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About max4

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    United Kingdom

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  1. WTS char in La2Dream.com, IL server X50. Amazing population. Good server balance. very cheap!!! Started end of last year. EVA'S TEMPLAR TANK lvl 80, nobl + 3 subs (SPS/SAGGI/spoil) all 3rd class lvl 80. 19 COLS worth 2 bilions each IC Set +6 DC set+3/+4 Tallum set Heavy PL set +6 TTS+6/+4 set 1x FB Focus +5! 1x clean FB DB focus +6! 1 X AM+1 Acumen! Olympiad weapons - focus bless Most important skills +10+13 around 2 billion adena 1 blue Cry lvl 13 1 red cry lvl 13 Loads of Mats for crafts 40k+ S crystals :D Some MJ full drops and other stuff in WH BONUS ACCOUNTS : RB cameras+++++ summoners... pagans lvl 76 3rd class ponny, sobek ashikiel, ember mos etc (all summoners) best offer you can get. message here or pm and we can skype discord .. ts or fb Finished good place in olympiad. Quitting L2 again :D. PM offer
  2. did you sell them?
  3. UP Also 5Fb crafts under way BONUS ACCOUNTS : RB cameras+++++ summoners... pagans lvl 76 3rd class ponny, sobek ashikiel, ember mos etc (all summoners) best offer you can get. message here or pm and we can skype discord .. ts or fb
  4. UPDATED! Easy hero! WTS char in La2Dream.com, IL server X50. Amazing population. Good server balance. Started 1-2 months ago. EVA'S TEMPLAR TANK lvl 80, nobl + 3 subs (SPS/SAGGI/spoil) all 3rd class lvl 80. 19 COLS worth 2 bilions each IC Set +6 DC set+3/+4 Tallum set Heavy PL set +6 TTS+5/+4 set 1x FB Focus +5! 1x clean FB DB focus +6! 1 X AM+1 Acumen! Olympiad weapons - focus bless Most important skills +10+13 around 2 billion adena 8 BEAS!! 1 blue Cry lvl 13 1 red cry lvl 13 Loads of Mats for crafts 40k+ S crystals :D Some MJ full drops and other stuff in WH Finished good place in olympiad. Quitting L2 again :D. PM offer
  5. Noblesse Shillien Templar lvl 80+ Selling all account + email. + access more boxes BD/SWS/WC/Dagger etc Tank: Full IC set +3 + elements TT set +3 FB + Focus +150 wind Aprox 250kk adena Mats for craft Some IC recs more random stuff from boxes 7+ Giant codex PM for more info or write here.
  6. LVL 79!! ST, Noblesse, with sub BD and summoner, GW 64 Pm for more info, or write here.
  7. Thanks for bump...and your nab comment, but the account has been sold:)
  8. Quitting l2:) Add me on Skype: ~~~xxx ~~~ if interested (PM me here if you do...) I use Paypal:) The char: ST lvl 77. Noblesse. I have a 50+ BD sub. MJ set almost complete:) DLE common weapon:( --- 1 BEAS... 4 EAS...FB edges...1 TTS neck rec...many mats (I created buy shops to get mats for 2 X FB craft) ... --- probably 50kk++ adena (have many dwarfs...didnt count all adena) --- 6 BOGs. --- 1 BLUE SC lvl 12 :) --- 1 wolf lvl 53 (good for sub) The highest bid wins:). Any questions ask here. Thanks! Good luck!
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