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Posts posted by stinger

  1. Here is the full conversation for your disposal:


    stinger  1

    Started conversation: 22 hours ago

    Hello there, I’m interested in L2 elixir stuff. What support chars you have? And pricing quotas please. Thanks!


    Hi ive got wc 76 bd 76 sws 76 and prp 76


    Think 35 euro is good or i can make a discount for all 4




    I was looking for a cov and a cardinal.

    Anyhow, how much adena you have in stock please?


    My wc has cov and for bp we have one with friends but it is close to 75


    I think we can find up to 500kk


    Can you give me a price for the wc, the bp and 200kk please? Thanks


    Wc 35

    Bp 30

    Adena 35

    Max 95 euro


    I have some constrains cause I see that you don’t have transaction  history here; if we proceed we’ll do it by steps and I must check that you have everything the deal includes before purchasing. Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you soon. But honestly, I could prefer a symbolic discount. Thanks.


    as we will do it by step how can i do discount if i dont know whether you buy all 

    i think that we can start with 1 char than 2 char and then i get you discount fir party adena it will cost 25 not 35 ok? 


    Sounds okay. We can start with the bp which is the least expensive. But let me get back to you soon.


    Ok let me know


    May I ask if I have to change the characters’ names? I mean if you have history in the server it’s a must. Also, we’re talking for the new elixir, right?


    No you have not, me nor friends arent amything serious we just play to sell at local markets etc. 


    I mean you will not have hate for them


    okay, lets do the bp transaction now, i have half an hour then i'll be unavailable for around 6h.


    gimme your paypal email please


    btw, the characters are on L2 Elixir x3 the new one, right?


    Yes, on it

    You buy bishop now? 



    yes, can we make the transaction now, i don't have much time left, i have to go to work.


    I can do in 7-10 minutes or waut you


    ok, no more than 20 pls, and share your paypal email :)


    let's move it into 6 hour i think, busy too


      19 hours ago, Kameramann said:

    ent because we com

    Sorry, this recipient can’t accept personal payments.


    what do you mean normalpayment tho?


    There are 2 pay types gift family friends and commercial

    We in latin america cant accept or send friend

    Try sending normal but before you click send give me screen please


    ok, resend me your paypal email pls, i cannot find it


    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago




    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    i can send it as im paying for service, should i send?


    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    Give me screen before please



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    how can i upload screen here?!




    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    imgur.com or image from url



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago





    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    yes try send see if works



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    it worked!



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago




    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    ok just to verify its u whats the paypal mail? 

    (in latam people like paying with non personal paypals) 

    i see mail checking paypal now



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    xxxxxxxx@gmail.com (i'llkeep that out of public sight)



    Kameramann  0

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    sec checking



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    just received the email that you accepted the payment, your part now :)



    stinger  1

    Replied: 18 hours ago

    may i ask why the delay?



  2. Greetings admins et all,


    As the title says, I want to report a scam. I've made an "one-way" transaction with the guy with maxcheaters account https://maxcheaters.com/profile/221428-imladris/, skype account: malyksiaze82, paypal email: gabrielekersyte03@gmail.com and his name is Gabrielė Keršytė. I paid him in full and I never received neither the items nor the character. I know that I had to make my research about this guy first, but next to me I had my little cousin who was way too happy about this gift (that never happened) and I've done it. Please check my maxcheaters messages and below you can find our skype conversation. I've already requested from my bank and paypal not a refund but to freeze the money and now I'm requesting you to ban this guy from our community here. We do NOT need thieves here! 


    Here is our Skype conversation (all times are on EST, now is 11:25PM):


    Chrys, 4:17 PM

    DD., 4:19 PM

    DD., 4:20 PM

    Chrys, 4:21 PM
    do you also have any jewel set above C, like B or A ?

    DD., 4:22 PM
    nope, the only item i can get now is dc robe set for sale

    DD., 4:22 PM
    chars only

    Chrys, 4:23 PM

    Chrys, 4:24 PM
    can you throw some adena to the char? lets say 20m?

    DD., 4:25 PM
    5 EUR = 30 M works?

    Chrys, 4:25 PM

    Chrys, 4:25 PM
    so all together 55 EUR, right?

