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About fahir1

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  1. Hello, Currently selling adena on L2 E-GLOBAL Currently on stock: ~2800 MC Price 50 COL for 1 euro / 1,10 USD For big amounts has discount Leave skype or pm me for more info. You can check my previous sales with good feedback here (also can search my profile for even previous posts with sales):
  2. Hello, Currently selling adena on Valhalla Age NEW remastered Currently on stock: 1500 COL 750 all sold Price 30 COL for 1 euro / 1,10 USD Leave skype or pm me for more info. You can check my previous sales with good feedback here (also can search my profile for even previous posts with sales):
  3. Hello, Currently selling adena on NA Classic server - Aden and Gludio. Currently on stock ADEN = 2.500k 1.500k 3.000k 1.000k 2.950k ZERO left Currently on stock GLUDIO = 1.000k 1.600k ZERO left Price 100k for 1,50 euro or Price 100k for 1,70 U$D Leave skype or pm me for more info. You can check my previous sales with good feedback here (also can search my profile for even previous posts with sales):
  4. Added the following chars for sale: WTS WC 79 3rd job (offer) WTS SE 78 3rd job (offer) WTS BD 78 3rd job (offer) WTS DESTRO 78 3rd job (offer) WTS SPOILER 78 3rd job (offer)
  5. Hello, Currently selling adena on Lineage 2 7x E-global interlude. Currently on stock = 1.500kk 750kk left 09/06 restock = 2.400kk 1.200kk left Price 75kk for 1e WTS Eva Saint 78 3rd job (offer) SOLD WTS Warsmith 77 (offer) SOLD WTS WC 79 3rd job (offer) WTS SE 78 3rd job (offer) WTS BD 78 3rd job (offer) WTS DESTRO 78 3rd job (offer) WTS SPOILER 78 3rd job (offer) Leave skype or pm me for more info. You can check my previous sales with good feedback here (also can search my profile for even previous posts with sales):
  6. Will be available from jan/01 until jan/02
  7. IMPORTANT: I'll be on vacation from 12/26 untill 12/31 with no access to sell. Later on everything will be normal. Leave your requests that asap I'll answer.
  8. For big purchases I can make 10kk = 1e
  9. ***OUT OF STOCK - OFF THE MARKET*** Hello, As title says, I'm selling adena @ RPG club new server PEACE 7x. Prices are cheap and can get discount on big purchases, message me or talk in skype. Currently on stock: 800kk 600kk sold 200kk sold 15/12: 150kk 100kk sold 16/12: (out of stock until monday 18/12) 18/12 1.600kk stock 20/12 2.000kk stock 200kk sold 100kk sold 500kk sold 23/12 2.100kk stock 140kk sold 25/12 1.800kk stock 350kk sold 1.100kk sold 26/12 800kk stock 02/01 1.000kk stock 1.000kk sold For trust/safety purposes, you can check my previous sales with good feedback (from 2014/2015 RPG servers). As always, we can make small transactions time by time if you are not 100% sure. Leave message or private message me with your skype so we can talk better. Thanks in advance.
  10. Nice dude! Very nice! I managed to understand a bit how it works, but I tried to add it on my own auto level script and couldnt make it. My auto level script is very similar to that one, can you help me which parts should I add in order to make autoreconnect work? Thanks in advance.
  11. Very good prices! 125kk = 1 U$D 138kk = 1 Euro Working with paypal. During week from 10pm to 1am (GMT -3). Weekend all day available. Leave PM with your skype and we can talk better. All amounts and flexible trades (as many transactions as you need to feel safe and comfortable).
  12. As title says, I'm currently selling adena on lineage.ru Lira 7x GF. Prices will be cheaper than others because I'm not known as "top seller". If you are afraid of buying or dont trust, we can make small transactions untill you buy your wanted amount. Very good prices! 125kk = 1 U$D 138kk = 1 Euro -> Currently on stock ~350kk ~700kk 950kk 250kk 500kk 650kk Out of stock atm 800kk 1800kk 1000kk Out of stock 550kk 2.700kk 3.700kk 2900kk 4.300KK 3.300kk 2.200kk Trade summary: 700kk sold @26/09 790kk sold @26/09 650kk sold @30/09 500kk sold @07/10 800kk sold @11/10 1000kk sold @12/10 800kk sold @23/10 1000kk sold @27/10 1000kk sold @28/10 2.200kk sold @01/11 -> I have AA / materials / crystals if interested aswell (very cheap price) Still, I already sold adena before, you can check that topic with good rep: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/186978-adenachar-l2rpgclub-3x-motherland/?do=findComment&comment=2438062 I'll be available this weekend. During monday to friday I work and study, so I dont have much time to sell. Please feel free to pm me or leave skype so we can talk!
  13. Prices lowered. Wanna get rid of everything =)
  14. Hello guys, I'm currently developing my own 1-40 auto level script and it's going pretty smooth, eventhough my scripting knowledge is very narrow and dumb. Anyway, what I'm doing is setting functions that have prerequisites to trigger, such as: position, check level, check items, check buffs, and if everything is ok they start. It's not the best way, but it's working and I'm pretty excited about it. The main problem I'm facing atm is that after I get to my designated spot of leveling, I wanna keep checking 3 conditions to stay there: 1) Level restriction (user.level>=32) 2) Buffs ended User.Buffs.ByID(4326, buff) 3) Dead (User.Dead) I have set those 3 functions written properly, but I dont know how to keep checking them in the previous function to be triggered. I managed to set one of them at a time, by using this: while not level32check do Delay(1000); // while not level >31, keep leveling But if I die, my script will be stuck in this loop, same if I ran out of buffs, it will probably die and do nothing. I tried to do something like this code below with "while not" at the end of the spot function, but it failed to work because it only considers the first if: function spot3check: Boolean; var buff: TL2Buff; begin if User.Dead then begin deadcheck; end else User.Buffs.ByID(4326, buff) then begin soe; end else (user.level>=32) then begin level32check The point is that after it get to the spot, keep checking buff,level and dead. If any of them, begin that function and end the previous one. Glad if you can help me, Im breaking my head for 4h already. Some bonus questions: :D 1) How can I set a function to keep checking if my char is standing (not moving, not sitting, not dead, not fighting) for more than xx seconds and if true, use SOE (stuck check) 2) How can I check a specific skill from my character and check if he doenst have it. Same if he has it, then check it's level?
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