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About Imba228

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello WTS : Elemental Summoner 61 lvl with Prem Account for 1 mounth I Have DC Robe set and Valhala (A) Give me Good Offer => Skype: cccp-7up Pay only Webmoney , QIWI , Master Card
  2. i can make for you TT set or DC\TM write me !!!
  3. Hello! i have 500kk 100kk = 3$ 500kk = 12$ WM , QIWI, PRIVAT PM: cccp-7up
  4. I have ~200kk now.
  5. I have overlord 68. Offer pm
  6. Hello! WTS: Adena L2 Mid x25 20kk = 1$ We Accept PayPal. Visa.Master Card. Webmoney Skype: cccp-7up
  7. Hi All! WTS: Adena Lineage2Classic.com x3 Talking Island have 1kk = 15$ skype: cccp-7up Webmoney Paypal Visa \ Master Card
  8. Already Sell. Close plz
  9. Hello. WTS: TODs L2Dex Server Nanna x75 rate Left 2 120 Tods and DC robe set (x2) 1 000 Tod = 8 eur (+ DC set present) 2 120 Tod = 15 eur (+ DC set present) Write me skype : cccp-7up Only Webmoney or Qiwi. Paypal - no offer.
  10. WTS TODs 2000 left 1 000 - 8 eur 2 ooo - 15 eur Add skype : cccp-7up Only Webmoney or qiwi wallet
  11. Only Webmoney or Qiwi Wallet 650 tod = 8 eur. Add me skype: cccp-7up
  12. Only today I sell last 650 tod for 8 euro Add me Skype : cccp-7up
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