    DD., 4:27 PM

    DD., 4:27 PM

    Chrys, 4:29 PM
    gimme your paypal email

    DD., 4:30 PM
    share me like 0 to 15 min

    DD., 4:30 PM
    10 to 15

    DD., 4:30 PM
    bcuz ill need my mate to deliver a set

    DD., 4:30 PM
    im at a job place atm

    Chrys, 4:30 PM
    sure, let me know when you're ready

    Chrys, 4:35 PM
    do you have by any chance elixir plus on the cardinal ?

    DD., 4:36 PM
    Yes, but its expiring soonish

    Chrys, 4:37 PM
    ok, ill take care of it.

    Chrys, 4:38 PM
    btw whats the name of the char? its a good one? do you have history in the server? Im asking to see if i have to change it.

    DD., 4:39 PM
    No history, we are ( were ) randoms :)) The name is 6 Latin letters starting with capital, no digits, no ethnic stuff like latin, greek and so on

    DD., 4:39 PM
    Ok, we're ready as that

    DD., 4:41 PM
    gabrielekersyte03@gmail.com - 55 EUR f/f please and once it's sent, share me a screenie please

    Chrys, 4:41 PM
    sure, doing that now

    DD., 4:44 PM

    Chrys, 4:44 PM

    Chrys, 4:44 PM
    do you still want the screenshot ?

    Chrys, 4:45 PM
    To view this shared photo, check attachments

    DD., 4:46 PM

    DD., 4:46 PM
    checking it now

    Chrys, 4:56 PM
    everything cool ?

    Chrys, 5:13 PM
    something is wrong? paypal says everything is done.



  3. Hello,


    I would like from you to take a print screen of the conversation above and upload them here.


    Hello, I can do that but in a private conversation, because I'm giving character's name, personal email, etc. Does this work for you?

  4. Hello Admins et all, 


    After so many transactions that I made through this community, it was my 2nd time to come across a scammer; unfortunately.

    I'm giving his information below together with our mxc and Skype conversations.

    I can say that he mistook my kindness as stupidity and he commit the theft. I've already filled the case through my attorney, but I don't know if I can succeed telling him that this was wrong; that theft is a crime; don't do it again.  

    Please protect the community from "them".

    Thank you.


    PS: If you need anything else for supporting my case, please let me know so I can provide them. Thank you! 



    mxc name: fuers

    skype name: andrejkarlovic

    Real name: Andrej Karlovič

    PayPal email: karlovic.andrej@gmail.com



    mxc conversation:


    I'm interested in AM+7 acumen and the 772gc.
    Can I have a bundle price for them?


    I am coming home now. Add me on skype. andrejkarlovic
    Btw i accept only paypal


    Yeap, I'm doing gaming trades only with PayPal. Go home and give me a "good" price for them  :) Also, put the beret of USSR in the trade. Thanks!


    I shall be home in about 40 mins


    I am home now add. Me on skype: andrejkarlovic


    I just added you.



    Skype conversation:


