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About harry7397

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  1. server is not off just it is a new server . and i don't know how to invite more players T_T
  2. Hi all, I made a new interlude server on 25/12/2007 and to be honest i'm new to the lineage 2 community but i really hope to have your support as my server is just started up. Come and join us and the aim of creating this server is to gather all lineage 2 lover into a big community. Let us make lineage 2 community big and fun. In this server there are no gap between players and GMs because we all treat each other as our own family. Well, back to main topic. These are my server basic info. Server Info: Server name : L2 Takzawa Server rates : exp = 180x sp = 180x adena = 300x spoil = 5x drop = 5x Uptime : 24/7 Special features : 1 ) Sick of the duration of the buff? In this server you will have 19 hours of buff time 2 ) Found someone that you fall in love in the game? We provide a wedding priest for you to make your wish come true 3 ) Wanna travel around the entire lineage 2 world? There is a global gatekeeper to make your journey easier 4 ) Class changing quest? OMG ... but don't worry you dun need to do quest for changing class .. it's instant 5 ) Hero weapon can be enchanted 6 ) Max enchant of all equipment and weapon is +50 and the safe enchant is +25 7 ) Buffer provided and it give all buffs including cov and mc 8 ) Loves shopping? We provide you with the Gmshop .... Enjoy shopping 9 ) Dynasty weapon and armor included 10) Getting bored to leveling? Come and do some quests ... All of our quests are working 11) What is the most important thing for a server? Of cause is the friendly GMs and players .... 12) Show some team work spirit ...... Party up and kick raid bosses ass :P 13) More info coming soon ...... stick to our website to get latest info :D Server website : L2 Takzawa Website Server forum : L2 Takzawa Forum Special reminder : Thank you for view this advertisement. We feel very happy for your view no matter you join or not we hope that you can enjoy the fun of lineage 2. As what i said at the beginning, this server is a brand new server so if we had disappointed you, i would like to have your apologize. Anyway i hope to see you guys in L2 Takzawa.Any of your suggestions, ideas and advices are appreciated. Warm regards, Harry - Admin of L2 Takzawa P/S : Please leave your feedback if you had tried our server.
  3. hii guys i got a problem here as what i said in the topic. players and i can use the basic command such as /leae /invite /duel and so and so. but some of the commands can be used. can ayne tell me why is it like that? anyone knows where to modify it? pla help me thank in advance.
  4. do u import all the table into ur database? check ur setting in ur server.properties to see whether u set the database part correctly
  5. do u port forward?i think u need to port forward in order to get in.
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