SP # - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP AltGameSkillLearn = false # Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items. AltSubClassWithoutQuests = true #------------------------------------------------------------- # Buffs config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum number of buffs (default = 24 in C5) maxbuffamount = 90 #------------------------------------------------------------- # Clans config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of days you have to wait before : # - joining another clan DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 0 # - creating a new clan DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 0 # Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 0 # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 0 # Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 0 # Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 0 # Number of days before creating a new alliance when dissolved an alliance DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 0 # Maximum number of clans in ally AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 5 # Number of members needed to request a clan war AltClanMembersForWar = 15 # All new characters of the same account are newbies, not only first one AltNewCharAlwaysIsNewbie = true # Privilege browse warehouse enables at the same time also withdraw from warehouse! AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH = false #------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18) AltOlyStartTime = 18 # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour. AltOlyMin = 00 # Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 6 hours. # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins) AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000 # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) AltOlyBattle = 360000 # Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes AltOlyBWait = 450000 # Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes AltOlyIWait = 30000 # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000 #------------------------------------------------------------- # Lottery config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Initial Lottery prize AltLotteryPrize = 50000 # Lottery Ticket Price AltLotteryTicketPrice = 2000 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 5 wining numbers AltLottery5NumberRate = 0.6 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 4 wining numbers AltLottery4NumberRate = 0.2 # What part of jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 3 wining numbers AltLottery3NumberRate = 0.2 # How much adena receive characters who pick two or less of the winning number AltLottery2and1NumberPrize = 200 #------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug & Dev config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Don't load quests AltDevNoQuests = false # Don't load spawntable AltDevNoSpawns = false alla sta epomena siege xananvgikan oi guards!!! ti mou protinete na kanw??
den mporo na kano login sto game
L2BattleField replied to l2expert's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
kane ena rr to modem kai an sinexisei klise to FW soy -
killer007 buffer
L2BattleField replied to WhyIsLife's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
ty takh