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About Punisher2

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  1. I found this server through the forums here, and i feel like i owe it to this site to say my piece. I joined L2EQ this summer searching for good place to stay and here's what i've found: Pros: The biggest thing for me is the stability this server provides, as it's already been mentioned, the server has been online for years now and hasn't been wiped, neither they intend to. So if you're looking for a new server to join, rush and forget after a couple of months, this isn't for you. But if you're looking for something that will be around for a while, and all your hard work not going to waste, then this is definitely for you. Second, is the newbie support system. They have added a system that lasts a whole month to help newbies, and believe when i tell you it makes you not want the month to end. It really helps a great deal and you won't feel left behind. From xp, to gear, to enchants, or whatever you may need. Certainly the best newbie system i've ever seen. Third, customized stuff. They have added so many customs features and things, that it's literally overwhelming (in a good way) when you first join L2EQ. The gear is retail hi5, which is also a great deal, because if they had added custom gear after all these years you wouldn't be able to compete with the older players. Also, they have detailed guides placed at most towns for information, or you can use custom commands that has info and FAQ in general for almost any question you may have about the server. Another thing is the community. I joined as a newbie expecting to farm my way to a clan, but on my first week there one of the top clans invited me as a member. There's even a list btw you can check with the .newbie command, where you can check which clans are recruiting newbies, and with people that volunteer to help in general. I didn't expect that at all, tbh. Not to mention, that if you like pve like me, there's rb farm every single day, even if you don't have a clan or you're still new. The drops are very good and they will help you get on your feet really fast. Plus it has the usual voting system in place with rewards. The GM support is almost daily, and even if you don't see a GM online, you can always email Ballz (the old school way) and he will reply at the same day, which i've tested and i'm grateful for. Their attitude is professional and polite, so you won't have to worry about corrupted or rude GMs that ignore you there. I'm not much for PVP, but if you are there several places for it. One is a pvp farm area that has daily pvps there, another is a regular farm area that also has constant pvps. There are the usual arenas and so on, and events that are happening on the hour, with a variety of choices, which you can vote on btw. First time i've seen voting for events, but hey, at least it's here. Plus you get good rewards even if you lose. It's worth mentioning also, that it's an english speaking server, and the rules are clear about flaming, so you don't see the kind of debauchery i'm used to on (semi-)pvp servers. There's trash talk to be sure, but not the type of flaming (naming mothers and so on) like i've seen around. It's pretty much a friendly global chat. Lastly, there are donates available to get stuff and help the server, but it's the most passive donation system i've come across. I swear i didn't even notice it on the site till someone pointed it out to me, and in game you won't even find an npc or announcement or anything suggesting that you should donate. (except on the FAQ at the bottom i think). There is not even a question of pay2win about L2EQ, and even if you donate everything you wont be far ahead from others, since i'm already farmed as good as an old player, counting the gear only of course, and not enchants. Cons: First, would be the activity. This a tricky thing btw, since there are older players joining again after some time, so it's not like most servers. In general, the activity isn't like you'd see on a new server, that's the truth. But it has plenty of people around to have enough action to keep you entertained and sustain the economy. Personally, i would say that this server doesn't need more people online, it specifically needs "new" people to join. Second, and that's just a personal note, is the wars. If you decide to join a clan you most likely will end up being at war with another clan, and as a new member that's frustrating. It is understandable of course to have feuds for such an old server, but still it is annoying on a daily basis when you're still farming for your gear. Not that you can't farm in general, but you know how wars are. That's all for now, and i can answer any question you may have btw, so pm if you want, or quote me here. This server is really a gem, and i'm glad i've joined. Even if i change my mind tomorrow and leave, i can always come back a few months, or a year later and find my char ready to compete and enjoy the game again, and that to me is very reassuring, because i don't think i could have done that even on official L2. People are helpful and there's enough action everyday for hours and hours, that's the honest truth as i've witnessed it. I'm not gonna persuade anyone, you can just read my rant and either believe me or not. This is the first time i've written a review for a L2 server and i get no reward from it, i only do it because i'm grateful. My advice would be to try it and see for yourselves what L2Equanimity has to offer , i doubt that you will be disappointed. Cheers!
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