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Everything posted by ReACTiVe

  1. man dont be stupid and read the damn post before making noob of yourself...I explained that walker crushes when I try to run it under win 7....so stop telling me im nerd or smt lol!
  2. when I do that, i try to launch game (through walker) i get error, Walker stoped working bla bla bla.... mabe its because L2W is incompatible with Win 7?
  3. so what exactly u have done? just host and walker? u dont need l2asrv and that proxy thing? or how exactly u made it work? pls tell me im desperate
  4. maybe could someone help me with my problem ?
  5. i have problem like this I use Win7 I start L2W, set directions to dn server l2.exe I hit run in walker and second after that I get error message L2.exe stopped working and when i hit close, both l2 and l2w shuts down......anyone can help me? I already tried running both l2w.exe and l2.exe as admin and setting compatibility to both for win xp....
  6. I get L2 fork stopped working error when trying to connect how it should be right? Select server from walker client select just select, not try to get into next screen? select server on bake ice client (select or try to go to another screen- character selection??) go to character selection in walker client? select my char from walker client play? plz answer all the questions :) I used several combinations and two times i got l2fork stopped working then you have been disconnected on walker clien and few times i could not get through server selection screen on bake ice client like WTF i do wrong? PLZ HELP I play on Dragon Network I use Win Vista home premium
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