ive played on this server since live started, and in my expericenc its been average at best. great launch, great uptime, no dc's that i was online for, but the quest rate is a flat 1x. complete garbage imo and the quest rate was not advertised on their site. a forum poll was created by a random user asking if quest rates needed a boost which 68% voted yes, and the forum admin "kewl" said he was boosting some end game quests by 10x and some of those were getting a 2x reward, i think the actual gm post was copied in this thread but anyways, the only quest that i noticed a boost was the GC quest maybe the toi quest got a boost also, but the vast majority of the quests were set to 1 drop per kill before and after the "boost" so they boosted the quests but set a cap of 1 item per mob, which is mostly retail. i know for a fact that the finest food quest did not change after the boost (tat recs in HS).
i had been agreeing with other forum users about the the need for a quest drop increase in the forums and questioning the "boost" (which never fully happened) when i got a flame hard post from an admin named "HeKtor" about how i was lazy, which i replied by telling him to stop being an emo kid and stating what i had done so far on the server (which would indictate to anyone that knows L2 that i am not lazy). since then my account got banned and my last post deleted. i have since made one other forum account and a post asking if any other admin can review my ban and now i am IP banned. all for simply stating the truth about an emo forum admin (HeKtor). i have also sent an email to the administration asking for a review of my bans, but it has been 2 days and no replys. since its become apparent to me that they don't care, i will help my clan at a castle siege then im done with this server.
another thing that is completely bs is that they have modified at least one mob's spoil in beast farm. I have spent 5-6 hours in beast farm trying to spoil DC helm recipe which i have spoiled ONE. according to pmfun it is a 4% spoil rate and this server says to have a 10x spoil chance. LOL that should be around 40% (side note: most of my time spent at beast farm was with a higher level damage dealer). also the same mob should spoil some crappy phoenix jewel recipe at a 30%ish rate and i have got ZERO. to me that says they have manipulated the success rate of that mob (and probaby others) so players will have to spend more time farming their A grade. servers always advertise their ++++ rates, even this server. so why don't they advertise their 1x quest rates and negative spoil rates on some mobs? O wait i know, its to create the appearance of a really great server, which it is not.
lets talk server population. in prime time the server population is anywhere from 900 to 1100 (according to their web site) but as a player who's played since day 1 of LIVE i do not agree with these numbers. i think their online counter is BS. its been so rare for me to port anywhere out of town and see another player. there are 75-100 offline shops on the server i would estimate, which im sure go towards their number but i just don't see how that population number remains so high. TBH i think there might be 300-500 players on this server and there server counter on their web page is set to count a base 500 + real players + boxes + offline shops. disclaimer: i could be way off here as i do not go around trying to count online players, its just my own approximation.
now to sum up my novel about this server:
-it had major potential for a low rate, but the admin/gms tried to make it way too low, with these quest rates you should have made it 1x across the board and advertised it, then i would have never joined it
-immature admins ruined it for me, maybe for you as well
-they took away donations for sub/noble at start but added again recently (i would know exactly when but i was banned from forums for the emo kid statement)
-how is it not pay to win now? which on your web page it says "no pay to win"
-and why is HeKtor advertising for a gracia server that starts next month? wtf is up with that?
so if you want a low rate server with 1x quest rates and immature admins this is the server for you
anyways sorry for the novel but i thought it was fair for me to tell you all here whats up with this server before you join.
thank you come again <3