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Posts posted by gvb

  1. 41 minutes ago, L2Full said:

    Hello, I have an server server in my hand, the man I bought enters my server and makes himself a GM and distributes items to everyone on the server. I don't know how to do this, but I'm banning a new char.


    Hi, I can find and cut a backdoor. Skype: qfatalonp

  2. 2 hours ago, la2betdrema said:

    I guess I have to dig into RequestSellItem, but I can't figure out where...


    final Npc merchant = (player.getTarget() instanceof Merchant || player.getTarget() instanceof MercenaryManagerNpc) ? (Npc) player.getTarget() : null;
    if (merchant == null || !merchant.canInteract(player))

    If you remove this condition, the sale will work, but this is not the right decision.
    It is better to consider when we sell through NPCs, and when through CommunityBroad.

  3. 39 minutes ago, dodelez said:

    Hello guys

    Interlude server

    so this on Acis and some more servers

    when mage cast (every skill) somewhere about 1.5k matkspd

    there is now diffrent if its 1.5k or 7k the animation skill and the skill reuse bar is the same speed...

    (maxmspeed unlimited) but there are no diffrence after 1.5/1.7k matkspd

    some one know what i need to change for make it be faster like in custom interlude + servers?

    Limit packet forwarding for animation to 1 time per 200 milliseconds.
    This will solve your question.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Sxizofrenis said:

    Thank you my friend.Just messaged him.


    COSTUME MODE: example.

    <armor id="9555" name="Costume">
    	<set name="crystal_type" value="NONE"/>
    	<set name="icon" value="icon.etc_magic_coin_gold_i02"/>
    	<set name="price" value="500000"/>
    	<set name="type" value="DRESS"/> 
    	<set name="weight" value="10"/>
     	<set name="displayId_FORMAL_WEAR" value="7864" /> //Apella Display
    		<slot id="UNDERWEAR"/>


  5. 18 minutes ago, Sxizofrenis said:

    Hello to everyone.

    I am interested into buy a c6 custom pack and i am looking for a developer.


    I want the pack to have dynasty and apella armor with edited stats,dynasty and freya or icarus weapons, and the accessories of latest cronicles like tha bamboo hat or the scream mask.Tattoos also.Maybe level 1 and 2 of all costum items.


    I would also love a tvt event and many bosses with a boss npc information.Some extra things also.Details which will be discussed in personal.


    So if any developer is interested comment my post or send me a pm.

    Please dont send me any texts with the style"Hi, i have a pack quite similar to this or i have this lolz pack if you are interested ... "



  6. 36 minutes ago, erikson2 said:

    I have some doubts about files for interlude server.
     l2lucera, l2acis, l2frozen

    which is better to raise a server?
    server 10x no custom




    I advise you to pay attention, try, instructions inside.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Pamela32 said:


    example @gvb  i prepay this guy 50e to work together .. then he dint had time and he return instatly all money .. rare guys like him ...

    I'm for fair deals. People who work with me do not allow me to accept other orders. Constantly gives me a job :)
    My reputation is weak on mxc, but soon I will raise it in this forum.

    I wish you solve problems, you can not leave everything as it is. That next time at other user did not have problems.

    A strange programmer who writes 10 lines per week. 1.15 drains per day. :D

  8. The situation is ordinary.
    There are 2 options.
    1. Money back
    2. finish order without any questions.
    p.s why do you agree to work through Team Viewer? This is not very convenient, and takes at least 2 times more time to work.

  9. On 3/4/2019 at 5:48 PM, VirusCipri said:



    I want someone to install me smt like this :


    using frozen gevorakoc's files.


    *paying greece paysafe 50 euro if you can add it as fast as possible (2 codes of 25e each)

    * PAYING BEFORE if you forum profile shows me that u have good reviews and u are not that kind of user with 3 posts



    Write me in Skype, I can be a performer.

  10. On 2/4/2019 at 11:11 PM, DLDL said:

    Hello everyone


    I need someone who can create automatic +30 skills for me " you can buy it from npc or donation store from Alt + b" for H5


    Please pm if you can do it.

    What is the problem to add a bypass with the parameter from html (skillId). And assign the player the desired level immediately? Before that, put a check on the withdrawal of items and the like.

  11. On 16.01.2019 at 04:25, KötÔº said:

    Извините, если я пишу не на том месте на форуме, пожалуйста, переместите мое сообщение



    Я хотел спросить, есть ли какая-нибудь трещина для teamviewer 14? Я не хочу платить за эту программу

    Use version 13, with crack. What is the problem?

  12. 1 hour ago, crazyrx said:


    Я ищу любого, кто работает с разработчиком, у меня проблема с моим проектом Gracia Final, когда я иду в класс npc, чтобы заполнить навык, и я иду в опцию EnchantSkill, ничего не появляется, ни Список навыков, которые нужно зачаровать, и никаких ошибок. Ничего не происходит, если кто-то знает эту ошибку и хочет помочь или даже получить работу, которую я оплачу.

    write me in skype. Fix it in a short time.

  13. 22.09.2018 в 20:27, dorian150692 сказал:

    привет, я здесь новый, и я ищу сервер Lineage 2, чтобы завершить последний платеж C6, который не содержит ошибок и других ошибок, которые на 100% свободны от ошибок в квесте и других вещах. Я заранее благодарю вас за помощь и поблагодарить

    Interlude Emulator: http://gvbits.ru/file/build(GVBITS)_9qGfPhVWg5.zip 

    VT:  https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/4c24987b01acc9e29c09074215de1c3400b78a6cc55b7d40603743396d4d97f3/detection

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