    [8/18/2015 4:25:38 PM] Andrej Karlovič: Hi
    [8/18/2015 4:26:14 PM] Andrej Karlovič: Are u stinger from mxc?
    [8/18/2015 4:26:23 PM] me: yes. Hello
    [8/18/2015 4:26:57 PM] Andrej Karlovič: So tell me again which itens u would like to buy
    [8/18/2015 4:27:02 PM] Andrej Karlovič: Items
    [8/18/2015 4:27:15 PM] me: can you please give me a few seconds
    [8/18/2015 4:27:37 PM] Andrej Karlovič: Yeah. We can do this in 20 too if is np for u.
    [8/18/2015 4:27:51 PM] Andrej Karlovič: I need to take a shower. Just came from work
    [8/18/2015 4:28:19 PM] me: do your stuff, I'm finishing a meeting and we'll talk
    [8/18/2015 4:28:44 PM] Andrej Karlovič: Ok then
    [8/18/2015 4:45:16 PM] me: Well, I'm interested in AM+7 acumen, 772gc, the beret of USSR and Zaken. Give me an awesome price for them please! I want them for a birthday gift to my best friend :)
    [8/18/2015 4:59:26 PM] Andrej Karlovič: do u maybe want to buy everything?
    [8/18/2015 4:59:36 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i can give u a special price
    [8/18/2015 5:02:01 PM] me: It's not for me and it's for gift so the budget it's a bit limited
    [8/18/2015 5:02:35 PM] Andrej Karlovič: tell me ur whole budget
    [8/18/2015 5:04:26 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i can do u a nice offer.
    [8/18/2015 5:06:43 PM] me: I can go up to $40
    [8/18/2015 5:06:54 PM] me: do your best!!!
    [8/18/2015 5:07:14 PM] Andrej Karlovič: for 40 euros i can give what u asked for
    [8/18/2015 5:07:40 PM] Andrej Karlovič: so am+7 acu, beret, zaken, gc
    [8/18/2015 5:08:15 PM] me: that's great
    [8/18/2015 5:08:27 PM] me: please share your PayPal email
    [8/18/2015 5:08:34 PM] Andrej Karlovič: euros please
    [8/18/2015 5:08:41 PM] Andrej Karlovič: and family and friends
    [8/18/2015 5:08:53 PM] Andrej Karlovič: karlovic.andrej@gmail.com
    [8/18/2015 5:09:17 PM] me: okay! are we gonna split the extra charges or not?
    [8/18/2015 5:09:20 PM] Andrej Karlovič: let me calculate how much is in dollars
    [8/18/2015 5:09:28 PM] Andrej Karlovič: nop u pay the charges.
    [8/18/2015 5:09:36 PM] me: haha, okay!
    [8/18/2015 5:10:16 PM] Andrej Karlovič: 44,20 dollars is 40 euros
    [8/18/2015 5:10:25 PM] Andrej Karlovič: usd dollars
    [8/18/2015 5:10:52 PM] Andrej Karlovič: tell me when u send money so i can check
    [8/18/2015 5:11:10 PM] me: okay
    [8/18/2015 5:12:59 PM] me: money sent, please check
    [8/18/2015 5:14:19 PM] me: character name: P*** and I'm at Goddard next to gk
    [8/18/2015 5:17:24 PM] Andrej Karlovič: ok i got money
    [8/18/2015 5:18:21 PM] Andrej Karlovič: give me a sec. i have problems loging my char.
    [8/18/2015 5:18:24 PM] Andrej Karlovič: please dont panic
    [8/18/2015 5:18:28 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i wont scam
    [8/18/2015 5:18:44 PM] me: okay, I had the same problems today.
    [8/18/2015 5:18:49 PM] me: I understand
    [8/18/2015 5:19:02 PM] me: just pm me here when you're at Goddard, thnx
    [8/18/2015 5:19:03 PM] Andrej Karlovič: dint log in 1 weeks
    [8/18/2015 5:42:20 PM] Andrej Karlovič: it appers i wont be able to log untill i get a response from a gm
    [8/18/2015 5:42:26 PM] Andrej Karlovič: which could take days :/
    [8/18/2015 5:42:35 PM] Andrej Karlovič: a submited a ticket
    [8/18/2015 5:42:38 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i
    [8/18/2015 5:42:44 PM] me: why is that tho?
    [8/18/2015 5:42:48 PM] Andrej Karlovič: no idea
    [8/18/2015 5:42:57 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i didnt log in 1 week coz i didnt have the time
    [8/18/2015 5:43:04 PM] me: what is the issue?
    [8/18/2015 5:43:04 PM] Andrej Karlovič: and my account got banned
    [8/18/2015 5:43:09 PM] Andrej Karlovič: when i try to log
    [8/18/2015 5:43:10 PM] me: aouch!
    [8/18/2015 5:43:13 PM] Andrej Karlovič: it says
    [8/18/2015 5:43:24 PM] Andrej Karlovič: that my account got banned and that i should contact support
    [8/18/2015 5:43:45 PM] me: I see
    [8/18/2015 5:44:14 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i am sending u the money back
    [8/18/2015 5:44:54 PM] Andrej Karlovič: give ur paypal
    [8/18/2015 5:46:04 PM] me: c****@i***.org
    [8/18/2015 5:46:28 PM] me: But you can take 1-2 days if you get the account unbanned
    [8/18/2015 5:46:45 PM] me: we'll proceed with the trade, if not then you can send me the money back
    [8/18/2015 5:46:54 PM] Andrej Karlovič: are u sure>
    [8/18/2015 5:46:55 PM] Andrej Karlovič: ?
    [8/18/2015 5:47:05 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i mean i wont scam u.
    [8/18/2015 5:47:16 PM] me: yes, I understand the situation
    [8/18/2015 5:47:31 PM] me: if you send me the money back you'll pay the fees
    [8/18/2015 5:47:47 PM] me: and then if I send you the money again back i'll pay again
    [8/18/2015 5:48:03 PM] Andrej Karlovič: in both casses u are loosing money
    [8/18/2015 5:48:10 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i get it now
    [8/18/2015 5:48:16 PM] Andrej Karlovič: ok then
    [8/18/2015 5:48:22 PM] Andrej Karlovič: give me up to 3 days.
    [8/18/2015 5:48:29 PM] Andrej Karlovič: if not the i send u money back.
    [8/18/2015 5:50:29 PM] me: okay, but not more than 3 days
    [8/18/2015 5:50:39 PM] me: cause I don't want to miss my firnds birthday
    [8/18/2015 5:50:43 PM] me: friend's
    [8/18/2015 5:51:03 PM] Andrej Karlovič: when is ur friends birthday?
    [8/18/2015 5:51:11 PM] Andrej Karlovič: just so i know how much time i have
    [8/18/2015 5:52:15 PM] me: in 3 days :P
    [8/18/2015 5:52:31 PM] Andrej Karlovič: ok. we can in touch
    [8/18/2015 5:52:41 PM] Andrej Karlovič: tnx for understanding my situation
    [8/18/2015 5:52:54 PM] me: no worries, being in touch!
    [8/18/2015 5:53:47 PM] Andrej Karlovič: keep.
    [8/18/2015 5:54:00 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i writing like a 3 year old lol
    [8/18/2015 5:54:02 PM] Andrej Karlovič: am
    [8/18/2015 5:54:03 PM] Andrej Karlovič: omg
    [8/18/2015 5:54:13 PM] Andrej Karlovič: multitasking and shit
    [8/18/2015 5:54:30 PM] me: hahaha!
    [8/19/2015 4:20:58 PM] me: hey, any news today?
    [8/20/2015 1:19:36 PM] me: Hello, I'm expecting the good news by the end of today (my time), else please contact me for sending my money back. As I told you before, I don't want to miss my friends birthday. Thank you!
    [8/21/2015 11:15:36 AM] me: Hello, I kind of find you irresponsible trader.... It's been several days now and I have nothing from your end; neither the expected items nor my money back. I remind you what you said to me: [8/18/2015 5:17:24 PM] Andrej Karlovič: ok i got money
    [8/18/2015 5:18:21 PM] Andrej Karlovič: give me a sec. i have problems loging my char.
    [8/18/2015 5:18:24 PM] Andrej Karlovič: please dont panic
    [8/18/2015 5:18:28 PM] Andrej Karlovič: i wont scam
    [8/21/2015 11:17:05 AM] me: Now I'm concerned regarding our business.... Please do respond ASAP.
    [8/22/2015 12:38:42 PM] me: Still nothing from your end.... So you are a scammer, right? And today is my friend's birthday. Now, I'm in a awkward position thus I'm informing you that first thing on Monday is to enable my lawyer, the Financial Protection Bureau, the New York State Department of Financial Services, PayPal Services and mxc forum of your theft. And all these it's for the money itself, it's for protecting my rights. After all these years doing transactions across several games, I came across you, a thief. Please delete me from your Skype and be ready of what will follow.
  5. Hello Admins et all,

    This guy/guys are scammers inside and probably outside the forum. 

    The story goes that I was going to buy some epic jewelry from him, so -as always- I mentioned my rules (everyone's rules); show me the items and let's make the trade. He (or whatever) went ahead with the conversation which took around some days and before making the trade he changed the rules and asked for the money first. That was strange... I then Google his paypal email and I found some other topics inside here and in some other forums that he is a scammer. Well, we have to protect ourselves, and you as the administrators have to protect us from those who diminish maxcheaters.com . I know that I'm a newbie to this community but such actions must not be tolerated. 

    Please make that happen; secure us!

    I want to close the topic with an advice to all: try to make deals happen inside forum, it's safer!

    Thank you!


    I'm trying do give you links of the conversation but I can't, thus I'm authorizing the admins to look over my in-forum private conversation with the name: "core bnb x10 epics". (Or advise me how I can do it in a different way) 


    Also, here is this guy topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189537-items-adenas-in-l2bnb-l2core-hellbound/

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